
The Bizarre World of Ace Attorney Crossovers


#Bizarre #World #Ace #Attorney #Crossovers

Ace Attorney has crossed over with many franchises, both officially and unofficially. Let’s take a look at some of them, from the unsurprising to the utterly unexpected.
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22 thoughts on “The Bizarre World of Ace Attorney Crossovers”

  1. In hindsight I completely forgot about project x zone 2, which definitely should have been in here. If I ever make a part 2 or a standalone video about it it’ll definitely be in there 😅

  2. An Add on to my previous comment but the Fan Crossover i was talking about is called "Devil's Attorney" basically a crossover with Ace Attorney and Disgea specifically the first game(s) the one with Laharl and his crew

  3. Speaking of Daganrompa, there are rumors out there that state the head honcho behind Daganrompa didn't felt comvertible with cross-over between it and Ace Attorney as he doesn't want kill off any of the AA characters that would present in it in order to move the game forward.

  4. Not a game but did you know the character designer and lead artist of Fire Emblem: Awakening drew art of Phoenix Wright and Lucina together?

    And then those two both appeared in Project X Zone 2!

  5. I loved turnabout storm when it came out and it was the first thing that came to my mind when you spoke of Crossovers…but there is another Crossover you failed to mentioned which is a Crossover with Disgea it is along the lines of Turnabout Storm and I think Turnabout Storm was inspired by that fan project

  6. As a suggestion,you could talk about AA fangames,there are some really underrated gems

    Of course,we have the three most iconic/classic/old fangames,they are conflict of interest,contempt of court and trials after justice

    There are also some fangames that have a entirely original cast,like hexepta:mayor attack,which has you solve other really serious crimes like malicious hacking,jaywalking,arson,plagiarism,theft and chocolate-eating

    There are also some AA webseries that deserve a mention,like elements of justice,which is a sequel to turnabout storm,there is also the shield of justice,taking place in a world where phoenix wasnt disbarred,plus operation:turnabout and turnabout jackpot,little one case series that have a huge amount of care put into them

    Also,there is a deltarune crossover,its first case,called turnabout light world has sans undertale as the prosecutor

    DudeWithaMask's cases are well known due to their plot twists and their ability to create some interesting and great atmospheres,as well as having interesting stories

    Ace attorney:beyond the shadows has apollo as the protagonist,due to phoenix being shot and going into a coma

    Apollo justice:appeal to truth has godot as apollo's mentor,maya fey as a attorney and the bad ending of justice for all is canon

    Dark ace saga is a athena cykes game,with 2/4 cases completed

  7. There's also ANOTHER crossover and it's with Sengoku Basara… There are more costumes in Spirit of Justice that many people didn't know. Although I'm not sure if they're completely hidden or just cancelled.

    It features the three lawyers as three of the four main characters of the Sengoku Basara series. And they fit perfectly with their colors especially Apollo!

    Phoenix as Masamune Date
    Athena as Ieyasu Tokugawa
    And Apollo as Yukimura Sanada!

    If you look into Yukimura Sanada, you'll know why he's a perfect one for Apollo. Both of their voice actors sound the same. Raspy voice and SHOUTS a lot.

  8. I haven't been able to find any updates on Ultimate Justice (this is my only social media account), so I was wondering how progress is going.

  9. UMvC3 was my first exposure of the Ace Attorney series. I knew to be in this game yiu had to reallt stand out in either side, so it got me wondering why was this normal dude who frim the looks of it has weird luck using his legal skills in an actual fight. After looking at The First Turnabout i never looked backed, eventually understanding that a duel of words can be just as epic as any fist fight. Also yes i agree he should be the 4th rep for Capcom in Smash, or at least put him in as a spirit.

  10. Never forget Maya is portrayed in official material as being able to knock Hulk on his ass

  11. I know basically most of the old ones here that are like 10-15 years old as I watched them when I was younger and have a lot of nostalgia for them. I’m surprised you didn’t cover the Disgaea one. I felt like it belonged there.

    I was definitely caught offgaurd by the zootoopia one. Genuinely did not hear about it prior to this vid. It’s Astonishing just how well AA blends itself into everything. There’s even a pretty short and sweet omori video and even an investigations spin-off of the MLP video.

    I’m actually really proud of the MLP crossover. It helped me teach me a lot of complex English as I was still learning the language at the time and needed to expand my Lexicon. Now I feel confident in my native-like fluency though.

    See you in the next vid. Take care.

  12. More "cameo" than "crossover" but since Project X Zone has already been brought up I'll instead mention SNK VS Capcom: Card Fighters DS – as the title probably implies it is a crossover trading card videogame for Nintendo DS between the two companies and the entire reason I bought it in 2007 was because some of the cards are Ace Attorney characters (I believe Phoenix, Mia, Edgeworth, and Franziska). It is not a good game. The localisation has very obvious spelling errors, and apparently in the original launch release there is a game-crashing bug that made it impossible to finish (I don't know if my game is a launch copy since I didn't get far due to the other issues it already had)

  13. The comments down below have opened up new media to me. Another reason to be thankful for this video.
    Also, I think the reason why Phoenix crossovers are popular is that most people like writing a mystery within that world and seeing how Phoenix will adapt and defend in said world.

  14. The most insane thing about the Ace Attorney/MLP crossover is that case 2 of the sequel series elements of Justice is legitimately one of the best Ace Attorney cases I have ever experienced.

    Like, it’s so goddamn good (and probably the best case Athena has ever been the main lawyer for) that I’m honestly battles that it came from a goddamn my little pony crossover…

  15. Phoenix and Maya showed up in Project X Zone 2. And for some reason it’s implied they share the same universe as Street Fighter, Tekken, and the Yakuza series. Eventually through dimension crossing shenanigans even the likes of Chrom and Lucina from Fire Emblem and X and Zero from the Mega Man X series meet them. It’s wild.

  16. Honestly, the Professor Layton game is hilarious in two ways. Not only does that mean england and japan have wildly diffrent calendars because the crossover presumes both series take place in the same world at roughly the same time(despite them not even being close interms of year numbers they take place in)…but it is also incredibly ironic. There is a DLC case in the second 3DS AA game that goes out of its way to say "Timetravel ain't real". Meanwhile, over there in europe… insert scenes from Layton 3 about timetravel being real

    Like, I get that the Professor Layton series is likely NOT supposed to actually be canon to AA in the end, but this is still just so funny to me. It's wild, you guys.

    Also, you are telling me that Phoenix got isekai-ed by two unconnected animal societies by pure chance? What's next, he gets isekai-ed into Pokepark?

  17. Gotta say about your Ace Attorney x Danganronpa crossover I’m glad Athena is included. Because Mondo and quite a fair handful of others need therapy.

  18. I remember turnabout storm back in the day i used to be MLP fan (i was more casual imo so i wasnt a bronie… I think). Someone recommended it to me and i watch it
    It was WAY before i got into AA but now that i played it and looking back, it was really accurate to the games and writting.

  19. What's next, a HyperDimension Neptunia x Ace Attorney crossover ?

    Actually…… That sounds pretty fun to me 😅

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