
The Impact of Prop 47 Rethinking Drug Policy in the Criminal Justice System


The Impact of Prop 47  Rethinking Drug Policy in the Criminal Justice System

#Impact #Prop #Rethinking #Drug #Policy #Criminal #Justice #System

How did the public use of drugs get so out of control?
Prosecutor Johnene Stebbins is running to be elected as Superior Court Judge in Santa Clara County, District 5, see the full interview at
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2 thoughts on “The Impact of Prop 47 Rethinking Drug Policy in the Criminal Justice System”

  1. Maybe it was done specifically for the Biden admin to help out the cartels with the fbis help. Maybe my ass. That's exactly why all the issues happened. Border, drugs, energy, trafficking people, defunding the police, sending the military to go over seas, and the big one that apperently nobody has the balls to talk about, the antiamerican army that is now deep in America's home land. That all happened to set that up. But whatever, I'm right with my maker

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