
Trump adviser rocked with legal news he’s been DREADING


Trump adviser rocked with legal news he’s been DREADING

#Trump #adviser #rocked #legal #news #hes #DREADING

The Legal Breakdown episode 185: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Peter Navarro’s 4-month prison sentence and the mechanics of an appeal.

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Suit by JB Clothiers:
criminal law , Trump adviser rocked with legal news he’s been DREADING, Brian Tyler Cohen,Trump,Republicans,Democrats,brian cohen,politics,news,peter navarro,trump trial

32 thoughts on “Trump adviser rocked with legal news he’s been DREADING”

  1. Just because he's been convicted when will he serve? When is it Steve Bannon will serve his time? This is ludicrous! They have both cheated the American people. 👎

  2. The 2 tier ruling for Trump and his confederates is getting ridiculous. Judges have no credibility with either side. Maga things they are over prosecuting Donald, the rest of us because it seems like no matter what Donald and friends do they won’t have any real consequences. A fine that will be paid by some super PAC isn’t worth a damn thing to the American people counting on judges to keep this a nation of law!

  3. Four months is not enough time for that prick. Next, they need to go after Jimbo Jordan. He defied a subpoena as well. Time to lock them all up.

  4. Navarro should have gotten at least 10 to 20 years easy as all the rest of them should. Why so little time?

  5. 🤥The country suffered the consequences of Donald Trump’s election lies on January 6th. And
    Fox 🦊 News paid 💰785 million to continue it.

  6. So, basically:

    1. **Peter Navaro's Trouble**: Peter Navaro, who's a friend of Donald Trump, got in trouble. He has to go to a special place for four months because he didn't do what some important people told him to do.

    2. **Peter's Appeal**: Peter doesn't want to go to that special place, so he's asking another group of important people to help him not go. But asking for help costs a lot of money, and it might take a long time.

    3. **Steve Bannon's Story**: Another friend of Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, also got in trouble like Peter. But Steve hasn't had to go to the special place yet because he's asking for help too.

    4. **Peter's Decision**: Peter has to decide if it's worth paying lots of money and waiting a long time to not go to the special place for four months.

    5. **Justice for Everyone?**: Some people say it's not fair because if someone else who wasn't friends with Trump got in trouble, they would have to go to the special place right away. But Peter and Steve are still at home.

  7. 💥💥💥I have an idea🙋‍♀️ it is that someone like one of you guys goes to NATO and countries that are close with us and interview the leaders of each country and ask them how they feel about Donald Trump getting back into power and then you bring the tapes back and show them on the news all the time. What do you think?

  8. Navarro and Stone were seen locked together in several hand-shandy parties under a portrait of Herr Shtumpf. Puts a new slant on upstanding republicans.

  9. Navarro deserves at least 6 months, as well as Bannon. People like Navarro and Bannon need to spend some time in jail, period.

  10. I thought trump promised to drain the swamp.
    And yet all he seemed to domit make the whole situation so much worse.
    Has there ever been this many criminals in washington?
    Like honestly how many people are now convicted criminals who were involved with Trump.

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