
This Cop Got Owned And Educated! #police #crime #shorts


This Cop Got Owned And Educated! #police #crime #shorts

#Cop #Owned #Educated #police #crime #shorts

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46 thoughts on “This Cop Got Owned And Educated! #police #crime #shorts”

  1. If he was filming the kid, I agree with the officer. He's a creep.
    If the officer is using a random kid down the street and he wasn't recording the kid then the officer is at fault.

  2. The cop didn't get owned. You just came off looking like a weirdo. Stop filming children 🧒 it's just really creepy 🤨

  3. Do your audit somewhere else, but not with kids or in residential areas. There are amendment and there is character… The purpose of an audit is to challenge a tyrannical elite and government, not the little man, his family and his few hours of happiness at home.

  4. Douchebags that create confrontations like this with cops are not the good guys, they are assholes, making cops more disagreeable in general.

  5. I agree with the cop on this one. What reasonably suspicion? You are filming a child. A child that is not yours by the looks of it. That is, as a parent, suspicion enough.

  6. You’re filming a child. That’s freaking creepy. Try stopping being a freak and listen to the cop for a second.

  7. You know, these are the same people that bitch and moan when someone says defund the police because they are killing unarmed black citizens. So many double standards out there. Thank you police officer for questioning this guy for filming other peoples children.

  8. Could you imagine the heat the police department would get if this guy ended up kidnapping that child? That is an incredibly creepy thing for some rando to do

  9. I have a little girl and while I'd love to stop a perve(alleged by this thug in blue) from filming children I would never step foot on a slippery slope and out of fear of "safety" alienate her rights! Quick question was op up skirting a child? Of course not stahp it this is why Americans have grown to hate police!

  10. all this video tells me is the guy taking the video likes to film kids, and based on his response it's not his kid he's perving over..

  11. “In the process of filming me, you’re filming a child” He’s just using the kid in the background as an excuse to violate the guy’s rights

  12. It's plain & simple
    If you don't wanna be filmed or photograph out in public, DON'T GO OUT…
    if you do go out expect to be filmed & photography and STFU stop complaining

  13. If something is not against the law and it just makes you feel weird then you are the problem so good luck

  14. I say the cop is right on this one. I wouldn't want a cabron making a video of my kid, like he's going to give it to somebody and they choose if they want them or not, like on Epstein island. I would ask for the person not to do that, cause then there would be major problems and we will fight. People are so stupid on these comments and hung on hating cops so much, cause of social media, that they don't find it weird of some mothaf…a taking video of their kid(s).

  15. Officer Horton it’s just the one in many of a line of tyrant don’t understand their job and abuse their power

  16. Just look up when you get to a red light. There are cameras recording us all the time as soon as we step out the house and you don’t know where that info is going. No one says a word. See a guy with a cellphone, “call all units”.

  17. I was on your side until a child became involved. FU for filming a kid. No sympathy for you, youre the POS.

  18. Still don't need consent. Cop needs to find some crime or another job. Cop will be back to arrest this guy when the feelings mom calls 911

  19. By law you can record the insaide of a house from the side walk. Anything that can be seen from the public. Keep your curtains and blinds closed.

  20. What a jerk! Why would you film a child in today's climate… and then whine because a policeman stops you! You have absolutely no class!

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