
Thomas Ross KC discusses the Hate Crime Laws which are about to go live in Scotland


Thomas Ross KC discusses the Hate Crime Laws which are about to go live in Scotland

#Thomas #Ross #discusses #Hate #Crime #Laws #live #Scotland

Thomas Ross KC is one of Scotland’s top Advocates. He joins me to discuss the SNP new Hate Crime Laws which will be upon us next week.

We discuss the reasons for the new law, Thomas’s expectations and the challenges the new laws will provide.

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criminal law , Thomas Ross KC discusses the Hate Crime Laws which are about to go live in Scotland, Craig Houston,thomas,tommy,ross,qc,kc,humza,yousaf,hate,crime,law,scotland,scottish,parliament,holyrood

35 thoughts on “Thomas Ross KC discusses the Hate Crime Laws which are about to go live in Scotland”

  1. Unfortunately most of the so called western countries are run by complete idiots and right at the top of the dogpile is the SNP. This so called Hate Crime bill is a hate crime itself against the Scottish people by removing their right to free speech. Maybe the police should be arresting those who brought in this ludicrous law. Maybe it should be challenged in the supreme court as their other stupid laws were.

  2. Get two lawyers (including advocates) together and they will disagree with the nuances of the law, especially if one generally works for the Procurator Fiscals Office and one works as a defence lawyer.

    My deep concern is there are things one can say, which are facts based on history, which said or wrote, could easily be deemed an aggravation to stir up hatred, and if acted upon could cause serious problems for free speech and the individuals life (work opportunities etc).

    Two examples are calling a man in a dress a man and refusing to call them a woman, and discussing the prophet Muhammad's penchant for 6 year old girls. One is a biological fact the other is a historical fact. Both are very controversial subjects in todays world and can be weaponised as a way to suppress free speech. And no-one should be charged for stating the facts, but we know this is not how the police work, they will charge you anyway and let the lawyers sort it out, whilst you are stuck in limbo wondering about your future.

    Another point is that we shouldn't be trying to make hate a crime, which is what is happening in Scotland, everyone hates someone or something (certain political ideologies, religious beliefs). Hate is part of our psyche, and going after it is asinine. Hate is an emotion and you cannot legislate against someone's emotions, you can only legislate actions (assaulting people, encouraging others to assault etc).

    I do not trust the police nor do I trust what lawyers say either, because at the end of the day it is what the sheriff thinks or what a jury thinks, and that is a 50/50 game of chance.

    I suspect that the real driving force behind this new legislation is the view that if people become too afraid to express their views on transgender people or some other controversial subject, people will self-censor. Humza Useless wants people to stop expressing opinions that he and his government deem offensive therefore don't want those words uttered in wider society, this legislation is therefore still an anti-free speech law, designed to kill free speech.

  3. That was an amazing insight to this new law .
    Thank you both so much.
    It was both reassuring & worrying .
    What I took from this –
    The most worrying aspect is the recording of your name against non criminal complaints.
    That is a real worry .

  4. I understand that the sentences under the Act can be quite hefty. You won't be getting jail time for a Breach of the Peace. Also, it misses out sex which means that women can be subject to some pretty awful behaviour with no come back under this Act, whereas someone pretending to be a woman is included. It's unnecessary. Police should be pursuing crimes that currently simply aren't investigated. This is going to be like the Covid rules and legislation, incomprehensible and leading to some very unfair outcomes. The recording of non-crime hate incidents is ridiculous and the trans cult is using this to harass anyone who disagrees with what is going on. My guess is many of us are now on the secret hate files. If they want to keep these records, they could do it anonymously. Your guest is referring to Harry Miller and the point was that these were not crimes. Miller has got the recording criteria changed but there are still issues. The other point was that groups like Stonewall are involved in the College of Policing writing the policies. Stonewall has been promulgating its own version of the civil law on equality.

  5. This is a terrible waist of time for the police who should be dealing with all the theft and drug addiction in Scotland. What has happened to Scotland? They were always known to have the highest school academic results. That’s gone terribly down. Freedom of speech has to be looked after and maintained. If you are not vigilant you can loose it to the woke mob. Have a referendum like Ireland and Vote No No No to all of this absolute nonsense.

  6. Brilliant, although when I've seen him on the defence – oh I hate it.
    Very special lawyer.

    Thus, please get yer legal eagles together to oppose the freedom of speech in Scotland

  7. My question to trans people has been. In a thousand years time if they have been buried, and they've been discovered by an archaeologist, and they dna test them. What will the dna show of said dead person. Their genetic sex or the sex they identify as.

