
Trump and His Lawyers CRASH HARD After GUILTY Verdict | Alien Super Show


#Trump #Lawyers #CRASH #HARD #GUILTY #Verdict #Alien #Super #Show

This week on Alien Super Show… We got him!!!! Justice is served and the aliens go all in on Trump’s historic guilty verdict – all 34 million counts! Also, Trump lawyer/goon Todd Blanche tried every tactic but offering a defense, Supreme Court Justice Alito’s apparently bonkers wife let her fascist freak flag fly, Zotox’s favorite 90’s actor Dennis Quaid breaks bad in the worst way with a little help from disgraced “journalist” Piers Morgan, former “comedian” Rob Schneider assumes role as professional washed-up actor now washed-up political pundit. The aliens deliver a measured take on planetary affairs including some of the hypocritical statements about the Israel-Gaza war and Biden’s “red line” that can not be seen from space.

ALIEN SUPER SHOW is a political comedy show unlike anything this world has ever seen. As part of pre-invasion prep, Gleep, Spornak and Zotox are tasked with the worst job in the universe… monitoring American politics and political media.
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39 thoughts on “Trump and His Lawyers CRASH HARD After GUILTY Verdict | Alien Super Show”

  1. I'm the manager of a store in Mississippi. Lately it feels like EVERY FREAKING DAY I have trumpets come in and instantly become political. My "favorite" one so far was "When trump left, he was the brokest president because he never took a paycheck. That's because he loves us and didn't need or want the paycheck". I'm usually very good at avoiding politics/religion talk in the store, but these people are truly pushing me over the edge. One lady said the words "you're smart so I'm sure you're voting for the right man" and then went on a long tirade about how old Biden is. I swear to god I might snap soon

  2. The US is supposed to stay out of religious wars like in Israel. I feel bad for whats happening over there but giving them money or weapons isn't the answer. I don't know what is but it won't help the end game. Ukraine needs us and we can actually make a difference there. BB should step down or get arrested for war crimes. Cant murder children because Hamas is near them!! Im fed up with the BS.

  3. Dennis Quaid?? Are you serious?!!! Just goes to show how social media and mainstream media has failed the American people. Thank God for MEIDAS TOUCH NETWORK and other pro democracy independent media. Thanks for all the hard work

  4. If MTG can blame every person and can show naked photos of Hunter Biden in the congress, why can I blame her,too.?

  5. Trump’s lawyer looks beaten done with a lack of self esteem. Shoulders crawled up and a clear lack of sleep

  6. If you want to have a fun show, here is a couple of clips I remember so funny, that T did. First, remember the plaid shirt guy? Sooo funny. Remember the wildfires in California when trump said the fires could be put out easily with rakes? Do you remember when trump visited Paradise, California and he made some stupid sexist comment making it seem like he just had a climax by being there. Ask your supporters some of the things they remember and make it a show stopper.

  7. No way should a person be able to hold the most respected and powerful seat of power and respect and be exspected to run our country with a clear and honest decisions. Some one who doesnt have thirty four counts of hush money payments and falsesify documents. Also hoarding boxes and boxes of classified documents taken by Trump to his fox hole in florida named marriloggo. I nor would and also We the People dont like or want a crooked old. Man and a convicted felon taking charge of our country he will take and lead in some kind of dispute or possibly in dispute with Russia, China or or some other country. Hes not worthy to hold any kind of office. Maybe he can become a trustee in prison😊

  8. God, Jesus, Mary, all the Apostles and all their familes and friends are most definitely DEMOCRATS!!
    (….and Satan is absolutely a MAGA Republican)😛🙂🙃

  9. “He’s MY asshole!” That’s quite the flex there Den. All Hemorrhoids Matter!

  10. Is it my imagination, or does Todd Blanche look like a dime-store version of Joey from Friends?

  11. Idiots, we are not voting for Hunter Biden; we are voting for Joe Biden – a decent, honest, and upright man.

  12. 👽👽👾👾👾👽👽👽👽👽👾👾👾👽👽👽👽👽 MORE ALIENS !!!!

  13. This show is so freakn hilarious! "Antisemantic" is brilliant! Well done! 👏👏👏👏😃

  14. There is 3 to 4 evil 😈 judges 👩‍⚖️ judges 👨‍⚖️ 🤔 in the supream court 🙄. Evil 😈 gready ones.😮

  15. And yet we see the ultimate corruption from Georgia and their Appellate Judges. We see corruption from Cannon in Florida. And we see the ultimate corruption from the Supreme Court in DC. He will be found guilty in at least one or two of those cases eventually. And Trump will certainly commit another crime. But Trump will not be President again!

  16. I find it hard to believe that we have so many people blindly trusting the fake media.

  17. John Voit ain't an expert on Politics !
    Nikki Haley doesn't know that Netenyahu is a ZIONIST ?

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