
Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With ADULT Student. Crazy Crimes


Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With ADULT Student. Crazy Crimes

#Teacher #Arrested #Sex #ADULT #Student #Crazy #Crimes

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42 thoughts on “Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With ADULT Student. Crazy Crimes”

  1. One question, does your view change if it is a male teacher and female student? I do believe she should not be procecuted for the record.

  2. We have a similar law here in Connecticut and in fact have had cases in my city that fall under this. In one case the teacher was arrested and convicted. In another case the law was found not to apply. I would think that Justice Kennedy's ruling would apply here as he mentioned cases where consent is not easily given as an exception.

  3. I don’t know what is more stupid than this case or the comments justifying it. “The law is the law” is also what the Germans said when they were doing their alternative showers. Remember California has a law that kids can be castrated, and you can’t stop your child from being castrated if someone goes to California and starts it , as Gavin Newsom and California law enforcement will not cooperate with other law enforcement about that. The law is the law right?

    Laws have a reason and there is a difference between genders, as many forget. No 18 year old man is being coerced to have sex with his teacher when he doesn’t want to and you all know that.

  4. Ok, I have to add this too—why is the mom tracking her adult son’s location, then driving over to where he is unannounced, in the first place? Either this young man has been a legit pain in the ass, OR the mom is a tad bit looney toons.

  5. Ok, this is absurd. Absolutely absurd. I get the premise, the “position of authority” (pun very much intended), but here’s the thing—that can be reported and dealt with according to company or school policy, or wherever else it takes place. Allowing the government to step in and prosecute someone, convict them of a FELONY SEX CRIME, in order to deter ppl from abusing their authority, is bonkers. Ppl need to learn to handle their own business and stop running to the government to hold their hands and wipe the snot off their grubby little faces, this is just stupid.

    This kind of law is precisely why the sex offender registry is so flawed. There’s no telling how many 18 year old men are on the registry bc they slept with their 15 year old girlfriends and daddy found out, so he had them arrested for statutory rape. The damage it’s done to innocent ppl is substantial, to say the least.

  6. This is an application of the supervisor/underling relationship. This is surrounding the difference of a person that is in a position of power vs a person that is positionally under them. As a coach and referee, I too need to go through a specific training course that covers these issues in depth and the reporting functions. The teacher is in the wrong and should be removed from this type of work. This could easily have been an underage student too. She has no self control in her position.

  7. There is no right to have consensual sex with anybody you want to and secondly it’s not the federal government business to interfere in state laws, even though I think this is a crazy state law

  8. Nate why didn't you show a picture of the 18 year old? it would have made your argument of consent believable

  9. Mom is really a monster for doing this. What a horrible mother in law she will be. That guy better moves away from her, hopefully to another state if he wants to ever have a happy life.

  10. It is definitely unethical for the teacher to cross that professional boundary, but this should not be criminal.

  11. As a law enforcement officer in NC, I can understand why this is a crime. If it wasn’t against the law, students could be coerced to engage in sexual acts. IMO, I can totally understand why it’s against the law and should at the very least be a policy violation, regardless of the age difference between both parties. Now in terms of prison guards/COs engaging in sexual intercourse with inmates, that should remain a criminal offense.

  12. I hope there is a huge lawsuit for this. It’s clearly conduct that is a Liberty that is protected.

  13. It's not just freedom of association between two consenting adults, presumably not on school property, that is violated (a realm which the government may not enter), but also freedom of expression: she is a biology teacher and he is a student. Practical biology lesson. Who better to teach the basics? Is it any wonder that the US population has become incapable of reproducing its own numbers? For some, "wither and die" is the antithesis of "be fruitful and multiply." Just another brick in the wall.

    The distinction between prison guard/prisoner and teacher/adult student not at the school is that the state used its coercive force to keep the prisoner under the guard. In the case of the adult student, there is no state coercion, and the adult student has greater freedom and options to deal with the situation as they see fit.

  14. Should she lose he job? Absolutely. She is proving to be unable to be trusted to be a teacher in this case.
    Should she be prosecuted? I would say yes. As one of her students he is legally mandated (despite being 18) to be at the school. She has the power to influence if he graduates at all or not, and that would have significant impact on the rest of his life. As such the level of power she has over him mandates a criminal prosecution. Moreover the fact they knowingly violated an existing law, even if it is one that seems silly to some, would be enough to say she needs some sort of prosecution.

    What would change this? If he was in non-compulsory education that impacts things. If she was not his teacher, but instead simply a teacher at the institution with no direct power over him it would impact things. If they started a relationship after he graduated it would change things. If she was simply a teacher at a different school it would of course change things.

  15. Why the hell does any 26 year old having relations with an 18 year old? That's weird.

    Although I don't feel the teacher should be criminally charged, she should definitely be fired. A teacher should not be having a relationship with a HS student period.

  16. She should 100% go to jail. Wtf is wrong with these teachers. Professional boundaries are important. These people are idiots.

  17. Listen to all the authoritarians coming out of the woodwork. Why can't adults make their own decisions?

  18. The smother was illegally surveilling her son. So any evidence arising from that is fruit of the poisonous tree.

  19. Love your channel. Such a breath of fresh air to get a balanced and unbias legal analysis. Keep it coming.

  20. No, this is sick and that woman needs to be charged and go to jail for a bit. She interfered with his education and abused her position of power. We wouldn't even be questioning that if a male teacher slept with a female student. You people need God

  21. Had the teacher been a Male, there would be No discussion. The only question would be, "Why is the sentence so short?" In the end, the teacher was wrong to have intimate knowledge with her student.

  22. Be honest if the ages and genders were reversed It would have been so much worse for the teacher. No matter if at that time the student was 18. Also I find it suspicious that this only happened when he was 18 and there were "no" signs or other incidents before that. How do you make a jump that quickly from him 18 to 5 encounters in that short of time without any lead up?

  23. Not professional but not illegal. Mama needs to recognize that that her son is a child only to her.

  24. I think it's a great way to motivate your students. I know I would have payed more attention in school. I had a few hot teachers.
    But seriously, I think it being illegal is ridiculous. If the school wants to have a policy that a teacher can be fired for doing it, thats fine.

  25. Authority figures have no business having sex with those “under” them….if she had been a teacher at another school…different story.

  26. People are so quick to guard a young girl from a pregnancy insemination given by male groomers. I think we should be just as quick to guard young boys from inseminating a groomer who wants to get him on the hook for 20 years of child support and using her power and likely custody of his offspring to manipulate him. Men do not fare well in the child custody court system. A female predator can really mess up a young boy's life. That predation needs to be prevented by throwing the book at any woman who uses her position of power and access to utilize grooming techniques against a young kid that is still trying to figure out his hormonal drive.

  27. we ALL know this Law was put in place for MALE teachers w/female students 😂😂😂😂😂lets keep it 100

  28. Jail? They’re insane.
    But the law is pretty clear I guess, and she could’ve looked it up before doing this.

  29. My first thougjt was, is the mother going to be charged for illegal wire taping by tracking her adult son's cell phone? He clearly didnt want mom knowing what he was doing.

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