
Traffic stop turns into a sitcom #foryou #fypシ #trending #bodycam #policebodycam #trend #coldedits


Traffic stop turns into a sitcom #foryou #fypシ #trending #bodycam #policebodycam #trend #coldedits

#Traffic #stop #turns #sitcom #foryou #fypシ #trending #bodycam #policebodycam #trend #coldedits

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40 thoughts on “Traffic stop turns into a sitcom #foryou #fypシ #trending #bodycam #policebodycam #trend #coldedits”

  1. There are 7 states where you are required by law to provide your identification. The Seven states (Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, New Mexico, Ohio, and Vermont) explicitly impose a criminal penalty for noncompliance with the obligation to identify oneself. › wiki

    Stop and identify statutes – Wikipedia

  2. Sorry chief you are a public servant you are legally required to identify yourself at point of contact. You also cant threaten arrest for not showing id without articulateing a crime or suspicion of crime. If you do this for a living you should try to do it correctly so you can retain your job as a public safety officer.

  3. Like the lawyers are always telling us, never talk to the cops. Not. One. Word. But always record.

  4. Lol whoever let’s another man talk to him like that no cap is a bitch tyrant bro seriously feels entitled to scare that person in the car fear fear fear only fear 1 god the lord of heavens army United States Of America is lost its sad !

  5. Theres no context to see who the real bad guy is here all people do is say the cops are bad, well we need to see what happened before hand in order to tell who is bad and whos in the right.

  6. I’ve counted so many sovereign citizen numb skulls in here. This is actually hilarious 🤣

  7. 99% of these people in the comments dissing this cop wouldn't make it one week doing his job.

  8. This cop is a danger. You can sense the hate swirling under the surface of his passive aggressive persona. Serial killer vibes

  9. i live in oklahoma and it’s one of the only states ik of where there aren’t any stop and identify laws (stop and frisk), if you know you have done nothing wrong don’t give them anything other than you’re first and last name just as an act of kindness and respect. If you have done something wrong or are getting pulled over for an unknown reason just give them your ID

  10. They have to articulate reasonable suspicion of a crime. BEFORE! They ask for papers. 4th Amendment swine. OATH Breaker.

  11. “If you haven’t found any wrongdoing on my part, that makes this a consensual interaction and I do not wish to provide ID”

  12. It's all about officer ego. Why can't he say why he stopped them? What benefit does he gain by not telling them? It's just about him being in control. He's a douchebag

  13. This mope cop can't keep a job. This is the third department he is on. With his attitude, this department will have a major lawsuit coming their way, thanks to his lack of knowledge about the law.

  14. Bruhh this cop is famous for being a fucking douchebag, these the people actually hurting the image of the police departments

  15. He is so calm. I would be furious. Why do all have to pretend to know the law, especially when they break it.

  16. Why can't you tell me why you pulled me over first???? He needs a dunce cap. What's the big issue with answering one little question???

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