
Trudeau’s soft-on-crime policies have DEADLY consequences


Trudeau’s soft-on-crime policies have DEADLY consequences

#Trudeaus #softoncrime #policies #DEADLY #consequences

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criminal law , Trudeau’s soft-on-crime policies have DEADLY consequences, paychecks,taxes,affordability,expensive,debt,budgets balance themselves,economics,cost,food banks,poverty,ESG,Investing,Senate,Biden,America,CBC,Corruption,Minister,Pierre,Piere,Polievre,Poilievre,Conservatives,Liberals,NDP,Canada,Ontario,Ottawa,House,Parliament,Debate,Exchange,Leader,Opposition,Justin,Trudeau,Chrystia,Freeland,Socialism,Communism,Jagmeet,Singh,PPC,Peoples Party of Canada,Maxime,Bernier,Homeless,housing crisis,inflation,cost of living,carbon tax,heat banks,heat

28 thoughts on “Trudeau’s soft-on-crime policies have DEADLY consequences”

  1. Where do all these “extra “ liberal idiots keep coming from? Like are they breeding morons and liars behind the curtains 🤦‍♂️

  2. Maaan wtf. This is so sad. The justice system unfortunately is currently in the favour of the criminals. I know this from first hand account as I used to work for the dept. Of Justice for 6 years. The current system is a joke. My thoughts go out to the kids and family of this murdered mother.

    Time for a commonsense conservative government.

  3. Not to long ago, a good friend of mine had a huge argument with his now ex girlfriend. I remember him getting arrested with multiple scratches all over his face & neck. He ended up being denied bail because of his fixed address being the same as cause they lived together. Now I see people who are a potential risk to reoffend & they already have outstanding charges. WTF

  4. You are going to find nothing and do nothing, because that's what you have proven yourself to be most proficient. Doing nothing where the common citizen is concerned.

    BTW, did you get the bonus this year? And the family outing allowances? Just curious.

  5. ask my friend who was home invaded, forcibly confined, death threatened and assaulted with a weapon, guy got house arrest, thanks turdumb.

  6. Look at that liberal woman, then look at her conservative counterpart and you can tell the difference between stupidity and intelligence.

  7. When will women be women again?
    Too much tv and liberal fantasies lies.
    When will men stand up for their women to be amazing women, mothers and sisters again?

  8. I live in Calgary, it literally feels like there are a total of 10 police officers for the entire city.

    People are doing whatever they want, and this is one of the extremely sad cases of that. RIP. 😓

  9. I pray everyday that the ones passing these laws are the victims them and their loved ones are the victims of the soft on crime laws. It be so nice to see after they lose a loved one to see how fast they change the laws . For now I pray and hope Karma listens

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