
The Missing Data in Criminal Justice Reform


The Missing Data in Criminal Justice Reform

#Missing #Data #Criminal #Justice #Reform

This video was created in partnership with Stand Together.

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A large contributing factor to the inefficiencies of America’s criminal justice system is that there is a nationwide lack of operational uniformity when it comes to collating data. Thousands of stakeholders use different systems for tracking data, oftentimes with outdated technology.

Recidiviz sees these issues as ones which technology can play a vital role in solving. The startup, based in San Francisco and born out of Google, designs criminal justice technology solutions with the ultimate goal of decreasing recidivism and incarceration rates.

The Recidiviz platform compiles and organizes data from national, state, and local jurisdictions so that decision makers have real-time and widespread visibility – empowering them to make better decisions every day.

See the full article on criminal justice technology here:

Up next- Learning to Code in Prison:

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28 thoughts on “The Missing Data in Criminal Justice Reform”

  1. Vote Independent Friends ✔️ Stop allowing officials so much power ⚖️ Hold corrupt officials accountable 👨🏻‍⚖️

  2. Y’all don’t get jail confused with prison. Stats are obviously “more accurate” (I say that cause I don’t trust the authorities either a) in federal prisons than a state run jail. Both cover up numbers. But feds are forced to use more data as they are better at documentation in general. Econ major for reference. Great video but you should be specific. Misleading info.

  3. Cute buzz words… but data driven decisions on a person's life is part of the problem. I'm a convicted felon who served 2 years in the penitentiary for a stupid cannabis offense. Decisions should be made on a case by case basis because it is personal, not data driven. Data driven decisions ruined by career as a pilot. No second chances. Do not pass go. One mistake, life sentence. Get the humanity to return and recidivism will go down.

  4. 18 elderly and health compromised prisoners died wrongfully of Covid19 in Utah's Draper Prison. Now families are still not able to hug those that survived Covid19. We are only allowed one video visit or one in person visit behind a barrier each month. I have not hugged my father since January of 2020. I'm not the only one suffering from this (parents, spouses, children, and loved ones) many have lost loved ones to Covid19 and didn't get to say goodbye. Why are we being punished when Covid19 was brought in by the staff working at the prisons. These people were treated less then and died in horrible ways and the surviving prisoners and families are still suffering and are victims of the prisons handling of the pandemic. Prison reform and medical care should be at the top of the list for change!

    It's not a coincidence that in Utah the Correction Executive Director resigned when many prisoners started dieing at Utah State Prison and then is placed as the Executive Director of Utah Board of Pardons and Parole. Makes sense why none of us could get compassionate release and my father still struggles to walk and has advanced stages of parkinson's and type 2 diabetes.

    People need to be aware of what's going on and these people were neglected. More prisons need to be reviewed on their handling of prisoners during the pandemic in each state. Many deaths that were preventable occured and these people didn't deserve a pandemic death penalty!!

  5. “We can’t even answer basic questions like how many people are in jail. That has real consequences for the 7 million people who are incarcerated.” Turned the video off right then. Lost all credibility to put those two lines together. If there’s something I’m missing that’s unspoken, IT NEEDS TO BE SPOKEN.

  6. Human error, your machine will not have accurate truth of human behavior. We are not your robot to order about by your manipulative n prejudice of your beliefs

  7. What they're talking about is just like the Intersect from the show Chuck, but for after the bad guy is caught lol.

  8. If all of the states would participate in this program, everyone could benefit from this. Maybe more accountability and I mean on the prison's side which could benefit inmates being released. I have read a lot of case law on different subjects and I wish there were a way for these prisons to regulated from a third party per say. The whole system is messed up and society will never know the truth because no one believes a criminal over a cop. A lot of times those cops are criminals with a badge. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

  9. That 'missing data' is the Justice System's safety-net of plausible deniability. A curtain enabling whomever to 'play dumb' when the situation calls for it, or buy some time to make up an excuse.. It'll be a tough and constantly on-going battle to change society's global consciousness before anything will change, imo. Very well done, love the content as always!

  10. Those prisons are a money making business, all they care about is the persons prison # , thus they make an income on these people!

  11. Nice someone noticed; this is a very long time coming
    The speaker is clear, well-spoken and knowledgeable. Tks!

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