
Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen hire divorce attorneys


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Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen, who have been living separately, have each hired a divorce attorney a source close to the estranged couple told CNN. CNN’s Chloe Melas and attorney Deborah Blum discuss.

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43 thoughts on “Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen hire divorce attorneys”

  1. Gisele, get your backside back home and pull up your big girl panties and don't punish Tom for returning to football as you met him as a football player you should thank your lucky stars that this is the issue and not another woman and even if he cheats at your age where will you find another Tom Brady and live that life style that you are accustomed to you also have children and daughters who should not be raised in a divorced home over this as you are teaching your children especially your daughter(s) that when you are unhappy with anything your husband does when he is leading the family that you should leave and threaten divorce, marriage if deep valleys and steep hills and sometimes either partners has to shelf their dreams for the other or give up or delay a dream for the other, that's marriage. Now, if you go through with the divorce Tom will find a new woman easy and younger and there are many licking their chops right now for you to follow through with the divorce so they can get at him but you at 42 years old have aged out of finding another Tom Brady who wants to invest in you and keep you just the way you are an aging woman. He will take you back in a heartbeat. If your plans are squashed that you made thinking the retirement was permanent. Take a vacation with your girls, vent then go home and let him know your unhappy but trust that this decision is right for him which is right for the family and put your children first they need their daddy and if you are still mad at Tom once they go off to University, then divorce him but if he hasn't cheated with a woman you will get over it and grow old with a partner that will love you the way you are as you age and not head out into this viscous dating market filled of under 35 year old's looking for a Tom Brady but not enough producing men like Tom Brady looking for an over 40 year old woman (just tones of men who would want to sleep with a Gisele for their score card but not commit their resources or to marriage). There are more women on the planet than men so men have the pick of the litter and producers like a Tom Brady aren't looking to find another 40 plus year old to replace you he will take an under 30 that will not have an issue with him returning to football and that will allow him to lead the family and will not be a disciplinary problem over issues like that that just require some marriage counseling to deal with disappointment in delaying your family dreams for his, that's marriage sometime

  2. Sounds like a selfish act on her part, I guarantee Tom didn’t tell her she needs to give up modeling, she chose to give it up especially when that’s not a career that continues in your mid 30’s, you get removed due to age.. and Tom can only play for so long in the NFL. Just let the man finish his career and then you can have him year-round🤦🏻‍♂️ I never heard of such blasphemy, telling husbands/fathers to quit their career, usually it’s people complaining for them to get a job☠️

  3. Fuck that, Tom should have married someone else. I am never quitting my passion because my wife said so.

  4. Fact is that when a lot of these sports players, especially in football tried to retire, they cannot stand being around their wife and kids. So they go back or get a job as a commenter or some crap

  5. While I get what Gisele is saying, if they had this discussion and agreed she'd step aside so he could reach his goals then she can't be angry at him. It isn't like a top NFL player isn't home FAR MORE than most men! He's literally off for half of the year.

  6. I never watch CNN and now I know why. These two women are a parody. The really talked about this like it was breaking news.

  7. Beauty is nothing god can take it in one second she probably screwing around already
    Good looks dirty tricks you are a good dad

  8. When you choose your job over your family what choice does she have? TB is a lot of things but a family man is not one of them.

  9. Tom is no longer desirable once he retired and the $$ is no longer flooding in and he's around too much for her liking, what was once a picture perfect union is now in shambles and exposed as nothing more than a typical celebrity romance. 🤣

  10. She's tired of being married to an absentee husband and father. I get it. But maybe she hates the thought of him being around 24/7 more. Retirement is hard on couples. Maybe she's getting out while he's occupied with football. I bet it's not about what we think it's about.

  11. Wow! Gisele vs a bunch of sweaty muscular and some downright fat guys playing football. Guess we know what Brady prefers.

  12. Once the football season is finished, Tom will apologize and say "I was wrong let's make up"…Tom just wants to be left alone to play football

  13. In today's world…I find it hard to fathom a woman not wanting the husband to work. There are so many welfare cases where the fact is true. Makes you scratch your head wondering..

  14. Who cares.A female and male are separating – happens all the time.The male is a useless guy who doesn't have the ability to do what educated people can do:developing new integrated circuits,building homes,repairing cars etc or do any other important job that benefits all of us.She is a useless woman earning a huge amount of money for just being "pretty".I don't understand why "normal" hardworking people support these leeches.I have more respect for cleaning personal,workers in supermarkets,nurses,doctors – who will only be in the limelight when they do something wrong.

  15. TOM BRADY DOESN'T REALLY LOVE HIS FAMILY – Tom Brady could save his marriage and all the pain and whatever else his family is currently experiencing BECAUSE OF HIM by waking up this morning and announcing he is retiring immediately and go on and live a wonderful life with his family and still be involved in football by being an announcer STILL BEING PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

    BUT BUT BUT This is how selfish and egotistical Tom Brady is, and it shows you just where his priorities are – he has 7 (A Godly Number) Super Bowl WINS, with winning the last one he was in so he would be going out on TOP with nothing else to prove, promises his wife and family he is retiring, retires, and then almost immediately within less than 60 days he unretires and goes back to playing football, A MAN'S ACTIONS SHOWS HIS TRUE NATURE – TOM BRADY DOESN'T REALLY LOVE HIS FAMILY.

  16. Tom was a football player when they got married and that was not a problem. He should play football for as long as he wants to. He is better off without a wife like that. Let her go and never look back.

  17. The opportunistically Needy – when it suits them, & Moody B*tch started it, whilst always disregarding the Kids out on trips & hiring nannies etc! Who was it?: The Woe is me wh*ore – Who/which was it? However… U hire a Gardener or an hair stylist, Grass & Hair WILL BE Cut! Hire decorators, in-laws, Doctors, Drivers – U will get Prescriptions and be driven. Hire a nanny or housekeeper, place will be clean! Marry a Trucker, an Airline Pilot or a Moody B*tch – or Get a Divorce Lawyer, it WILL HAPPEN! Who was it? Who was the initial hiring B*tch, cheating AND still B*itching? Probably the housekeeper B*tch?

  18. She understands how important it is to spend as much time as possible with family. She put the time in, supported him, they made an agreement and then he changed his mind.

    Well, now she can leave their kids with nannies and family members for long stretches of time. Now the kids will rarely see either parent. Way to go Tom.

  19. Divorce sucks especially when that’s the only choice for both people in the picture.

    I hope that their kids will be handle it well, too.😢🤦🏻‍♀️💔

  20. I hope Gisele Bündchen takes Tom Brady to the cleaners. Tom please retire being a champion, don't try to come back and give it another shot like Brett Farve. You're 45 years old washed up acting like a child on the sideline throwing things having a tantrum like a spoiled little brat. Retire with dignity.

  21. Why they running cover for Tom? Talking about how he’s an attentive parent. Giselle is leaving because Tom is never home with her and the kids.

    I was just gonna watch the video and not comment. But this dude reporter is ridiculous

  22. Ive leant that you can love someone very much.. but still choose to say good bye.. I believe thats the case there.

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