
TheDUIGuy reacts to Law By Mike!


#TheDUIGuy #reacts #Law #Mike

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36 thoughts on “TheDUIGuy reacts to Law By Mike!”

  1. They made a bad ruling here just like they did with roe v wade. They should overturn this horrible decision. Instead, it should be federally illegal to impede our freedom of movement.

  2. The Supreme Court got it wrong. I don’t care what anyone says. There is no probable cause, no reasonable suspicion, no warrant and all of those things violate the 4th amendment.

  3. The cops may or may not adhere to the requirements for a checkpoint. When the cops arrest someone at a checkpoint, they'll rely on the driver not having an attorney or not hiring a diligent one. A large number of people can't afford a good private attorney and will just plead guilty. If the attorney challenges the checkpoint, the cops will lie. Judges and prosecutors overwhelmingly tolerate police perjury, especially in DUI cases.

  4. I think he is funny in a goofy sort of way. He isn't a brilliant comedian, but he is funny.

  5. DUI has to include a driver: a person who holds an occupational driver license,,, that’s a job, trade, profession or calling or career as a driver. Working as a driver. Thats the only kind of driver there is in the transportation code.

  6. I've always found it odd, IIRC the original SCOTUS case, was from Michigan but later Our State Supremes ruled them illegal.

    Show your papers… 🖕

  7. In australia any cop can pull you over for a breath or drug test anytime, they have booze and drug buses in every state they close down a freeway from 4 lanes to 2 all legal if you refuse a breath or drug test , automatic 2 year cancellation of your licence effective immediately

  8. So if it's a "DUI checkpoint" why do they always ask for license, registration and proof of insurance instead of asking for us to do a breath test?

  9. What are the laws in Texas about a convicted felon in firearms did I lose my Second Amendment right to carry

  10. of course this does nothing but enforce how corrupt SCOTUS is. they circumvent the constitution in favor of the STATE regularly.

  11. I stopped them in my GA town. Told them it's unconstitutional. They were impeding my way in my convenience. He said, it's in the supreme Court right now. I laughed and said, it would take an act of Congress to chg the Constitution. So, I know you are lying sir! I'm not gvg you anything. He let me go on my way and I never saw another driver license and insurance ck point again.

  12. Yes talk to a lawyer, a vending machine. One slot deposit only right arm, slot #2 , takes testicles, slot #3 takes gold 1 ounce pieces

  13. Bad ruling made by traitors and tyrants engaged in treason. Tell them to stop raping children on epstein island and stop trying to take away our freedoms.

  14. So I've seen so many videos. Are you legally obligated to produce a driver's license? Being that there is no RAS for a Terry stop? I've seen some dude hung shit out his window in a ziplock (license, registration, printout stating he invokes, 1st and 5th.

  15. Legality does not equate to morality. Randomly stopping people to see if they're committing a crime is a violation of the Fourth amendment. I don't care what the courts have ruled

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