
Top Criminal Lawyer Explains Captain Tom Charity Investigation


Top Criminal Lawyer Explains Captain Tom Charity Investigation

#Top #Criminal #Lawyer #Explains #Captain #Tom #Charity #Investigation

LBC Radio with Tom Swarbrick: Fraud Specialist Lawyer Joseph Kotrie-Monson of Mary Monson Solicitors explains the Charity Commission’s compliance investigation into the Captain Tom Foundation.


(Note of interview)

You had to have a heart of stone to not find the story of Captain Tom wonderful. The news about an investigation into the Captain Tom Foundation might seem concerning, but I think there may well be a lot less here to see than the newspapers who have leapt on this would have us believe.

The first thing to say is that this is a statutory compliance investigation, and bureaucratic in nature. It’s not being conducted by the police, not by the SFO, but by the charity commission which regulates not just foul play, because in many cases there is zero suggestion of anything underhand. It also acts as a supervisor and educator to charities, especially smaller and less experienced charitable organisations. The reports that they produce after investigations often contain guidance, and the emphasis of the regulator is not really punitive.

The story of the Captain Tom Foundation begins in May 2020, early in the rocketing to fame of the nation’s most loved centenarian.

Initially, the Foundation appears to have conducted not just fundraising but also to have provided support to Captain Tom Moore’s fundraising efforts. We remember of course his fantastic walks, but those mobile videos that went viral soon became a nationally coordinated campaign which no doubt involved a back room that many of the public wouldn’t have been aware of.

This may of course have been vital work, and may have cost money, but wouldn’t necessarily have resulted in donations back to the foundation itself – remember he and his family working with him on the campaign were at the time for the most part urging people to donate directly to a named NHS workers charity.

What is being investigated by the Charity Commission appears to relate to what is called related-party payments, this is people who are connected to the charity, for example in this case as trustees who also receive money. Now, this is not inherently banned. People can be paid for good work, but there must be fewer than 50% of trustees being paid trustees. It appears that this was not the case throughout, although was remedied. Ms Ingram Moore and her husband Colin appear to have been trustees at the same time. There must also be ring-fencing of decision making about a charity spending this money to prevent the risk of an appearance of misuse of funds.

It is incredibly important to fairly point out that this was a charity set up to support fundraising efforts without notice, at speed, and to provide extra momentum to a fund-raising campaign of national importance. This family was not a group of experienced charities professionals. The idea that they spent more money than was raised is simply wrong. Other charities benefited in part from the support they provided Captain Sir Tom to the tune of tens of millions of pounds.

The support and advice that this time of statutory compliance investigation provides is something that charities that make administrative mistakes rely on and are regularly grateful for. In the absence of any suggestion of wrongdoing, and there really is none from the report I have seen, we shouldn’t be quick to do the usual British newspapers thing and watch our heroes fall undefended.
criminal lawyer , Top Criminal Lawyer Explains Captain Tom Charity Investigation, Tags: Captain Tom,NHS,Fundraising,Charity Commission,Criminal Lawyer,Mary Monson Solicitors

22 thoughts on “Top Criminal Lawyer Explains Captain Tom Charity Investigation”

  1. So what? All the major charities do it. Their financial reports are all on line. Take a look one day.

  2. I only now give to local charities and animal charities, Ingram-Moore has trod a very fine line between fraud and inappropriate sequestration of funds. Fact is she may yet end up in court, but it would be a difficult case for the prosecution with too many grey words like unreasonable or inappropriate. She either knew this or is the benefactor of some good luck. She is clearly a PA person that knew how to rake in cash for bullshit !

  3. If people were led to believe that the sale proceeds of the books would go to the charity, and if those people went on to purchase the books on the strength of that belief, it is criminal deception. Charge them and let a jury decide.

  4. i think this scandal has lost charities a future 30 million£ simply because it’s the exact factor which puts many folk off from donating .

  5. Why are the normies nearly 3 years behind? I and many others knew it was a grift yet nobody was allowed and is still not allowed to speak out about the cult of tommy who's Daughter embellished his history.

  6. I use to donate to various charities all my life….I did it with incurring cost or expenses, I simply transferred the money vis bank transfers, Direct Debit, or sent a cheque. Apart from a 1st class stamp I did not need executives on an inflated wage to send the money. Hundreds would have donated hard earned money to Captain Tom, but in reality their money did not go to charity but to line the pocket of his daughter and son in law.

  7. That why I do not donate to charities any more. Oxfam and Red Cross executives earn in excess of £200k or more. …rip off.

  8. This is the reason why I don’t donate to charity, because the money doesn’t go to the charity, but people like Captain Toms daughter like to dip in to the pot. Anyone who works for or who does work for a charity, should be doing it for nothing, as it’s for charity.

  9. as much cash for the stated cause apart from skimming a lot off the top for there own private use. this was not nieve this was deliberate scamming.

  10. All charities have expenses for running, etc. But good charities keep expenses low and donations high. I always check Charity Navigator to see how much goes directly to charity per their rating. Capt Tom would have a very low (but probably legal) rating!


  12. Just one big con as all big charities 48 billion through the books last year just think before you give

  13. you just are making us laugh out loud. the truth will be revealed SOON. we will see who the crooks are.

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