
Things that happen when Americans eat in Europe


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43 thoughts on “Things that happen when Americans eat in Europe”

  1. It's changing, though. When I was young, waiting to be seated was almost completely unheard of here in Germany, then it became more and more widespread and now it's pretty common.

  2. France is not Europe… in Portugal/Spain, if you go to a restaurant and sit yourself, we are not serving you

  3. It is often difficult to find a public restroom in Paris. Nice hack is to sit at a cafe, order a glass of tap water, and now that you're a customer you may use their restroom. Wheatstaff are very attentive to incoming customers.

  4. Not always true. I visited England. They are sooooo much kinder there there than in the US. And, they take it as an offense if you ask first a “doggie bag”. I had my partner eat what I couldn’t so that I didn’t offend them.

  5. The worst is foreign restaurants in Europe, they just go off whatever the quirky rules are of their home country rather than the one you’re in. Happens in Asia too.

  6. You really shouldn't talk about languages and cultures when you have no idea about either, as it has been proven over and over.
    First faux pas… claiming that "Europe" is even vaguely similarly united in behaviours as the US. We do not have a common identity in that way.

  7. Although if a place has a sign telling you to wait there to be seated..bloody well wait there to be seated.

  8. We're so used to seeing signs that say something along the lines of "please wait to be seated" that the lack of one is more likely to be interpreted as "I guess they dont have the sign" as oppose to "I guess Im suppose to seat myself"

  9. Single female here. In the U.S. they just ignore me, even to the point of seating people (big families) who came in behind me. Now I only eat at mom and pop Mexican places where they actually care. Guess who has more money, the single woman with a good job, or the guy with a wife and three kids? Adios!

  10. I do this in America too. If you take too long to seat me or if nobody is at the podium for too long, I'm going to assume you want me to seat myself.

  11. I work in London UK in a restaurant, im the hostess i sit the tables, there's usually a queue , but many try to ignore me and sit without talking to me first its frustrating

  12. In The US we have people sitting down at dirty tables and then getting mad they don’t have silver wear for the finger food they’re about to eat.

  13. Being a Belgian immigrant in the US, I can relate to that.
    Also, the other difference is that the tip in most of Europe is included in the bill.

  14. dont forget them thinking the waiter/waitress is going to treat them like kings and queens, if you start shit you must be prepared to take some shit.

  15. Nah I get that. Sometimes I go to a restaurant that doesn't seat you, and I just stand there until someone comes around and is like, "You can seat yourself sir" then I feel like an idiot. Usually though, they have signs saying, "Please wait to be seated" or "Please seat yourself" so it doesn't happen often.

  16. You would think an intelligent person would ask if they need to wait to be seated or just go find a seat within the 1st 30 seconds

  17. The only thing I didn’t like about eating in Europe was needing to constantly pay for water. Otherwise, it was pretty chill and the food was pretty good. I think I had some of the best Italian food in Germany

  18. If there is one thing ANYONE should do when do when going to another country, research anything in terms of etiquette from restaurants or shops. Either that, or have a guide or have an experienced friend with you if you have one.

  19. Ummm what? There are places in america where you can go straight to your table, just as im sure there are places in europe where you have to wait to be seated. And can people stop treating europeans like they are all on one big happy team? They are just as divided and out of touch as americans lol.

  20. Eating in europe is such a pain in the ass. Can I get some water please.. brings a glass three sizes bigger than a thimble. Oh look my soda came and then the waiter whips out the paymebt kiosk. 11 euros for a small bottle of soda.

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