
Treadmill Abuse Murder Trial: Video of Defendant & Victim at Gym


Treadmill Abuse Murder Trial: Video of Defendant & Victim at Gym

#Treadmill #Abuse #Murder #Trial #Video #Defendant #Victim #Gym

Video is shown to the Treadmill Abuse Murder Trial jury of #ChristopherGregor and his son, Corey, using the treadmill at the gym. Gregor is seen putting Corey back on the treadmill and watching his son fall down repeatedly.

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50 thoughts on “Treadmill Abuse Murder Trial: Video of Defendant & Victim at Gym”

  1. Here I am, going through my second pregnancy loss after one successful pregnancy, one ruptured fallopian tube that almost killed me, and just had surgery 6 days ago to remove my second ectopic and a chunk of my uterus. I am doing everything I can to have more babies and there are DEMONS out here killing their children. I just will never understand why people do this, especially to their own babies. It’s pure evil and they will pay, whether it’s in this life or the afterlife.

  2. I hope the family court judge who gave this animal the child is charged with a felony and sued for everything he or she has. I absolutely hate that judge. I mean HATE. I WISH There was a stronger word. F the system. F this POS dad.


  4. Yet, the heterosexual male community LOVES to deny LGBTQ the right to adopt 😑🤦🏻‍♂️

  5. That's what is mind boggling to me…. How someone in situations where your doing something to a kid and they feel no feelings towards them. I mean my heart breaks anytime my kids get upset or cry. So how can an adult and or a parent just not care about their feelings and how they must feel putting them through whatever horrible thing your putting them through! Makes me sick!

  6. This hurt my soul as someone who was abused as a child with Corporal Punishment 🙁 Prayers & Hugs for the Family & rest in Peace Corey.

  7. Ok, but is this the cause of the kid's death? Cause of death was sepsis from pneumonia; not death from treadmill.

  8. Christopher Gregor you are a real piece of every human and every creatures' excrement!

  9. I can't believe how cruel this man was to this child. He deserves a treadmill straight to hell.

  10. Did anyone else notice that after the child fell and the father was putting him again on treadmill, he was biting on the child's head. Thats just pure evil.

  11. Did you notice the distance Cody kept between him and his abuser father when they were leaving the gym? Did you notice the pacing of the his father? — He is a predator, a bully, a sociopath, a coward, a man with a plan. He hated his own son. He hated his son’s mother more.

  12. I have a feeling his dad [the victim's father's, father] probably did the same thing to him as a kid and saw nothing wrong with it.

  13. Very hard to watch without screaming at my phone. This beautiful boy is in heaven now. No more abuse. Heartbreaking

  14. Some think it is okay for a child to run in a marathon. If that kid passes afterwards is that child abuse?

  15. What the HELL is a 6 year old doing on a DAMN treadmill. PSYCHO SADIST.

  16. No complaint and showing any emotion because you would get a beating hard that causes pernament damage
    This is my currently status as of right now:
    My father is not a rookie abuser he doesn't abuse me in public places instead in his home he abuses me and gives my little brother priveledge over me it seems he loves my little brother and he hates me he makes me do all of the chores if i conplain or show any emotion he would beat me this is why my little brother disrespects me and abuses his priveledge over me, and he knows that after i get my beating he would always laugh at me and i am still there with no emotion but inside there was a bottle overflowing with hatred and sadness, this is why i avoid doing activities with my brother he would set up something to get me beaten end of the story of my brother lets go to my mom and grandma next my mom/grandma doesnt do a thing and he always is finding a way to justify my dad's actions right now my head is messed up full of scars and bumps caused by my father punching my head i dont know why he punches my head at all times when he is beating me could you answer it if you red this far of my useless comment thats all

  17. You know….I really hate to even say this. This animal(abuser-NOT A FATHER)…aka busted sperm donor got off on what he was doin. He got pleasure on abusing that poor child. He wanted nothing to do w/him. & not even pay child support( which I’m assuming he was doing). That thing despised him down to his core. He planed to do what he did. So he could achieve not to ever pay one more penny!! He shows no remorse! NONE!!! At least that’s what I think. I’m still trying to understand why the mother even let her poor child ever near him. Especially knowing that she reported that busted sperm donor. Also was that in some apartment complex? Or some gym outside the home? Was it nobody watching those cameras, especially if it was at a public gym? I don’t know. I just think that if it was at a public gym, you think that if they seen that on their cameras, they would ask the father to get him off especially going that fast even after he fell several times….ikd Id like to think someone would have stopped him. But then again it could have just been at some apartment complex & they record for safety? Ugh! So frustrating. Heartbreaking to see. May he R.I.P 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽

  18. Father is guilty of first degree murder of his son.He is a monster.
    This video is clear proof.

  19. One can only imagine the sad ending of little boy Corey. He tried his best to meet the unrealistic expectations of his monster dad. Getting abused and thrown again and again on an active treadmill. Being abused and bitten. Looking at Corey's reaction and obedience to the instructions, this would have played out several times in their daily life…

  20. This guy will never see the light of day. He will have a welcoming party in prison for sure.

  21. One major rule about running is to pace yourself and go at the speed you're comfortable with. When you go about full speed you'll get tired more easily and hence not lose weight, not to mention the risk of overexertion.

  22. I can’t even finish watching this video ….. It is so brutal and I can’t believe this happened to this little angel boy …… my heart is breaking when the boy even did his best on the treadmill to show that he is listening to his dad who is such a monster. 😢😢😢😢😢

  23. And look at Chris not even walk out with Corey but let the door nearly shut on Corey. What a mean, angry, uncompassionate, disrespectful, hateful, merciless, bully to the enth degree. Lock him up. I hope they have a doctor who will testify that this extensive exercise would cause pneumonia. Also, I wonder if Corey got a blood clot.

  24. Since this video was several days before Corey died, and he told Chris that his legs hurt, it isn't such a leap to think that Chris did this same thing to Corey the day before he got sick. Corey was running extremely fast for a 6 year old and for so long. Chris did NOT even help Corey up when he fell off! And what was the bite for???
    Omg, if my x had done this to our son, I would have been LIVID.

  25. I believe the guidelines are that children under a certain age should NOT be allowed on a treadmill for safety and other reasons.

  26. All that heavy breathing probly caused the pneumonia if that’s what his defense claims he died from.. smfh he’s a evil monster!!!

  27. That poor baby was made to do all that running & his dad was still angry with him & biting him on his head what a sick evil individual , I can’t imagine what his poor mother is going through because she kept reporting him & nothing was done, I really hope that he gets life in prison

  28. RIP little angel 👼 I don’t understand why GOD let this violence happen to you. I pray you are in heaven now.

  29. What a disgusting man lock him up and throw away the key. How could you do this to a little child RIP 🙏 it's absolutely sickening watching this little boy is in heaven now. Videos like this are proof of pure evil he is a monster

  30. 心裡變態,自己外型比小孩還肥胖,為什麼不是你自己去鍛鍊身體,如果不喜歡自己的孩子,當初就不應該把他生下來受虐待,虎毒不食子,禽獸還比你有良心

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