
“Trans Identity Nothing To Do With Sexuality!” Julia Hartley-Brewer Blasts New SNP Hate Crime Laws


“Trans Identity Nothing To Do With Sexuality!” Julia Hartley-Brewer Blasts New SNP Hate Crime Laws

#Trans #Identity #Sexuality #Julia #HartleyBrewer #Blasts #SNP #Hate #Crime #Laws

JK Rowling has vowed to continue “calling a man a man” in defiance of controversial new SNP hate crime laws.

The Harry Potter author said she would not delete her social media posts, in which she has regularly argued that trans women are not women, to avoid being taken to court “under this ludicrous law”.

She said she would instead “do some more accurate sexing” after the legislation takes effect at the start of next month, despite predictions that LGBT campaigners plan to use it to target her. Rowling lives in Edinburgh.

Humza Yousaf oversaw the passage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act at Holyrood in 2021, when he was justice secretary in Nicola Sturgeon’s government.

TalkTV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by Alba Party Westminster Group Leader and former SNP MP Neale Hanvey who both says JK Rowling has been “an absolute hero.”

#jkrowling #scotland #man #woman

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46 thoughts on ““Trans Identity Nothing To Do With Sexuality!” Julia Hartley-Brewer Blasts New SNP Hate Crime Laws”

  1. " it's incredibly poorly drafted " would be an SOP for the government, wouldn't it . The trouble with the idea of making stirring up trouble is that you are making a person responsible for somebody else's actions. This means you are making it impossible to speak about anything no matter what side of a subject you're on.

  2. The legislation was not "poorly" drafted, it was drafted exactly in line with the SNP's totalitarian agenda.
    There's also nothing "controversial" i.e. debatable. It is evil, end of.

  3. I think J k Rowling is a modern day heroine, she will be remembered for ever in history. She is right and l think she is great.

  4. The delusional are now having more legal rights than those of us that don’t have psychological issues.

  5. We need to stop prefacing woman and man with the word Trans full stop. I’m old fashioned and believe we should call a spade a spade.

  6. telling the truth is now unlawful, well, never saw that coming . Truth will always win. Truth and facts can never be deigned.

  7. If misogyny will be considered a hate crime then logically misandry must also be considered a hate crime. Not only is this a ridiculous scenario but the proposed separate legislation designed to protect gender critical views are cancelled out by the inclusion of trans identity.

  8. JK Rowling was right all along. They removed "Sex" as a protected group in the legislation so that biological women (or men) could not assert their identity, but must conform to trans ideology. It is amazing how trans activists insist that everyone honor their multi-dimensional and fluidly changing identities, but they want to outlaw other groups being able to assert their own identities.

  9. This could mean a remake of ' Bravehart ', 😂

    Doesn't the UK have this nonsense law already?

    It's nothing more than control.
    It's dictating what you can and can't say and if they can do it with this or religion, what's next?

    So if you don't believe there is a god, it's like saying you have to stay quiet about it while religious people can go around and spout whatever they want about a character of fiction.
    Which of course is wrong because it would force the idea that there is a god despite no proof of one.

    Of course, that's an example but I think you get what I'm saying!

  10. God save our souls. This is just stage one. Speak at your peril, for soon it will be a crime to speak or think. If you believe this is going to apply in a fair way across the board is hilarious.

  11. As expected, it's suggested that the regulations are just poorly drafted and require amendments to get it right. No, it's not poorly drafted, it's just poor full stop. It doesn't need amended, it needs to be completely scrapped.

  12. Hate is hate. No group should get special treatment. A hate crime against a white heterosexual man is as equal of a hate crime as one against a minority. They created a unfair playing field where minority’s are free to express dangerous views or be hateful whilst any criticism of that is deemed criminal…. Utter madness

  13. No lawyer in a court of law could demonstrate that 'Acquired Gender' (ref. GRC) is an objective fact. It's a legal fiction. The law can only recognise that some individuals believe they have an Acquired Gender, not that it's an objective property which exists in fact. Sex, however, is an objective fact, including under law (UK). The existing laws (GRA04, EA2010) can't compel an observer to describe a subject's 'Acquired Gender' – which is an unfalsifiable belief – as if it's Sex. Any more than they can compel an observer to say that a subject has a 'soul'.

  14. any man going for JK is showing us that they not real women and a woman that think's am wrong they should have a good think

  15. Wtf is wrong with the Scotts, can't they see all this crap is coming in in the guise of independence. Which they won't have as they will be ruled with an iron fist of the eu, and Scotland will be no more

  16. Hate is an emotion and therefore there is no way to define it. The powers that be want to indoctrinate us with lies. You can't re-invent truth and reality. We all know what a man is and we all know what a woman is, so stop trying to get us to think otherwise.

  17. Orwell warned us in his book 1984 about Thought Crime …. These are aspects of totalitarian regimes

  18. JK Rowling can’t be bought she is too rich same as the Tate brothers, the Polititians and the MSM took the cash hence where we are now. Meat climate mandates free speech CBDCs all coming from the same place. Why does the billionaire want to lead the biggest lost cause in history ? Why is the Government failing deep down the public know

  19. Snp leader makes a racist speech about scotland has to many whites in jobs of power. Nothing happens.

  20. Yes, I too am willing to go to jail to stand up for the truth of biological sex. This is 1984 in reality. I believe a vote for Labour will be a vote for the same type of laws in England. My advise is if you value free speech don't vote for parties who don't protect your rights.

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