
Top 10 Entry Level Criminal Justice Jobs


Top 10 Entry Level Criminal Justice Jobs

#Top #Entry #Level #Criminal #Justice #Jobs

10. Border Patrol Agent
9. Criminal Defense Paralegal
8. Fish and Game Warden
7. Child Protective Services Worker
6. Parole Officer
5. Correctional Officer
4. Customs and Immigration Enforcement Officers
3. Non-Profit Organization Advocate
2. Private Detective
1. Police Officer

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criminal law , Top 10 Entry Level Criminal Justice Jobs, Top 10 Entry Level Criminal Justice Jobs,criminal,justice,job,entry,level,10,top,jobs,law,enforcement,read,tts,text to speak,career,Border Patrol Agent,Criminal Defense Paralegal,Fish and Game Warden,Child Protective Services Worker,Parole Officer,Correctional Officer,Customs and Immigration Enforcement Officers,Non-Profit Organization Advocate,Private Detective,Police Officer,government

20 thoughts on “Top 10 Entry Level Criminal Justice Jobs”

  1. I have autism not cancer its not catching but I'm very different and ppl steer clear of me a lot I just cant help some of the things I do or say and especially write

  2. My name is not important my condition is not important that my race is not important it the words and empathy that I treat ppl with the respect I donot get in return because i will not be like the others that's what's important

  3. Sorry the spectrum is so much bigger than just color or path or knowledge its more like life and love and emotions

  4. Work together for peaceful that it's not one way out that the road runs both ways let us change the outcome of this situation that we cant learn anything from someone the same as we are

  5. Maybe we should have boarder controls working together for better treatment of our ppl on both sides that they are our neighbors

  6. Rewards are set free not to ever see again that the change and conversion back into population is entirely in the hands of state funded classes and the programs that are very few and under funded but yes co are vital

  7. No one had time to get rich when your working so much to make enough money to forget the value of your own family

  8. Game warden is the most self rewarding and actually they have more authority than most law officers because they can search without warrant

  9. What about human smuggling into bad situations that cost lives to bad conditions it's not only to prevent entry but to prevent death

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