
The UK is Breaking the Law By Arming Israel Says Supreme Court Judges


The UK is Breaking the Law By Arming Israel Says Supreme Court Judges

#Breaking #Law #Arming #Israel #Supreme #Court #Judges

Three former Supreme Court judges are among more than 600 prominent lawyers and academics warning the government it is breaking international law by continuing to arm Israel.

Andrew Pierce and Kevin Maguire respond to the calls for PM Rishi Sunak to suspend arms sales, the World Central Kitchen strikes, and the possibility that the UK is breaching the law.

Broadcast on 04/04/24

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49 thoughts on “The UK is Breaking the Law By Arming Israel Says Supreme Court Judges”

  1. The killing of 7 western foreigners outraged more the West than the death of 33 000 Palestinians (mostly children and women). So sad! The UN became a joke… The immunity of diplomatic representations (being observed for over 3000 years) is bombed and no one seems to care! Rule based order is a total joke!!

  2. Hmm… maybe the US, as a neutral noncombatant, arming Britain via the lend lease agreement was also breaking the law

  3. Misleading your viewers with a 100 small omissions
    "invasion of Lebanon" ?
    you mean in response to dozens of attacks on the border (right? You meant to say that?)

    stop being a biased liars.
    IF are you guys are professionals – don't be puppets of a populist narrative

  4. They are finally waking up after 6 months. They themselves are complicit for waiting this long before speaking…. This is no way the first war crime. The list is as long as Bibi's lying nose.

  5. We are going to look back on this the same way we now look back on Iraq 2003… with absolute shame. The UK, and the US especially, can always seem to find cash and justification to support a war on foreign soil, but not to feed our own poor, repair our crumbling infrastructure, fix our broken healthcare. It's embarrasing, to put it mildly!

  6. 30,000 kil.d in Gaza, Genocide, Apartheid, are all unproven lies. How many of the doubtfully 30,000 kil.d were terrorist fighters? At least 12,000. How many died from misfired hamas rockets? Numbers don't match.

  7. walking on eggshells comes to mind when watching this meeting. It will be judged with great curiosity in years (months?) to come.

  8. Countries with more power i.e. more powerfully militarily and more powerfully economically make and write the laws and call the shots. International law is nothing to do with what is wrong or right just what the most powerful country says it is and this is the USA and its side kick and cousin the UK. This is just like the US and the Uk have done throught the centuries and has nothing to do with morals or who is wrong or right. The law has always been written by the victor not the defeated or the wronged. Look at American and the Uk and the genocicide of Native Americans, tens of millions of african slaves that built the economy of America and the Uk, then look at the British and the colonisation of Africa, India, Asia and the ransacking of wealth and slavery and starvation of millions, then look at Europe, the french, spanish , portugese, dutch, Belgium and the the buthering the invasions of land to build their empires.
    Palestininians are just another people on the wrong side of these powerful countries and their greed and hate. The UK invaded their lands and promised the european jews who had adopted jewish religion during the 8th century who have no actual connection with Palestian their land. However when it comes to the inhabitants of Palistianian lands the Palestinians ,Hamas, Palestinian liberation army they are the ones called terrorists for fightingting for their land and fighting for self determination, instead the european jews who have invaded Palestinian land are given victim status by international law and the ones whose land that has been stolen are the terrorists? They say 7th October 2023 was war crime after 75 years of war crimes against the Palestinian people but the ethnical cleasing of 1 Million Palestinians from their land , and the killing of 60 thousand Palestinians between 1948 and 2023 is acceptable and never to spoken about and no international law has anything to say about it and never mind to charge the aggressors of any crimes. This is law of the poweful against the weak and has nothing to do with defending wrong or right. This is why Americam politicians can say with impunity Gaza should be nuked and havevatom bombs dropped on it and not he called terrorists😮😢

