
The Trick to Ending Police Questions


The Trick to Ending Police Questions

#Trick #Police #Questions

Facing police questioning? Here’s a clever trick to wrap up those inquiries. 🤫

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2 thoughts on “The Trick to Ending Police Questions”

  1. You are free to leave, you are being detained, or you are under arrest.

    Now on a very related note: Just because an Officer is speaking with you, does not mean you are detained or facing arrest. Officers, just like anyone, are free to interact with you in a consentual manner. You dont have to immediately take a hostile or defensive manner just because they are talking to you, especially if they arent even having a serious interaction. If they ask where you got the car you iust parked, maybe they think its a cool car or wondering how much you paid from the dealer to see if they can get a deal. Officers are also humans.

    That all being said, if you do feel you should take a defensive manner towards an Officer, then SHUT UP. Stop talking. You have a right to remain silent, so USE IT. There will NEVER be a time where trying to argue and debate with the Officer will result in you suddenly being free to go if you've been detained or arrested. Stop talking, period. Fight it in court, not in the street.

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