
Trump already hates his new criminal lawyer, FURIOUS


Trump already hates his new criminal lawyer, FURIOUS

#Trump #hates #criminal #lawyer #FURIOUS

🧑‍⚖️ Morgan & Morgan: You can start your injury claim at
— A new report from the New York Times reveals that failed former President Donald Trump is already furious with his criminal lawyer Todd Blanche, regularly questioning what he pays him for

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Broadcast on May 3, 2024

criminal lawyer , Trump already hates his new criminal lawyer, FURIOUS, trump hates lawyer,trump angry with lawyer,trump lawyer,trump attorney,trump todd blanche,trump criminal defense,trump trial,trump case,trump arrest,trump indictment,trump arraignment,trump crimes,trump charges,trump jail,trump prison,trump 2020 election case,trump classified documents case,trump georgia case,trump new york case

34 thoughts on “Trump already hates his new criminal lawyer, FURIOUS”

  1. 0:44 – ". . . of his episodic rash."
    Is this where we dump on you for misspeaking like you do so often (dump on people, not misspeak)?!

  2. I don’t think the judge at this point would allow him to fire his attorney. If I understand the law correctly, the judge would have to approve such an action.

  3. Trump' needs to get his diaper changed and give him his bottle when he is.going to sleep in the court room

  4. Todd Blanche knew the risks of representing Trump. No sympathy. I hope he got paid up front.

  5. “Blancmange, as a defence lawyer, is too soft to defend me.” Announces Donny.
    “I know more about law, finance, debt, taxes and windmills, than anyone.” Donny boasted, regularly.
    Fine, Donald, fire your lawyers and represent yourself.

  6. Getting rid of Blanche sounds like a convenient stall tactic. Obviously needs another six months to pick a new lawyer.

  7. How would Donald know if Blanch is a bad lawyer? Sir snores a lot is sleeping all the time!!

  8. Some times your case is only as good as your client – this is one of them. Despite popular beleif, lawyers don't have a magic wand. Do you honestly think they would have gone after Trump if they didn't have a solid case?

  9. And of course VONSHITZNPANTS is trying to put out about how much he is angry at his lawyer; this will be his next appeal tactic in him trying to wiggle his way out of his conviction by saying he had bad or misrepresentation!

  10. David, we need to get Trump's new nickname "VONSHITZNPANTS" to go viral!! So we need to start referring to Trump with his nickname and stop using his real name! We should no longer state Trump's name and ONLY call him VONSHITZNPANTS! After all, his right wing MAGA Cult freaks LOVE to hear name calling and insults towards the left. So let's give them a taste of their own medicine and start calling Trump VONSHITZNPANTS and his followers, "the VONSHITZNPANTS MAGA clan"!!

  11. I think Blanche is playing the hand he was dealt and hoping that Trump is found guilty and receives the best sentence we can hope for…

  12. trump just wants to change the subject. he doesn't want people thinking about him fornicating with an adult film star while his wife was pregnant.
    he plays a game of smoke and mirrors, word salads and nonsense.

  13. This reminds me of a line from one of the early episodes of Breaking Bad: "You don't need a criminal lawyer. You need a criminal. lawyer." TFG better call Saul!

  14. What an arrogant ignorant prick he is. You deserve everything coming your way hitler pig.

  15. Hi David
    I was wondering about something tonight, so I did a search, which answered my question. Maybe I missed it but do not recall anybody mentioning this before, especially when the answer is right is out there. This explains why he mentions “Make America Great Again” all the time . He has the copyright on (if I mention that again will I have to pay him royalties?”. He has been making a load of money from his own supporters from this from day one. I have not seen any reports of exactly how much, but I am sure it would make interesting reading.

    (Trade)mark America Great Again: Should Political Slogans Be Able to Receive Trademark Protection?
    Katherine Kerrick
    In late 2016, Donald Trump was granted trademark protection for his presidential campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” This registration is one of few—if not the only—political slogans registered as a trademark with the USPTO. Four years later, and four years after the completion of the presidential campaign which effectuated the slogan, the MAGA regis

  16. What does he care about how much his lawyers cost, he's not going to pay them anyway. 😮

  17. Trump has watched too much TV. Thinks a good lawyer can get anybody off. There is too much damnable evidence. The lawyer decided the defence not the client. When you are guilty, it is difficult to get yourself out of trouble.

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