
“Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept”: Meet the Palestinian Lawyer Censored by Columbia and Harvard


#Nakba #Legal #Concept #Meet #Palestinian #Lawyer #Censored #Columbia #Harvard

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The website of the Columbia Law Review was taken down by its board of directors on Monday after student editors refused a request from the board to halt the publication of an academic article written by Palestinian human rights lawyer Rabea Eghbariah titled “Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept.” The article argues for the Nakba to be developed as a unique legal framework, related to but distinct from other processes defined under modern international law, including apartheid and genocide. This is not the first time that Eghbariah’s legal scholarship has been censored by an Ivy League institution. The Harvard Law Review last year refused to publish a similar, shorter article it had solicited from Eghbariah even after it was initially accepted, fully edited and fact-checked. Eghbariah calls the abrupt rejection of his work “offensive,” “unprofessional” and “discriminatory,” and says “it is really unfortunate to see how this is playing out and the extent to which the board of directors is willing to go to shut down and silence Palestinian scholarship. … What are they afraid of? Of Palestinians narrating their own reality, speaking their own truth?”

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34 thoughts on ““Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept”: Meet the Palestinian Lawyer Censored by Columbia and Harvard”

  1. why are you interviewing Muslims ? they lie nonstop to advance Islam its in their book

  2. 'Resolve' is the core problem. Resolve means that you have to first accept what is wrong and then correct it. A settler colonial mindset and those that defend the atrocities with legislature fear the truth of the Nakba because it entails the acceptance of the land theft, the mass murders, the dispossession, the ethnic cleansing, the displacement.
    Worst, it identifies the treachery of western laws condemning, in one hand, laws of discrimination in their own countries, but allowing it on the basis of racism for Israel to discriminate against Palestinians on the other hand.
    Sad to see some of the best legal institutions not putting sincere legislative efforts to propose coexistence and resolve conflict but chose instead to perpetuate a system that discriminates socially, economically and politicially.
    Perhaps futuristic insights and replacement of rigid mindset need to be given a chance to bring peace to both people, especially the youth.
    The brilliance of proposing a legal framework that allows coexistence is a just challenge to such institutions.

  3. 🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

    00:00 📰 Columbia Law Review Censored Article on "Nakba"
    – The Columbia Law Review website was taken down after student editors published an article titled "Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept" by Palestinian human rights lawyer Rabia Akara.
    – The Board of Directors of the Columbia Law Review attempted to prevent the article's publication, citing internal processes as the reason for their actions.
    – The article explores the concept of "Nakba," which refers to the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, and how it relates to the ongoing oppression of Palestinians.
    02:18 🗣️ Rabia Akara Discusses Censorship and Nakba
    – Rabia Akara, the author of the censored article, discusses his experience with censorship at both Columbia and Harvard Law Reviews.
    – Akara argues that the censorship reveals a "Palestine exception" to academic freedom and free speech.
    – Akara outlines his argument in the article, which aims to establish "Nakba" as a legal concept to understand the ongoing Palestinian oppression.
    08:21 ⚖️ Akara's Experience as a Human Rights Attorney
    – Akara speaks about his experience as a human rights attorney who litigated Palestinian rights before the Israeli Supreme Court.
    – Akara states that his legal experience informs his scholarship, particularly the perspective of the ongoing "Nakba."
    – Akara explains how Palestinian rights are litigated within a fragmented legal system that complicates understanding the total reality of violence and oppression in Palestine.
    10:41 🏛️ Columbia Law Review's Response and Akara's Reflection
    – The Columbia Law Review's Board of Directors provides their explanation for taking down the website, stating that they wanted to give all student editors the opportunity to read and respond to the article.
    – Akara expresses skepticism about the Board's explanation, seeing it as a distraction from the article's content.
    – He emphasizes the need for a conversation about "Nakba" as a legal term, recognizing its importance in understanding and addressing Palestinian oppression.

    Made with HARPA AI

  4. Lol, the only irony is his attempt to coop Nakba as something about Palestinian civil rights or some such silliness. In his 1948 book, 'The Meaning of the Nakba', Constantin Zureiq first employed the term, and the Nakba as he conceived it, referred to the shocking defeat of seven Arab militaries at the hands of the army of the newly established state of Israel. It was a term of embarrassment. The reality was, the "embarrassment" was a failed attempt at genocide. In 1947, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha said of the impending Arab war against the Jews, "This war will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China." A war of extermination. The original context of Nabka was Jewish extermination, not Arab. It was Nabka only because Arabs were better at martyrdom than genocide.

  5. It seems like Israhelli money has reached newly recruited trolls; someone keeps filling under every comment with Israhellish propaganda to no avail! Poor beasts!

  6. Thank you free live Palestine help 🌈💖💐🙏🕋🕋🕋🙏🌟🌈🌟🌟🌟🌟🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. It is not " their " own truth; this is a very silly slip of the tongue. Truth is one, otherwise the notion would not exist. This man wrote the " truth " that the powerful academic Jewish lobby hurried to censor and to repress.

