
Top 7 Heated Court Moments Between Lawyers and Judges


Top 7 Heated Court Moments Between Lawyers and Judges

#Top #Heated #Court #Moments #Lawyers #Judges

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During high-profile trials, emotions run high and presentations occasionally become intense, leading to heated confrontations in the courtroom. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down the top seven most heated moments between lawyers and judges during trials.

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40 thoughts on “Top 7 Heated Court Moments Between Lawyers and Judges”

  1. The judge in the rittenhouse case was clearly biased towards Kyle and disallowed a clear amount of evidence! Of any judge that should have resigned and been admonished!!

  2. Not only did he attend the protest with the soul purpose of using his new AR-15, but he admitted wanting to use it during the protest,
    Ĵudge Bruce Schrader suppressed this and other evidence that would have convicted kyle Rittenhouse in other courts.
    Bruce Schrader was only concerned about his present Stardom.

  3. That one judge asking the attorney how his "paper" was coming along after getting onto the other one for not buying lunch just brought back memories of my high-school English teacher lol

  4. I pay YouTube to watch videos add free and I don’t appreciate having to watch your adds, am sure you get adrev anyway.

  5. That Brooks dude is broken…..I’ll guarantee that he is still as argumentative serving out his bit as he was here in court and probably when he was out on the street that’s his shtick arguing fighting contesting. I absolutely will not be surprised to hear about his murder in jail

  6. To be honest, the first judge flipped for no reason and I’m for the prosecution but she did look bias for that rant. And the second judge is super bias for the defendant Kyle and the Judge crazy

  7. 10:58.1st resigned! Smart. Watching her in this short video I saw the writing on the wall.. So you get your retirement right " your honor?"
    2nd. Sadly case #2. Again Im sure the judge feels great about himself.. Interestingly. I hope he lives to a ripe old age to watch the choices of the 18 year old who undoubtedly would have gotten a different out come wi😊th out you. Judge Darr. You showed unbelievable patience. Kudos Your Honor.
    Judge giving lawyers in the criminall court treating them like a junior high school Vice Principal. Who do you model yourself after, Judge Judy? She has an excuse, it's a TV show.
    Judge Borowski . Sir, how many defense javelin you heard which were founded in courts not only not your court, not i n front of you. You weren't even born. Not in your state. I know this is difficult for you but there are many Judges and attorneys you could, nay should please from.. Ava

  8. If the defense counsel in the parkland trial (1st clip) were laughing and flicking ppl off while on trial they should be disbarred

  9. I think some of these judges are suffering from social media burn out. Wouldn't want to be in their position these days.

  10. Vincent Bugliosi, the DA who tried and convicted Manson, said there were times during trials he was that he asked to approach the bench. He did so and warned Judges during trials he would report them for procedural misconduct, because of something the Judge did.

    He said that's what Marcia Clark, who prosecuted OJ Simpson should have done to Judge Ito.

    He said that she was not good at that trial

    Rittenhouse was innocent but he never should have acted as an armed guard to protect property. I don't think most policemen would have taken on the job of being an armed guard to protect property there, that night. They know the situation and know what could happen. His lawyers were the top class and won the case.

  11. I understand completely a YouTube channel has things necessary to run smoothly but in my opinion, having the first ad for hello fresh right after a very hard hitting trial is in a bit poor taste. Fully understand sponsorships and having to promote but the timing was just off.

  12. Love the first Judge. Darrel Brooks was si difficult to watch because of his attitude. When you say you respect the court, them tells her to stop it? She was fantastic and loved the end! He deserved everything he got. Felt sorry for his girlfriend when he tried to examine her.

  13. He actually has the ability to maintain her temper. That’s a hard thing during all these traumatic cases.

  14. 18:14 This is my favorite one. Judge forces someone to buy lunch and another to write an essay on the importance of professionalism! OMG i love this judge.

  15. alot of these times the judge overcomes to feelings, not what a judge should do, never! no matter the case, a judge should never rule on feelings, that should be disbardement

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