
Trial Of The Century: The OJ Simpson Case Revisited | @RealStories


Trial Of The Century: The OJ Simpson Case Revisited | @RealStories

#Trial #Century #Simpson #Case #Revisited #RealStories

Forensics in the O.J. Simpson Murder Trial: Millions watched on television as the jury rendered their verdict. Orenthal James Simpson was found not guilty.

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criminal law , Trial Of The Century: The OJ Simpson Case Revisited | @RealStories, documentary 2023,full length documentaries 2023,documentary movies – topic,free documentaries on YouTube,Real stories uk,real stories full documentary 2023,real stories,dna evidence analysis,o.j. simpson case,real crime,controversial trials,criminal justice reform,criminal procedure insights,forensic analysis,forensic evidence,high-profile case,high-profile trials,infamous trials,unsolved mysteries,If it doesn’t fit you must acquit

27 thoughts on “Trial Of The Century: The OJ Simpson Case Revisited | @RealStories”

  1. All his “brothers” and “sisters” had to pretend he was not guilty, while crossing their fingers behind their backs. They called it “keeping it real”. Not a proud moment in their history.

  2. Nicole Brown NEVER should have married O.J. Simpson! That turned out to be a horrible mistake. The man beat her right after their honeymoon for cryin outloud! No doubt Simpson was a throughly evil man. Now he faces God's courtroom.

  3. Simpson DID receive some punishment 1. He spent a year in jail while he was on trial for murder. 2. He spent nearly ten years in jail for armed robbery. 3. He suffered in agony from cancer for a long time before his death.

  4. what i find most astounding is that OJ confessed in his autobiography…. I have no idea how people posting his memorial are even asking the question if he did it or not. How is this up for debate???

  5. I thought he was guilty without a doubt for years too, but a lot of slick stuff has come out (years) later. The police were extremely shady with a lot of the evidence and the lawyers had little trouble dismantling them. Don't believe me, just do your own research. If he was indeed guilty, law enforcement did everything they could to F it up with "creative" evidence gathering that ran rampant in the 90s. We have convinced "killers" from that eara being acquitted every other day lately.

  6. Everybody knowsAnd I know he did it just look at the pictures when he beat the s*** out of and everybody knows if somebody beats the s*** out of you all the time then you wind up dead they're probably going to be the ones that did it Nicole

  7. I always just said hey man they said you did it that means you did it OJ and I don't care that he they didn't have a warrant

  8. There is no doubt about his guilt: Not the murder itself, but the way (rage) of murdering leads only to the conclusion of domestic related reasons.

  9. An absolute disgrace that both Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken have yet to even be held responsible for the death of Natalie Wood. AND here is something for you to think about when it comes to WHYTE INJUSTICE-Don't forget the outcome of these TWO court cases- (1) The former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner who only received a 6-month jail sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious white woman who he saw on the roadside, (2) The heir to the du Pont fortune who in 2009 was convicted of raping his THREE-year-old daughter was given no jail time by the whyte female judge for the trial-did your so-called Justice Department call for a re-trial. White folks are mad for OJ acquittal in that murder trial. What they need to talk about is their MURDEROUS history in this country against black (Afrikan) americans and across the globe. And look at the OUTRAGEOUS prison sentence of 10 years for that white female cop who was found guilty (who is eligible for parole in 5 years) for murdering a black man in his own apartment while he was eating ice cream on the couch in his apartment.

  10. You people are so stupid. You don’t even know it would be impossible for OJ to kill them both by himself.

  11. Would have been way more blood in the ford bronco. Two peoples throat were cut. He couldn't hide that much blood in 30 minutes. He didn't do it

  12. The gloves did not fit because he had a pair of white gloves then put those leather globes over them how stupid the public is look at that video

  13. It wasn't just johnny cochran he had a dream team robert kardashian head of that team and rk said on an interview that said allevidence was there blood weapons etc but oj thought he was it. He was a self centered and he was aggressive and not one was too get in hisway

  14. maybe now if the house is still there, and if its possible to exhume the remains of Nicole and Ron, do DNA testing now (OJ would have stopped it but now he cant)….A friend told me about the glove and what JC said to the jury…if it doesnt fit, you must acquit. THATS BS!!!! When i bought a pair of leather gloves, they were soft……but one day i left it outside and forgot to put it away. i went to go get it and it was damp from an overnight rain shower…..i put it away to dry. a week later, I went to get the gloves to do yard work, As I fit it on my hands, the leather gloves were somewhat hard and it was difficult to fit……. Blood IS liquid when in the body, but dries soon after.
    In my conclusion, when he left the earth today, he probably met Nicole and the Lord. They both know what happened….so I leave it up to the Lord for his final destiny.

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