
Trans hate crime law: How JK Rowling challenged police on misgendering and won


Trans hate crime law: How JK Rowling challenged police on misgendering and won

#Trans #hate #crime #law #Rowling #challenged #police #misgendering #won

“It’s kind of a bit sick making that suddenly we have to just swallow this whole thing that a whole other group gets to decide what it means to be a woman. So I understand Rowling’s anger about this.”

JK Rowling will not face prosecution after she made a series of posts on X calling trans women men and challenged the police to arrest her in protest of Scotland’s new hate crime laws. The author argued the Hate Crime Act places “higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness…than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls.”

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criminal lawyer , Trans hate crime law: How JK Rowling challenged police on misgendering and won, timesradio,jk rowling,hate crime,scottish hate crime,jk rowling hate crime,jk rowling hate crime laws scotland,jk rowling hate crime laws,jk rowling harry potter,scottish hate crime act,scottish hate crime laws,trans,jk rowling trans,jk rowling transphobic,jk rowling transgender,jk rowling transphobia,jk rowling twitter,jk rowling tweets,jk rowling controversy,hate speech,harry potter jk rowling,scotland hate crime law,rowling trans,humza yousaf,snp

39 thoughts on “Trans hate crime law: How JK Rowling challenged police on misgendering and won”

  1. 'Nobody should be able to say whatever we think'. Thanks Yasmin for saying the quiet bit out loud.

  2. John …white, Vicki… white… Ian .. white….Ewan….white … Timmy ..white…my mum…. White….my dad…white. William Wallace…white! Robert the Bruce….white, mary queen of scots… White… the entire Scottish jacobian rebellion …white.
    I had no idea Id been born into such a racist nation.

  3. When you call a man a man, it is not misgendering. It is quite accurately describing their biological status. Since when did "he" relate to gender and not biology.

  4. I’ve always agreed that women should have the right to vote, mostly because my wife would ask, okay, who should I vote for? Why? Because she has four kids and a husband to care for, she trusts me to make the right decision and she’s right….. Go Trump

  5. This Yasmin lady is just a big piece of work. What a buffoon. JK is right, Yasmin. If you don't like that fact, that is a YOU problem.

  6. The host doesn't realise they are demanding the title trans is dropped. Court cases, the census now records men as women, NOT trans women.

  7. Attenpting to gag opinions you don't like or agree with "for the greater good" is authoritarianism.

    The president of Brazil has started circumventing the judicial syatem like this, sending people he doesn't like to jail without sue process.

  8. They are more likely to be abused and attacked due to their own activism, I'm not saying it's right, but they need to look inward. If they weren't trying to force the narrative, that there is no such thing as biological men and women, trashing women's rights, etc. JK wouldn't be stating biological facts online, if there wasn't an argument to be had.

  9. Why can’t the Scottish government allow people to be honest with what they believe, as long as I am respectful why should I be forced to speak in a way I do not philosophically believe in.

  10. Yasmin the illiberial liberal just like James Obrien.
    Feminism is anti-woman and at her age Yasmin should know better because Feminism was introduced so banksters can tax women and it was nothign to do with freedom or liberation for women – just like cigarette manufacturers promoting women to smoke so they can sell both the males and females cigarettes. The result is the same the breaking the nuclear family and taxing the female where as in the past only the male was taxed and the female was at home looking after the family.

    Now with both parents working no time for the kids hence they are lost in the idenitty politics twilight zone.

  11. This PM spends 10 minutes talking about how terrible it is in Scotland that all major political positions are held by WHITE people and is now making a law against racial hate speech…I may not understand that as a Swiss citizen…is that a Scottish joke?

  12. Yasmin claims to be a feminist and yet fails to acknowledge that women are oppressed on the basis of their sex. I'm completely in agreement with Ella. Oh….and trans women are men. 😊

  13. Shouldn't adults have enough self respect to 'cope' with someone's opinion of them? Being 'offended' is a choice, surely? Dangerous waters we are in globally. Governments are enemies of the people.

  14. Maybe I missed something but I don't believe biological determinism has anything to do with this issue. The biological determinism that this woman rightly fought against was about society forcing certain roles, limits and value on to women because of their biology. This modern trans-activism wants to eliminate biology from what a woman is, these are not the same things.
    Also, let's address what this law's real intention is: it's a blasphemy law wrapped in a veneer of a hate crime law. I guarantee that if this law stands in a year or so maybe a little longer the majority of cases will be about religious beliefs primarily based on opposition to Islam.

  15. Personally, as a white christian male,i feel persecuted many times every day.
    Its not easy been me in the last couple of years.

  16. Yasmin and Biden, a match made in a liberal death camp care home where the senile are taken seriously.
    Yasmin is the biggest hypocrite on planet senile, she insults whole groups yet complains that a few call her madness out.

  17. at 2:10 Yasmin says that 'we have statistics now that Trans community is more likely to be discriminated against'. I couldn't really find any credible statistics, other than people like her making this claim. Does anyone have the published statistics on this?

  18. That women has no sence. She wants the law because it suits her. Not a thought for the other people.

  19. It’s unbelievable what is happening in Scotland, it’s literally 1984 being used as an instruction manual.

  20. Stop shoving the ‘trans’ narrative down our throats and the majority of the public won’t push back …..yet another BS ‘fad’ by sensitive lefties imo!

  21. Anyone who has any understanding of identity and any understanding of psychological, will tell you that we're more than just our bodies. To call transwoman who has full transitioned a man is just cruel and shows their ignorance. We're more than just our biology.

  22. Yasmin doesn't like freedom of speech, yet she enjoys said freedom whilst saying her views on a public radio show.

    "Nobody should be able to say what they think…"

    Yes they should Yasmin, thats freedom of speech and its the same freedom you're using to say what you think. If you don't like what someone says, don't listen and move on with your life. Freedom of speech is an absolute across the board.

    I may not like some else and their rhetoric, but thats their right and JK Rowling has that right like anyone else to express her opinion… and I agree with her 🤷‍♂️

  23. Is this yosaf going to be as honest as nicola sturgeon,deflection is a good way.Time will tell

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