  9. Hamas are these people whose families were killed, and now several families have been killed, and what do you think that no one will take revenge for the losses of their relatives? And you will say for these people that they are the same terrorists, this war has been going on for 76 years and Hamas for 20 years. All because of Israel, because they steal land from Palestinians and killed Palestinians, and it is clear that someone with the name Hamas is fighting against Israel

  10. Why are these people lying? Of course it's a genocide. Children, women and all objects are destroyed. You've all seen these terrible videos of children and women

  11. This goes DIRECTLY to questioning the conservative govts POLITICAL proscription of khamaas as "terrorist" group….

  12. Israel wants no one to disturb her as she continues to occupying Palestinian land.STOP THE OCCUPATION FOR PEACE IN ISRAEL

  13. If someone that works in a hospital is a suspect of murdering patients, its not been proven yet, but there's a plausible case for them being a murderer, will they not be suspended?

  14. Accused with the 33000 killed mostly children and women.
    Reporters are so biased and one guest is so hypocrites and they have no standing.

  15. "consultant editor" not lawyer he doesnt see the unfolding genocide and slaughter toll in front of us on TV every night?
    and while you're busy arguing 100 more Palestinians died, yet more of Gaza is being flattened and children are dieing of orchestrated starvation and disease
    vile response from the UK who started this mess in the first place

  16. Howay for christs sake open your eyes genocide is happening,not proven you must be joking

  17. Until MI6 get of there backsides the two main parties will continue to be controlled by Israel. The Uk public do not want this, they should be working for us!

  18. Weapons coming in at Rafah. That’s why they get rattled when they hear Rafah invasion

  19. But Iran will continue to load Hamas with weapons and money and no one talks about that

  20. Yeah. Focusing on 7 aid workers. So lives of Palestinians is not important. Wow. Can they not see the killing live on the media and u still saying it's not genocide. Hypocrites

  21. Wow. He says "put the idea of genocide aside " thr killing of aid workers is what they are guilty of. So, killing innocent Palestinians is not guilty? Wow.

  22. This is UK in 2024 and if Sunak and his government doesn’t stop arming Israel no matter how small is the amount than all the lawyers from different societies will go after them

  23. In the night on 14 January 2008 in Helmand Province, British troops saw a group of Afghans "conducting suspicious activities". Visibility was too bad for rifle-fire and they were too far away to call in mortar strikes. The squad decided to use a Javelin anti-tank missile they were carrying. British soldiers fired their missile on the nearby roof but the victims were their own Afghan army sentries. 15 Afghan soldiers were killed.

  24. On 9 July 2008, nine British soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment were injured after being fired upon by a British Army Apache helicopter while on patrol in Afghanistan

  25. Captain Tom Sawyer, aged 26, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, and Corporal Danny Winter, aged 28, Zulu Company 45 Commando Royal Marines, were killed by an explosion on 14 January 2009 from a Javelin missile fired by British troops acting on the orders of a Danish officer

  26. These life and death games are being played by the "Elites".The World itself is under attack, by rich influential individuals, to slowly try and remove everything we own. All Countries are targeted, but Guess what? We got the names, and are COMING for them…………These tragic wars is just a misdirection, the real goal is a One World Government. Question, when they loose, (and they will) what then? Are they willing to die for their gamble, by causing a catastrophic nuclear war?

  27. "Israel has declared war on aid organisations", in other words: it has declared war on humanity.

  28. They want to 'destroy' the Rogue State? It's doing just fine destroying itself before the eyes of the world. All credibility GONE! Here in the States, we remember the USS Liberty.

  29. If your contention is that Israel is innocent until proven guilty and therefore arms can still be sent that's not what happens when individuals are accused. Some are not granted bail or if they are it comes with conditions. While Israel is being investigated arms should not be supplied on the basis of the risk of their misuse.

  30. "Israel has declared war on aid organisations" because aid organisations don't let people starve.
    It's a genocide and starving people to death is a means to an end.
    By the way, Israel has eliminated more than 200 aid workers and spread lies about UNRWA because the lives of people in Gaza depend on UNRWA food.

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