  8. Its is 'Thought Crime' . Any crime which is determined by someones 'feelings/thoughts' = Thought Crime..

  9. 38:50 imagine a female family member going to the police station to report a rape and a man who self identifies and a woman become involved. Normally only the women police officers would be there to support a woman who is traumatised but now? Men can become women officers in our police force. Some have two lanyards depending how they feel day to day. When in "woman mode" they happily use their female colleagues toilets and showers because "its not a problem, no one complains". You know why? Because the women will be accused of "transphobia" and labelled bigots, nazis etc. Culture of fear and silence.

  10. 36:00 minutes. You have the luxury of not being directly affected by these men invading women's sports and prisons so you can say nothing. You are not alone, few people have the courage to speak up for women who are being gaslit, threatened and abused for standing up for their right to single sex spaces where it is important. I hope you get your courage back, if not for you then for the women in your life.

  11. What about women who don't believe a man in a dress is a woman, Thomas? Can they say "get out of this bathroom/changing room/ shower, you are a man" or will they be charged with a so-called hate crime?

    If they correctly sex a man in front of them, will they be charged with a hate crime for referring to him as "he" not, as he imagines himself to be, a "she"?

    Have you heard the term "the process is the punishment"? If a woman is accused of a so called hate crime and police visit her, the can confiscate ALL electronic devices from the house (not just hers) in order to "find evidence". We already know from Police Scotland that they have dogs trained to sniff out phones. The confiscated phones won't be returned for months so this will have a huge detrimental affect on everyone affected. All for stating the truth. It is a real fear now, in Scotland, that Trans Rights Activists will saturate the anonymous complaints procedure and target "TERFS" that is, women who say NO to the gender cult.

    Edited to add: if the police investigate (and they have pledged to investigate EVERY allegation) and find no crime has been committed, the woman will receive an NCHI against her name (Non Crime Hate Incident) and she will not be informed about this. If she applies for a job working with children or vulnerable adults, it will flag up an NCHI against her name (or multiple thereof). Will she be considered for that position? I intend to check regularly whether Ihave been issued one of these NCHI's.

    Scotland is in the shameful situation of protecting the rights of men who self identify as women more than the actual female citizens of that country. You couldn't make it up.

  12. It looks like this law could end up ghetoising 'protected' categories of people, because the law itself is so confusing that people may go into self protection mode and not associate with those they fear (rightly or wrongly), to be treacherous and litigious.

  13. Non Scott here, I always thought the SNP was a strange name for any political party. Having Nationalist Party as a major part of the name… But was assured by media that this 'Nationalist Party' was not in any way a dictatorial entity. However now it seems to have the perfect law to go with its name. Scots can't complain, they said exactly who they were from the start. You voted them in despite the name.

  14. This is crazy – it’s Ladies & Gentlemen -why is the Minority dictating to the Majority!! It’s definitely ‘1984’ in 2024 !!!

  15. Excellently hosted and greatly informative, certainly puts the free -to-air media channels to shame. Agree totally that (bad) ‘draft legislation’ from Holyrood is the main cause of problems.

  16. What about the sex offenders who are 100% innocent, and can prove that what the prosecution is stating from their accusers are lies, when a defense points out the lies and yet cannot use defense material because of the way the Scottish law is organized now. When statements are changed and video footage altered to tell a different story, and you are given no indication that this was being done so you can present evidence to disprove the accusations made? What makes this matter worse, is that you go and speak to most defense lawyers regarding innocent guys getting jailed for rape accusations, and it happens NOT because the guys are guilty, but because the prosecution has manipulated things, along with the Police, to make it pretty well a no chance to prove innocence situation. Don't believe me? Ask around in the legal circles about this… this is a FACT 100% – anyone just poo-pooing this, I hope you do not have any male children who hang around with the classic mad girls who will do and say anything to get compensation and also get your kid put in jail… It's happening DAILY… and from the beginning of June 2024 we will be on a quest to get this matter out into the mainstream, along with the liars being shown for what they are…

  17. Doesn't the human rights legislation and Equalities Act permit freedom of opinion and speech? This is superior law, so what will this act accomplish?

  18. Great video, Thomas is a great guy, really enjoyed listening to him, and you were ok too 👏🤣

  19. Great interview now will this open the door to unlimited benefit fraud and people having 3 wives three identities with 10 kids also subletting their council house

  20. It will be good see what happens if their anither Palestine march in Glasgow/Edinburgh n see how many get lifted 🇬🇧

  21. This recording of all incidents has been also happening in Wales since the Stephen Lawrence enquiry.

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