  8. It seems the evil doing is being hidden like it’s being hidden for years until 7 October now it’s out there a plot to get everything hidden is afoot again

  9. This is an attack on academic freedom, not to mention freedomo of speach. But there is one good, unintended consequence of this act of censorship: it took the article from the narrow circle of the legal scholarship and made it into the piece of academic work that everybody who supports Palestinian struggle for
    freedom is eager to read. I just downloaded it.

  10. Does Mossad have some sort of hold over the most powerful people in the US? Compromising videos or something similar? As someone living in the UK, I just can't understand why some of the most respected organisations in the US are so willing to humiliate themselves by slavishly following every order Israel gives them.

  11. BRAVE MAN.

  12. Inteligent and resourceful palastinians are everywhere, contrary to the fashist propaganda that they are mere bedwians, to justify colonial uptake of their land, forced displacement , planned starvation, leading to GENOCIDE

  13. This conflict has exposed just how deep the treacherous tenancies of Zionism has penetrated American universities.


  15. @Redspock" Jews lived in those regions peacefully, for centuries",– really? In 1465 in Fez, Muslims slaughtered thousands of Jews leaving only 11 alive, touching off a wave of massacres against Jews in Morocco. In 8th century Morocco, Muslim ruler Idris I wiped out whole communities of Jews. In 12th century North Africa, the Muslim Almohads wiped out whole Jewish communities, and forcibly converted any survivors. In 1785 Libya, Muslim Ali Burza Pasha slaughtered hundreds of Jews. Jews were massacred in Algiers in 1805, 1815, and 1830 by Muslims. In Marrakesh, more than 300 Jews were murdered by Muslims between 1864 and 1880. In Egypt and Syria, 1014, 1293-1294, 1301-02, Muslim decrees were enacted to destroy all synagogues; as happened in Iraq, 854-859, 1344 and in Yemen, 1676. Jews were forced to convert to Islam or be murdered in Yemen 1165 and 1678, Baghdad 1333 and 1344, and Morocco 1275, 1465 and 1790-92.
    In 19th century North Africa including Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco, Jews were forced to live in ghettos, and forced to walk barefoot when outside the ghetto. MUSLIM children threw stones at Jews including the elderly among other acts of hateful harassment of Jews. Anti- Jewish violence increased in Muslim countries leading to executions of Jews on false charges. There is a whole history of Muslim persecution of Jews written in several well-researched books. I suggest you do your own research before making outlandishly false claims that Jews were living peacefully in Arab lands.

  16. The people concur. The term nakba is legitimate and must be afforded a legal framework. CLR, HLR – publish the article.

  17. You people have lost your good god damned minds! The Nakba refers to the Arab armies loosing the war to the Jews, it has nothing to do with displacement! The Arab armies are the ones who displaced the Arabs civilians out of the area. If you bothered to do even the least bit of research you would understand this. The rewrite of history is disgusting and disingenuous!!

  18. Wow, this just shows the mindset of cowardly pro-Zionist CLR.
    What an insult to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights eh?
    This CLR action reminds me of the Nazi "burning of the (Jewish scholarly) books" in March-Oct 1933.
    Shameful of CLR to collude with silencing criticism of Zionist genocide, persecution, bigotry anti(Arab)Semitism in occupied Palestine for 76 yrs.
    But, maybe if we remember how Germany Zionist Federation leaders in 1930-40's collaborated with Germany Nazi leaders to further each others ideological goals leading to the mass extermination of millions of anti-Zionist Jews who didn't want to go to Palestine or believe in Zionism…
    the CLR action(burning of the electronic texts) is not surprising?
    Shamefully Nazi of CLR.
    But par for the Nazi-Zionist course.

  19. Free Free Palestine from the genocidal jews of Israel !!!! Abandon Genocide Joe 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🥝🥝🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍀🍀🍀

  20. I'm glad Amy found a war to oppose again since she supported the Ukraine one so much

  21. "Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed 6 million Jews.
    Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required.
    Education is learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself.”
    – Noam Chomsky

  22. “Democracy now” didn’t care when DOCTORS were getting censored when questioning the origins of Covid, the vaccine or lockdown’s. If you can’t see the bias from DN they you have your head buried

  23. I can’t imagine that there has ever been an attempt at colonization of such a highly educated population. Palestinians can not be beat. Palestine is more than a people now, more than a land. The struggle of the Palestinians is the fight of good vs evil, of the corrupt vs the oppressed. I am so thankful that Palestine has eloquent, brilliant young minds like Rabea Eghbariah to fight for them. RIP to all of the brilliant minds that have been killed, maimed and tormented under the boot of injustice 🇵🇸❤️

  24. Good for the fascists at Columbia. They achieved nothing but to make the article more well known!! I’m going right now to read it.
    Power to you, Rabea Eghbariah! Power to Palestine! Stop the scholasticide! Some of the greatest minds of the world are Palestinian. Imagine the world if they could all be free. I’m so glad that there is finally a spotlight on Palestine. From every angle—legal, logical, ethical—Palestine needs to be free. Never forget. 🇵🇸❤️🇨🇦

  25. U think with all the things going on in our country, OUR COUNTRY, this is what u wanna report about?? Give up the hostages, and denounce Hamas and boom peace, or let all this collage kids go fight over there. Start reporting about more things that affect us

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