
The 4 Deadliest Financial Mistakes Divorce Attorneys Make (and How to Avoid Them)


#Deadliest #Financial #Mistakes #Divorce #Attorneys #Avoid

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Are you going through a divorce? Don’t make the mistake of forgetting to consider the financial implications! In this video, top divorce attorney Rebecca Zung discuss the 4 deadliest financial mistakes that divorce attorneys make and how to avoid them. Get the advice you need to protect your finances during a divorce and ensure a secure future.
#divorce #attorney #rebeccazung


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🎓Rebecca Zung is an attorney who has been recognized as one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the country having recognized as a Best Lawyer by U.S. News and is AV rated by Martindale Hubbell. She is also the bestselling author of 2 books, Negotiate Like You MATTER (foreword by Robert Shapiro) and Breaking Free: A Step by Step Divorce Guide.

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The commentary and opinions are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

divorce lawyers near me , The 4 Deadliest Financial Mistakes Divorce Attorneys Make (and How to Avoid Them)


30 thoughts on “The 4 Deadliest Financial Mistakes Divorce Attorneys Make (and How to Avoid Them)”

  1. 📣Do you want to know more about the deadliest financial mistakes that divorce attorneys make? Join me in my free masterclass where I offer tips and tricks. Reserve your seat here.👉👉

  2. Infidelity through texts is heartbreaking and can shatter trust completely. DigitsalTruthSeekers helped me gather undeniable proof that was vital for my divorce and custody case; Presenting this evidence in court was a turning point, allowing me to move forward with clarity…..

  3. This video really resonates. Managing conflicts and maintaining intimacy are crucial. Thanks to DigitsalTruthSeekers, I uncovered my spouse's hidden conversations and could finally move forward with the truth.. Presenting this evidence in my custody case was pivotal, and it helped me ensure a better future for my children….

  4. Such practical advice for couples. Respect and understanding truly matter. Big thanks to DigitsalTruthSeekers for revealing my spouse's secret texts for me to proof her infidelity….!

  5. Myself and kids were abused for 25 yrs, finally filed for divorce and abused again by my divorce attorneys..
    Who helps me now?

  6. Narcissist, the most overused.misused word in divorce. No diagnosis, no narcissist 😂. Just an easy button so women can not feel guilt, shame or accountability 😂. Otherwise everyone is a narcissist!

  7. Feminist BS and entitlement, I call these 'I want' letters from wonen who choose to leave but still want the privisioning of their ex, because now they're 'Independent' except you still want their money….


  8. My ex spent all of our money after I filed then she moved her direct deposit and left me broke against court orders

  9. I am sooo elated I saw u on you tube!! Meant to be. I will study all u have to offer as my ex wants to split things unfairly and threaten me with seeing me after divorce. I wish u were here in California.
    I tried to download your booklet but never received it in my email. Can't wait to listen to more!!

  10. Property settlement has to be done. I got stuck and had to declare bankruptcy over a Co-op AFTER the divorce!

  11. Realizing my narc only married me to get my house, at 66 I have no intentions of selling or am I capable of refinancing. I pay and keep the house, yet he also gets credit for it. I’ve come to realize my narc literally planned to bankrupt me into selling so he could get half. There’s more issues too. Damages he caused during the devaluation. We also had included an estate plan based on his performance with the attorney that we would stay together forever. NOT. I’m terrified of the losing the only thing I have to take me into retirement. I’m having a contested divorce trial in a week. We married as adults and everything was a lie in a marital property state. I’m pretty sure that’s why my narc was hunting here in WI. Is there such a thing as abandonment? That’s how hard he’s hiding from accountability.

  12. Mine vwent back and ammended our joint returns and somehow left me with a 400K income for one year and now I have an IRS lien for 190K and i havent worked in 20 years and never earned more than 25K in a year… UNBELIEVABLE!… Every thing i asked my attny for he said it couldnt be done… 3yr long divorce and as the stay at home mom i was left with no custody and 1 call a week to my kids that hevwas allowed to relocate out of state to a hoyse he bought before we even went to trial and he go his enitire retirement and my whole spousal support wenr to cover my child support paymemts… Pretty sure that the judges rullings were unlawful, but my pro se appeal got blocked and being in shock and traumatized and homeless and pemnyless (even without a car) I didnt know what i could do to help myself… I moved back home to CA with my elderly parents and 7 yrs later I am just now starting to be able to socially emerge from complete social isolation/ ostracization because of this traumatic and almost completely destructive blindsiding experience.

  13. My Ex Was Supposed to Refi and Give the Equity to Me (I Restored the Homes for a Living) he Ruined his Credit On Purpose and Wasnt Approved for the Refi…I Had to Sell Fast for Lesser Value Just to Stay Afloat…He Also He Has Evaded Support Payments With All his Might as Well…

  14. This been very helpful, I’m in middle of divorce with narcissists and it’s pure hell , he dragging his feet on filling out his financial statements disclosure, plus I had move in with parents because of no money. This been helpful, can he file bankruptcy??

  15. Did you mean how to die the easiest and quickest way from the hands of a psychopath? there ARE other ways. Jon cares for all of his ppl hence said no, quote "they will kill us all, they always return."

  16. Thanks, Rebecca!!! That’s a ton of helpful information in four succinct points! I’m going to mention these things to my lawyer.

  17. Thank you! I have my meeting with my lawyer to go over our final agreement and 2 of them need to be added! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!

  18. I had nothing for negotiations, was not allowed to present a case of any kind, was not only chewed up and spit out by the opposing attorney but also by my own. I've never been so humiliated

  19. Mine did. He waited until discovery ended, then withdrew at the beginning of my protective order hearing.

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