
“Thought He Could Whip Up A Race Row!” Lawyer Quits Representing Man Kicked At Manchester Airport


#Thought #Whip #Race #Row #Lawyer #Quits #Representing #Man #Kicked #Manchester #Airport

The lawyer representing a man who was kicked by an officer at Manchester Airport has dropped the case after new footage surfaced showing an assault on police.

Akmed Yakoob was representing brothers Mohammed Fahir Khan and Amaad, after footage of an officer stamping on Fahir’s head went viral last week.

Talk’s Kevin O’Sullivan is joined by former Police and Crime Commissioner Kevin Hurley.

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lawyers near me , “Thought He Could Whip Up A Race Row!” Lawyer Quits Representing Man Kicked At Manchester Airport


35 thoughts on ““Thought He Could Whip Up A Race Row!” Lawyer Quits Representing Man Kicked At Manchester Airport”

  1. Me too what is the matter with the police. These thugs beat on female police and another officer. There is 20 years jail there and deported to where they come from. Crazy crazy.

  2. Mr Yakoob shoujld be removed from the solicitors list and not be permitted to practice as a solicitor.

  3. Akhmed Yakoob is a disgrace – he backs out as it will not do his posh career any good – no money in a failed trail..with evidence that the muslim men started violence against the police!

  4. If you're a retired cop then you know that the charging decision is up to the CPS . This takes time as you know ?

  5. there you go then all these do gooders & humanitarian's thinking they know best now look at what you have done not only to us but the whole world all because you know best and also the Lawers are grthing a joke too helping killers rapists and god knows what else for money the old saying that money is the worse of all evil is very true.

  6. It's scum like this channel and its affiliates the EDL that cause hatred between people and cause the nasty scenes in Southport. Should be classed as a terrorist organisation and so should the edl and that imbecile of a woman Tommy "I want asylum in America " Robinson should be in prison for life as is the hate preacher anjam choudry. Simple

  7. Here is the final discussion. What made the police to be beaten. They could wait before approaching them. Or guys should call the police if their mom was assaulted. Or next no women tell their family if she is assaulted. But one fight broken. Now police became brutel pepper spraying, to every one. Two other men they also pepper sprayed. So they are not strong enough for hand to hand combat.

  8. Compromised politicians are responsible for all the chaos we see on England's streets.
    Diversity has utterly failed. Islamic and Western values do not and can not go hand in hand now and in the future as well. Animals can be tamed, but carriers of toxic ideology can not be civilized.

  9. all law abiding citizens must stand behind the police officer and maybe come out to the street.

  10. Hopefully now ppl around the world will understand how they first start it & then play victim card, minority card. This happens all the time in India

  11. Watch the two shitbag officers not backing up their colleague , the woman gets one or two punches and her colleague gets similar and then they back off and don't back up their colleague properly. Pointing your taser or pepper spray while your colleague is in bodily contact is not backing up , shitbags should not be police officers, and once you've took the role of a police officer male or female should not come into it , the left (or woke) are forever telling us women can do anything better than men .

  12. That copper deserves a medal he did what he needed to do. People seem to think radical hatred is a white thing .Think again certain people know how minnipulate the government the police. And its even in the workplace.

  13. What I'm surprised about is that no-one has commented on the fact that after the apparent kick in the head and stomp the policeman pulls something from underneath the assailant and throws it to one side this is then retrieved by one of the officers. Was he just trying to make him release it?

  14. If “English “ boys attacked police like this they’d be in jail already….. if they did that in Pakistani they’d have been shot on the spot!! The English policeman should be given a medal for being a hero..

  15. I Dont think any1 was Attempting, to as u say- Whip up A Race row. ….. Apart from the Usual Brit Suspects. . A'ha……. The police dud appeoch the guys at the pay machine safly or appropiatly…. And, no one knows why, Were thry to Be Approached in the First instance…… the woman got knocked, in the face and pushed out of the way, not directly punched in the face….. Zwhy did they, inappropriatly, Approach, The guy. That was not keeping yhem self safe. They could of been anyone !…..

  16. Politicians seem to be the new terrorists,they do everything in they're power to protect and help them.

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