
TRIAL Judge SCHOOLS Trump to HIS FACE as Day Starts


TRIAL Judge SCHOOLS Trump to HIS FACE as Day Starts

#TRIAL #Judge #SCHOOLS #Trump #FACE #Day #Starts

Judge Merchan had to school Trump and his counsel in court that his gag order doesn’t mean Trump can’t testify at trial. Michael Popok explores the “evolution” of Trump’s wrongheaded public statements that his lawyers allow him to make, which is all for show, because he is unlikely to ever testify successfully in his criminal case.

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criminal law , TRIAL Judge SCHOOLS Trump to HIS FACE as Day Starts, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

22 thoughts on “TRIAL Judge SCHOOLS Trump to HIS FACE as Day Starts”

  1. Come on orange boy , testifie in court the place that unlike the media will fact check your lies as you vomit them , it won't last long I can't see you telling the truth lasting longer than 30 seconds and that's for your name if you can get that right

  2. It’s insane that he attacks the judge with that gag order. Totally false…how on earth would you want this un knowledgeable person to run for President…is there really no one else on the Republican side doing any better?

  3. Trump is so stupid, dumb, unintelligent. Mind blowing that he was President. This guy is dangerous, not because he is clever, but because he is exceptionally unqualified.

  4. Has Trump ever read the Constitution? The guy is a moron who TRIES to "act" smart. He fails miserably. Lol

  5. I don't think there is a world where Trump's lawyers tell him anything. I don't think he would listen.

  6. Symptom of the grandious narcissist, we have a victim here.
    How many incarcerated people are of a victim mentality?

  7. Trump is testimonial phoney,He is like a 2 year old you have to tell them to not touch the stove repeatedly you have to tell him everything like he knows nothing so then he can't deny, but he still will deny that he's allowed

  8. POPOK! Please get a pair of Harry Carry glasses. You will be Harry Carry Popok. Please……

  9. Donald Trump always act like the macho man when he's boasting that he wants to do something that he knows he can't do so he can't get called out for being a wuss. But it always backfires on this idiot. Like when he ran to his golf course in Scotland and from there boasted to the media how he was hurrying back to defend himself… Never happened. This time he's adamant about how badly he wants to testify. If only the dastardly judge hadn't put me under a gag order #@!! #!

    Oh, never mind I can testify.
    What's that, Will I?
    Maybe, I might.. (slinks away trying to cook up another scheme @#!#@!)

    What a punk.

  10. It does not matter what the Judge said in court. The gag order is illegal. No one else is gagged but attack Trump in videos and interviews everyday. The supposed unbiased Judge should recuse and step away. There is no crime here unless you count the shake down of Trump for money. Or do you make money off the supposed intelligent people in your audience by not reporting or researching the truth? You can not be as stupid as you sound.

  11. QUESTION!!!!!
    What's to stop me from walking up, after Trump walks off, and standing in front of reporters and acting like someone important and addressing all the questions with honest and factual answers?
    Why can't I or anyone walk up and say, "Mr. Trump has been told exactly what his gag order includes and it is also public record you all can look up. He's well aware the gag order does not effect testimony. Why the fuck would it? Think about it!!! Duh! Do you swear to tell the partial truth and nothing but the partial truth and forcibly omit shit so you can't defend yourself so help you God. (people are fucking stupid) Mr. Trump is not allowed to talk about jurors, witnesses, court staff and any of their family members and he's well aware of that. So he's out here complaining to make himself look like a victim to all of you just by using the term gag order. He's making it bigger than it is. He's mad because he can't call the judge's daughter a lying whore, or a couple of the witnesses lying whores. He can call the judge a lying whore, he can even call President Biden a lying whore. Like with every new thing he learns, like the term gag order, he wants to come out and throw it around like he's smarter than everyone else (like a kid w a new toy, watch me, watch me) and give inaccurate information so the world believes his treatment is unjust and cruel and our whole system of law is corrupt. So basically y'all, he can talk as much shit as he wants to about billions of people, he just can't about important folks, maybe 20-30 folks out of the entire world's population, who are part of his cases so they can be kept safe and keep the process of a fair trial exactly that, fair, just like what you and I would both want right? Any other questions?"
    Why can't I pop out real quick and break it down for real in front of the same press people, like I'm about to give bullshit answers on Trump's behalf, but just tell them all the shit he lied straight to their faces about? Why? Why?

  12. trump knew and was propagandizing. but BLANCHE!!!! What a hack for nodding YES to that obvious propaganda.
    The media's on bended knee again just letting propagandize the country since 2015. trump wins. gg

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