
The New ‘Gang Initiation’: How Britain’s Violent Gangs Target Public With Luxury Crime Wave


The New ‘Gang Initiation’: How Britain’s Violent Gangs Target Public With Luxury Crime Wave

#Gang #Initiation #Britains #Violent #Gangs #Target #Public #Luxury #Crime #Wave

Luxury crimes are on the rise in the UK, with criminal gangs now targeting high-end designer goods such as Canada Goose jackets and AirPods. These items have become more enticing to thieves than drugs, leading to an increase in overall crime rates. Experts warn that this trend is just the beginning and that young men are often the culprits behind these offences.

In the past, young offenders would typically start with shop thefts or burglaries as an entry-level crime. However, the rise of luxury crime has replaced these traditional offences. Offenders now see expensive, easily concealable items as a symbol of status and wealth. The desire to possess these items has become a driving force behind the increase in luxury crimes.

This week former Met Detective Peter Bleksley is joined by former armed robber turned TikTok addiction mentor; Paul Simmons, business development and recoveries manager of The Watch Register Catherine Alexander, criminologist and author James Treadwell and former senior Metropolitan Police officer Leroy Logan.

Paul highlights the changing motivations of criminals. He explains that many offenders today are not driven by financial gain or desperate circumstances. Instead, they simply want to possess the items they aspire to have, regardless of the consequences. This shift in mindset has contributed to the ruthless and unscrupulous nature of these criminals.

The impact of luxury crime is evident in the disturbing footage of a recent robbery, where a man is violently attacked and robbed of his watch. This premeditated and prolonged assault highlights the extent to which criminals are willing to go to obtain high-value items. The Metropolitan Police have made it a priority to investigate such crimes, utilising the abundance of CCTV footage available in the UK.

The panel debates whether luxury crimes should be classified as organised crime. While elements of organisation are present, the cultural shift towards material possessions and consumerism plays a significant role in driving these offenses. Young people, in particular, are bombarded with messages that define their success by what they consume, leading them to target high-end designer stores during incidents like the riots in 2010.

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45 thoughts on “The New ‘Gang Initiation’: How Britain’s Violent Gangs Target Public With Luxury Crime Wave”

  1. It was like that in the first high school i went to,it was called a tax and only carried out by black pupils.

  2. We've got to stop young people from thinking gang life is in any way 'luxurious' or 'romanticised'. Hollywood movies have got a lot to answer for by basically polishing turds when it comes to how these movies depict gang life. Same thing with old world pirates, when you say 'pirate' to someone and ask them what first comes to mind, they think of some swashbuckling heartthrob from movies. In reality, piracy was, and still is, a bloody, violent crime that has resulted in needless loss of life.

    I would start by getting some volunteer prisoners to record videos which tell the harsh reality of gangs in the UK, and the reality of life in prison. Via such a program prisoners would be given the chance to show remorse for their crimes. No rewards should be given so that their participation is more likely to be out of remorse and willingness to prevent someone else suffering the same fate, or worse. Education is our best weapon against crime. A lot of children and young people who get sucked into gangs sadly don't even see prison and a chance to change their ways, they go straight into body bags.

    Nobody needs to join a gang, use your brains to go to college or university. Even people from some of the most impoverished backgrounds go on to become doctors, scientists, vets, allsorts. Join an apprenticeship, become a YouTuber, whatever it takes to live a good well meaning life, don't do crime, you're better than that.

  3. This has been the case since the late 1960s when I lived 2 miles from Brixton and Peckham. By 1983, I had seen more than enough but in London, the disproportionality of crime continues and always will. Ethnic records of street crime ceased in around 2006. By that time one community who were 10% of Londoners had committed 157,000 out of 175,000 street robberies/muggings i.e. 90%. Now you have African Gangs like Malis and Albanians,East Europeans et al…

  4. Amir Khan ??? Robbed in London. Wow. There really is no honour among thieves . Is that why he's robbing London citizens right now ?? Drivers ??

  5. I love, understand why people want expensive watches watch tells the time that’s the same as a cheap one was a fiver you get the same time. Why waste all that money on that expensive bloody watch Mr Anthony Holt and I think people are so stupid by Muse expensive what is Margaret? Tell you the time zone for the same time as a £5 watch so why power that money and get locked With expensive, Julie doesn’t want it would be really expensive car in the world want it or do you think we got money into his describe the new this is there a story rude I want what you’ve got just said rude and God will punish you for it, don’t you worry about that I will punish you for it. Don’t worry about that boy is watching all over the world and he’s going to punish you just when you get a bit older he’s gonna come down on you in more ways than one my love Mark, my words I’ll come down on you

  6. Pretty much when you go out in London wear the cheapest hillbilly looking clothes you own and you won’t get attacked , keep your watches and chains at home dress like you don’t own anything

  7. Basically we are on our own. The police are weak, judicial system is weak, yet the criminals are now protected above the victim

  8. I think as a society in the UK we glamorise crime on TV and the media. We are glamorising material needs on the media that are non essential items for the basic working class person. I've just heard after years of protest, "grand theft auto" is back as a media player for kids! TV soaps and drama producer's are showing all this rubbish to the younger generation that crime is acceptable. I have travelled the world and never seen such crime behaviour as we are seeing on the streets of London. Not even in Scotland who was at one time, the knife capital of Europe.Who were able to address this problem with excellent policies and policing.

  9. Are muslim gulf countries safe?….

    Do ppl do this kind of behaviour in Saudi Arabia, dubai, Qatar, bharain, brunie, Malaysia?

  10. Africa is the only continent where wealth is taken and not created. It is an attitude that permeates throughout their society

  11. We can give Billions of Tax Payers money to Ukraine…..But when it comes to policing and looking after the public. We get two Fingers…..Britain is falling apart and our politicians don't give a TOSS

  12. The ironic thing is your perfectly fine wearing your rolex in the so called backward middle east countries, but not in broken Britain

  13. Police are part of the problem, too busy bullying the tax paying public as criminals and grooming gangs are out of control and do as they please . Dark times are coming to Britain like never seen before , and the agenda is to let it happen. Why ? What’s the plan here ?

  14. "good cop" because he helps people away from a fire and calls the fire service? Not only is that part of his job, it is what any normal person would do to the best of their ability.

  15. What is your problem? Mr. Khan is making sure that you are breathing in clean air while you are being robbed and beaten up.

  16. We know the Solution= Strong Sentences & Hard Time in Jail & No Nonsense Policing. I say this as a person Left of Centre Politically. 70 years old. Lack of Discipline in Schools= who allowed this= POLITICIANS, POLITICIANS, POLITICIANS of all hues from Right to Left. Sick Society.

  17. UK is going the way of South Africa….import the third world and you become the third world.
    Thanks Tony Blair.

  18. Get this straight, If you fight back back the police WILL arrest you, this has happened to me three times,DONT talk to police after any incident,remember NO COMMENT! The police are on the side of the criminal!NOT YOURS! This advice is given thru hard experience!!

  19. Mad Max here we come this is what Britain is facing. Discipline starts at home then at school. Bullies are allowed to get away with being undisciplined. The British government will regret this eventually unless someone strong takes the reins. Good luck.

  20. Really enjoyed this but scares the living day lights out of me younger kids today have no chance need more of Peter and on main stream TV as well thank u

  21. And we live in a country where defending yourself is just as bad.
    And now they are taking loyal loving family Dogs that may protect us in these moments.
    The country is screwed !!! the list of things that is happening right now to us is insane from Ulez to immigration to kids killing kids and blatant Satanic government.
    It's time to take the country back but no1 will do anything coz we are weak ppl who just moan and do nothing about anything.

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