
Tough news laws to crack down on youth crime


Tough news laws to crack down on youth crime

#Tough #news #laws #crack #youth #crime

Young criminals who post their crimes online could face jail time under new laws being proposed. Offenders could face up to two years behind bars for sharing violent crimes to social media.
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4 thoughts on “Tough news laws to crack down on youth crime”

  1. You idiots, that's not the solution. Prevention and parenting are key! Kids at that age don't deal in long term, they deal in the here and now! Bloody hell, at that age I was convinced next year was a life time away and I would definately not see 25! Locking them up is only increasing the problem exponentially!!

  2. Crimes are bad, the focus however should be on youth crime prevention rather than punishment. Sticking them in prison is only going to increase the likelihood of them becoming career criminals.
    I wish I knew what the answer was, but this isn't it.

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