
The Divorce Rules for Men


#Divorce #Rules #Men

Attorney Frank Morris, cofounder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win.

Here are the 11 Divorce Survival Rules for Men!

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Co-founder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, Frank Morris, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win. He took the time to share his 11 Rules for Surviving Divorce in the video above.

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45 thoughts on “The Divorce Rules for Men”

  1. I like how one of the rules is “no chit chat, were not here to be your friend” really speaks to how lonely these people have been for so long lol 😂

  2. Marriage is a scam fellas. Don’t do it. The Legal System (it’s not the justice system because there is zero justice for men) is a scam; from the judge, attorneys, etc. it’s a money grab. DO NOT GET MARRIED!!!!

  3. Our first year of marriage was pretty contentious as we both were learning to live with one another. She packed a bag
    and went home to her mother a number of times declaring she could not live with me. Her mother, bless her heart,
    would not let her in the door. She told her daughter 'You've made your choice, now you need to return and work it
    out with him.' And by & by we did. That was 49years ago & we are still together.


  4. Wonderful video, it was a privilege to get so much relevant and pertinent information. It made me re-evaluate several aspects of how I thought about my marriage difficulties! Thank you so much for posting this video.

  5. I was so relieved and grateful to Queen Stella Laveaux for saving my marriage. Her powerful spells and spiritual guidance brought my wife back to me and restored our happiness. A friend recommended her to me, so I found her website and decided to contact her. I wasn't sure at first, but after seeing the amazing results, I am now a firm believer in her abilities and would definitely recommend her to others in need.

  6. Marriage is a legal contract in which the two parties become one legal entity. No matter which spouse contributes what, the law sees the ownership of all the income and assets of the marriage as equally shared by both parties. In a divorce the judge decides who gets what. If this setup doesn't appeal to you, don't enter into the contract!

  7. “Do not lie” clearly women are able to lie out of their back teeth in court. But of course men cannot or they will be called out on it.

  8. it took me 1.5 years to divorce with her. finally, ibaka free. I lost half of what I earned.

  9. Rule #8 if your the Applicant you can LIE all the time as the Court will give you a BLANKET while on the STAND. As I was the Respondent and the Court found out I was showing the dirty papers on my case. The Courts wanted a NDA (gag order) signed against me for telling the truth. It's not right!

  10. Rule #4 file first: this makes you the Applicant the Court THANKS you for bringing in the case to the system so all involved can make big bucks. In the last year of my case I became the Applicant and won every time so the Ex was to pay the costs. How strange this works.

  11. Rule #1 The Court sold my family home, this was the home I was born in and inherited through the generation. I told the Court they could not sale my home and the Judge ex-sponged my name from title. The Title went from my Grandparents to Parents to the Ex-wife to the new owners. I never owned a property. The price was set by the Ex and took the first offer at a low rate as she knew how the home was inherited.

  12. Men comment suicide at an insane rate when facing a divorce.. and they should. Fuck this world

  13. Good stuff. What about if when married I was a business owner and I took out one of those EIDL loans and used it to fund the business from
    Which I made my income? During a divorce does she help me pay for that loan?

  14. I think My wife Divorced knowing the system because no matter how honest and how you follow the rules
    You as the Husband will Lose most everything you have worked your adult life for.
    Best Advice is to move and take residence in a different State so your Divorce will be in Federal Court.
    Attorneys become Judges in the Same County as where their lawyer friends are so you will never have a chance in a county court.

  15. Marriage is a legal scam for men. If the courts will almost always favor women and take men’s assets, why should we get married?

  16. Dont get married guys. Stay away. Female's change and usually for the worst. Im in the process of filling a divorce and this information is invaluable. Thank you .

  17. Rule #1 don't ever get a contract with the military controlled United States District governments, or a licensed contract, called a marriage license… but rather creat a common law marriage…

  18. Marriage is forever. Fight like hell to make the person that wants out NEVER able to get out. Bwahahahaha. Watch the Jordan Peterson video about this. Divorce should NOT be so easy to accomplish!!!

  19. Smart men don't get married. Thus….all of your musings are moot. To the unplugged alpha male.

  20. In a marriage where trust had been shattered, Johnson Spy assistance became a beacon of hope. Their commitment to ethical practices and thorough evidence collection unveiled the truth, allowing me to assert my rights and pursue the dissolution of the marriage. Their unwavering professionalism gave me the confidence to stand up for myself and seek the divorce that was essential for my emotional healing and future happiness.

  21. In closing, I express my sincere appreciation to JohnsonSpy for their unwavering support in helping me attain the divorce that was rightfully mine. Their expertise and dedication enabled me to end a toxic chapter of my life and embark on a new journey towards healing and self-discovery.

  22. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to JohnsonSpy for their invaluable role in assisting me in obtaining the divorce that was rightfully deserved from my toxic wife. After three years of marriage, I never once strayed from our commitment, but unfortunately, I discovered that my wife's actions did not align with the same fidelity. Unbeknownst to me, she was engaging in a relationship with her ex-lover while insisting that their connection was innocent and amicable.

  23. Devotion emanated from every action taken by JohnsonSpy , solidifying my trust in their expertise and guidance. Their meticulous attention to detail and genuine concern for my interests reassured me that I was in capable hands. Their proactive approach left no stone unturned, leaving me with the confidence that they were invested in achieving the best possible outcome for me.

  24. Brian hacks online expertise was the cornerstone of his remarkable intervention. His profound knowledge of the legal intricacies surrounding divorce cases was evident in every strategic move he made. His insights and advice were not only insightful but also tailored to my unique situation. With his guidance, I was empowered to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the legal landscape.

  25. My divorce rules:

    1. Do NOT marry a western feminist woman, who will likely divorce you for ANY reason.
    2. If you want to marry, look at Eastern Europe or Asia.
    3. I you decide to marry, get an ironclad prenup. Since the divorce laws favor women, you need to balance this out with a prenup.

  26. If you marry, examine what she brings to the table
    You must protect your assets. Make sure she has a comparable amount.
    Also…Do her parents have a pension.? She (and then you) may be their pension plan.
    Think long and hard guys. Marriage is designed for women.

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