
True Crime: How She Got Away With Murder? #BrynSpejcher #truecrime #criminallaw


True Crime:  How She Got Away With Murder?  #BrynSpejcher #truecrime #criminallaw

#True #Crime #Murder #BrynSpejcher #truecrime #criminallaw

Bryn Spejcher stabbed her boyfriend 108 times. She killed him in cold blood and unprovoked.

After a jury found her guilty of manslaughter, Judge Worley gave her ZERO jail time – she walked free after killing her boyfriend.

#truecrime #manslaughter #murdermystery
criminal law , True Crime: How She Got Away With Murder? #BrynSpejcher #truecrime #criminallaw, comedy,law,attorney,funny,hilarious

30 thoughts on “True Crime: How She Got Away With Murder? #BrynSpejcher #truecrime #criminallaw”

  1. Being high should exacerbate the verdict not excuse. Follow that judge closely. He got a new house, a yacht snd/or going out w that vermin? There is more to this shyt

  2. All depends on who you know or how much money you have. This is how local magistrates and courts go. There needs to be the same time for the same crime. If this was a man he definitely wouldn't have gotten manslaughter. He would have gotten murder and would spend the rest of his life in prison.

  3. That's bs the lawyer shouldn't be able to diagnose that as a disorder they obviously never smoked weed before and also the judge, otherwise that would know that is bs

  4. Who the hell believe that kind of bs there is no such thing i have ever heard of ive smoked weed for over 10 years and never had thwt happen to me or anyone else

  5. Instead of watching a 30 second youtube mabey research the actual facts of this case. The judge did nothing wrong. The defense AND prosecution both agreed she had a legitimate psychotic incident.thw judge was restricted by sentencing guidelines…he sentenced her to 2 years probation (which was what the prosecution requested) and lifetime drug testing…Marijuana psychosis is apparently a real legitimate thing (but very very rare) and studied and peer reviewd by the AMA…(and for those blaming California or Liberals this was a Republican appointed judge)

  6. Could you imagine if a man would if stabbed his gf 108 times and then tried to argue that it was cannabis psychosis not only would the would the entire courtroom bust out laughing but the man would have to argue to not be sentenced to death while this POS only had to argue what they watch on tv that night in her house. Also if this was a male the media would be having a field day showing this monster that murdered his gf and got away with it and her family would be on tv beggih for justice but because it was a man this is the only time I have seen or heard about SMFH equal my ass

  7. The only way cannabis can induce psychosis to this degree, is if you have underlying mental health issues, such as schizophrenia.

  8. Man.. sooo much bullshit… I smoke weed all day everyday… never ever been in a psychosis… never lost my mind… she's fucked

  9. She chose to get high there for she is guilty of murder and she should get no less than 30 years in prison. The judge deserves the same sentence

  10. That's so disturbing…what about hard drugs like meth? Let's just allow people to kill others because of being high. Fucking blows my mind.

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