
The U.S criminal justice system is 10x stricter than other countries


The U.S criminal justice system is 10x stricter than other countries

#U.S #criminal #justice #system #10x #stricter #countries

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criminal law , The U.S criminal justice system is 10x stricter than other countries, Criminal justice,law enforcement,legal system,crime prevention,rehabilitation,incarceration,social justice,Prison reform

21 thoughts on “The U.S criminal justice system is 10x stricter than other countries”

  1. Some lines can’t be crossed. Idc the situation kidnapping someone should give you life in prison

  2. I don't understand. Most people understand the concepts of right and wrong. Most people understand that obeying the law is the right way to get along with others. Most people understand that selling drugs, using them or hurting people in anyway is a detriment to society. We have to forgive after a while because, somewhere, our conscience tells us that kidnap is less than murder or rape is less than genocide? They're all evil. The people who make these choices in those moment, make a bet. You get away with it or you don't. You don't go to prison for a bit then suddenly you're different person. Your desires might have changed, but you're still a threat. You don't belong in society. You don't belong as part of the human race. Make mistakes, sure but comit a crime and assume you'll get the worst punishement. The problem is that lack of education breeds stupidity. Stupidity twists good notions like "freedom" and "fairness". You're free to do anything you want as long as it doesn't harm, physicaly or financially or emotionally, directly or indirectly anyone. Fairness to you should be fair to others. You learn to live FOR others or don't be part of society.

  3. What u don't understand is ok u kindnat me so 4 years no I play double jeopardy and ya I sent his mom a card

  4. Umm maybe don’t kidnap a child if you don’t want to be in jail? Germany is a violent migrant hellscape now because of the nonchalant punishments…

  5. People who have never been to prison have no idea how much of a nightmare it is. I get all of the arguments. But a 20 year old shouldn’t get 30 years for a victimless crime. Plus it costs taxpayers millions!!

  6. What I do understand is that that’s how the cookie crumbles… if you can’t so the time then don’t do the crime…!!! He only kidnapped a female… but didn’t do anything to her… bollacks… he probably traumatized that person for life.

  7. ummmmmm. if there 50 60 70 years old and there still there, they probably got life in prison with no parole because of the crime they commited, so they should probably stay there.

  8. Everyone takes for granted how our current system takes mental illness into account and is understanding of certain situations. The farther back you go in time the less of that there is. People who probably would now be considered disabled/ going through psychosis may have been tried as if they were a normal functioning person. Then bam 40 years in prison.

  9. Yeah thats all well and good……..until that harmless guy kidnaps another 4 year old, and she never goes home again.

  10. Too bad people have no idea what someone else is capable of. We let our people all the time because we assume they’ve changed and they break the law the next day

  11. When you realize they only give pedophiles a few years so they can go out and screw more kids up who grow up to be criminals themselves fueling the business of the prison industry…..

  12. It's not that insane if you think about it from the victim's perspective. He kidnapped a girl for four hours, and "didn't harm her." Yes, he did harm her. He messed up her mind for sure. And if she has lasting psychological damage, it's not unfair that he be punished for as long as her damage lasts. If that's a lifetime, so be it. He had no right to do that, and if he did it once and gets away with it, he'd do it again.

  13. I agree he shouldn’t have been held there for 46 years. He should have been given a month after which time his right to breath should have been revoked. Kidnapping is utterly unacceptable and any man evil enough to kidnap a little girl should be removed from the census.

  14. MAGA, like in the 50s, 60s, and 70s before mandatory minimums and we had half the number of people in prison as we do today. And we were safer and better off.

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