
Team Skeptic Sued by Sovcit?! Attorney Reacts!


#Team #Skeptic #Sued #Sovcit #Attorney #Reacts

Today we look at the new (extremely frivolous) LOLsuit brought against Team Skeptic by an apparent sovereign citizen. We will look at the video leading to the LOLsuit, as well as the complaint itself.

Link to original video from @TeamSkeptic

While I am an attorney, I am not your attorney. Anything said in this stream is my opinion, and should not be construed as legal advice.
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48 thoughts on “Team Skeptic Sued by Sovcit?! Attorney Reacts!”

  1. I think the deranged genius might have meant malicious persecution, not prosecution 🤣

  2. Statute of limitation to file a lawsuit for defamation in Michigan is one year. Team skeptic published the video April 17 2023. This lolsuit was filed May 21, 2024 so she is too late.

  3. Idaho is NOT THE ALABAMA OF THE WEST. wtf does that even mean. We are not hillbillies nor sleep with our cousins.

  4. It seems like that she wants access to that Child to get back at him because he doesn't want her to have access.

  5. Needs to be a law that you don't have to respond to a frivolous lawsuit without getting a default judgement. I know some states let you recover legal expenses, but not all.

  6. I read on a chat that Chille has supported her and sent a msg. Doesn't seem like he has learned a thing in jail.

  7. How can this clown be an attorney? It takes him 5 minutes to spit out one simple sentence…

  8. Laughing at someone's stupidity isn't defamation?
    gee, just as well nobody listens to Frauditors then.

  9. So basically what she has been doing in court to the Prosecutor, Judge and Court is what Team Skeptic has NOT done to her.

  10. vexatious litigant, trying to weaponize the courts should be a crime itself. eta: 3:19:51 SEE even the courts agree with me 🤣

  11. She studies at the university of de castro. It's a tri-fold degree – her minor is flat earth studies

  12. Nothing you have to say has any credibility…..and those immortal words ring true here "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"…..more of the usual rambling nonsensical anti all things American BS..

  13. Joe, I really think that the sovereign/frauditor first amendment right is more accurately described as …. "Anarchy for me, but not for thee."

  14. Anyone actually "studying to be a lawyer" would be very respectful and appreciative of how much they have yet to learn. In my 30+ years of teaching and supervising trainees in my profession, I find that students with her attitude will do very poorly and if they survive it will likely be with significant attitude adjustment along the way.

  15. When does the story in the title start? I couldn't find it. All I heard was slow rambling about schedules or something and I didn't have time to wait through that annoying crap.

  16. I find it strange how for everything else the courts and laws do not exist till they want to sue then suddenly the courts are real. You must be related to Lucy Ricardo(Lucille Ball)but your last name and hers are identical. I believe the number after the name is what time the case is scheduled, I noticed several others had 9’s after their name and once had a 10.😊

  17. It’s great to hear our old friends 12b6 Twombly and Iqbal back🦄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  18. Spit it out dude! Enough of the slow bs get to-your point! Is continued thought difficult for you?
    Dont like your click bait! You’re so weak you have to live off another’s name?n

  19. I have a question on YouTube venue. If she was not subject to the YT terms of service, in the case where she was not a YT user, would she be able to sue under another venue?

  20. Like a half hour in and guy is talking about family trips…? Team Skeptic, guessing its Kat Espinda cause I watch his channel, but not cause anyone actually got to the point before I wanted to throw my tablet thru a window from this meandering babble… As someone who has watched LTWM and many others from when they were under 1500 subs to now, a tip… You can blab away once you make a point and get a hook into someone but when you piss away the first half hour without even remotely touching on the subject you are losing people. Its beyond TLDR, its IDGAF I'll wait to hear the short version from Skeptic or whoever can explain it in less than 20 years.

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