
The one place in the US where EVERYTHING is legal…


The one place in the US where EVERYTHING is legal…

#place #legal..

The one place in the US where EVERYTHING is legal…


Most Americans don’t know that there is a place in the U.S. where any crime is legal. And, for this reason, this area has literally been given the name: “the zone of d**th”.

All of this takes place in Yellowstone National Park, where as you can see, most of the National Park land resides solely in the state of Wyoming.

However, if you look a bit closer, you can see that it’s hiding a pretty big secret. You see, there are small portions of the national park that go beyond Wyoming and barely stretch into the states of Montana and Idaho.

These weird overlapping borders would be considered pretty weird on their own, but what makes them special is this 50 square mile piece of land in Idaho.

This is a place where no crime committed could be legally punished, and all this stems from a loophole in how the law is written.

You see, when a crime is committed anywhere in the U.S., the trial jury legally has to be made up of people belonging to both the state and the district where the crime was committed. However, since not a single person lives in both the State of Idaho, and the district of Yellowstone National Park, no jury can be assembled, which means no trial can legally be held to prosecute a criminal.

Luckily, since this loophole’s discovery, nothing bad has happened here, but this begs the question, who will be the first person to try it out?

#geography #shorts
criminal law , The one place in the US where EVERYTHING is legal…, geography,reed schultz,mapping,mapper,maps,animated maps,fun fact,countries,country fact,interesting fact,geopolitics,united states,yellowstone,yellowstone national park,country,map

32 thoughts on “The one place in the US where EVERYTHING is legal…”

  1. Saying “any crime is legal” is just not true. Idaho law still very much applies, they just wouldn’t be able to prosecute you properly without a jury 🤷‍♂️

  2. the music is crazy for this video! the transition between the first one to the second is so cool bro.

  3. There’s lots of people that live in Idaho, there’s even three D1 College Football teams there: Idaho, Idaho State and Boise State.

  4. The part saying anything is legal is inaccurate. Laws still apply, it would just be a a judicial nightmare for prosecution.

  5. Pretty sure that argument won’t hold up in court if the crime is severe enough. That’s assuming that the Feds don’t throw you into some deep, dark hole and forget about you…..

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