
The Criminal Justice System Has a Mental Health Crisis | NowThis


The Criminal Justice System Has a Mental Health Crisis | NowThis

#Criminal #Justice #System #Mental #Health #Crisis #NowThis

CRIMINALIZING MENTAL ILLNESS: ‘No one’s mental health is helped by being in the jail’ — Throwing people with mental health issues in jail and prison is a national crisis, according to these public defenders.

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In US news and current events today, public defenders have spoken out about the mental health crisis in our criminal justice system. In order to enact criminal justice reform, we must raise mental health awareness, especially when it comes to our most vulnerable populations. We can’t shout Black Lives Matter when a disproportionate amount of Black people are suffering in prisons, many with untreated mental illness exacerbated by cruel conditions. You don’t have to be a public defender to understand why the fight for social justice and human rights intersects with criminal justice reform, and we hope the people at Zealo.Us will continue their battles for humane treatment for prisoners with mental health issues.

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criminal law , The Criminal Justice System Has a Mental Health Crisis | NowThis, NowThis,NowThisNews,Now This News,NowThis News,Now This Media,NowThis Media,Current Events,news,US news,current events today,mental health,criminal justice,mental illness,social justice,human rights,criminal justice system,black lives matter,mental health awareness,mental health crisis,criminal justice reform,public defender,public defenders,mental health criminal justice,criminal justice mental health,zealous,,mental health justice,2020

23 thoughts on “The Criminal Justice System Has a Mental Health Crisis | NowThis”

  1. So you want a mentally ill person with little to no rational thinking ability to make a rational choice to remain voluntary at a center and officers to use words to reason with a person of this magnitude? sounds like you trying to get lesser sentencing for persons other than mentally ill individuals.

  2. I invented a system to help,with this…. but I can't get anyone that could actually do something with it to respond

  3. As a former inmate I can tell you, there is no psych ward anymore. These people are on the streets until they find themselves in jail. It's people in there with childrens brains. They're not criminals, they're targets and victims, unless they're fortunate enough that someone can love them and handle them. Maybe a group home , if they're lucky..

  4. There is no money to be made from mental health courts, nationwide they rather send them to jails and prisions. The courts and jails create money for the system, sending them to get the help they need, is not a money maker. There is no help for minorities with mental illnesses. Police don’t help all they want to do is prosecute and throw them in jail or prisons. Mental health laws need to change nationwide, it’s happening all over the country, there are many pages from family members asking for justice. Not all the time do police officers do the right thing, they are trained to prosecute not take them to a ward. There needs to be social workers in court rooms all over the country. Prisons aren’t made for the mentally ill, it’s a shame the US hasn’t caught up with the fact mentally I’ll patients need help not prisons

  5. I got ptsd anxiety depression copd& other health issues and clark county ohio loves to mess with me..they do not care here

  6. For profit prisons are basically a human rights violation. In literally every other democratic country justice is carried out by the state with the goal of rehabilitation. In the US prison is meant to punish people and take them out of society and they achieve this even long after people get out. And most of the time that's exactly why they often come back.

    "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons." – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

  7. In large part, it creates the identity of an ~~outsides~~ outsider to the group. The justice systems functions to ostracize rather than to integrate. Ego and identity problems. Related to the issues around identity politics.

  8. This is a good thing! It's great if it's continued to see through. Great idea 💡I just think that politicians would rather stick the money for these programs in their grubby pockets instead of helping others. Especially if they are minorities, they would rather send them to jails.

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