
“Talk To My Lawyers” – Officer Ignores The Facts


#Talk #Lawyers #Officer #Ignores #Facts

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lawyers near me , “Talk To My Lawyers” – Officer Ignores The Facts


35 thoughts on ““Talk To My Lawyers” – Officer Ignores The Facts”

  1. Oakland Police:

    Kelly and Barry's Channel:

    Part 1:

    Submit your video:

    Use code "Lack" for 10% off Attorney Shield!

    LackLuster Media LLC

    PO Box 514

    Chester, WV 26034

    Best Dashcam –

    MERCH –

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    Radar/Laser Detector –

    – – Other Channels – –

    The Odd Side:

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    I receive commissions from featured links on verified purchases, at no cost to you.

  2. The POV homeowners have NO idea what an easement is…
    The other home owners have an easement that Kelly has to obey by.

  3. The reasoning skills of this officer are less than kindergartners that I’ve met. This guy should not be in charge of anything more than fryer at a restaurant, and that may be too much for him. He’s also hostile and unprofessional.

  4. We have similar property issues in almost a similar situation. But being adults, we work together. For example one time one of our trees had gotten so big it was blocking our neighbors satellite. They inquired to see if it could be moved and it could not. They asked if we would be willing to cut the tree at their expense so the elderly woman who lived there could watch tv. I loved that big tree, but understood their perspective and we allowed them to cut the tree. It didn’t even need to be cut down, just trimmed, so everybody lucked out. It’s a give and take and my guess is that is not the situation here. In both videos, every time the man tried to speak she told him to hang on. Sorry this woman is a control freak.

  5. But the cops logic, of if I throw stone or rock onto someone else’s property, that person can’t move it because it would be theft, since the rock doesn’t belong to them.

  6. This cop already drew his own opinion. As WRONG as he is , He is still NOT hearing a word of what this lady is Saying!!!
    This is Another one of those Times Where the Cop needs to stfu & listen.
    The dump truck Dumped the gravel in the wrong spot.
    They used a backhoe, to clean it up. A backhoe cant get 100% Of what was Dumped without doing damage. So it did the best it could. @ which point the KEVIN who paid for it had 2 options. Take a wheelbarrow and shovel & rake & finish getting what the backhoe couldn't & move it to the new spot where it was Dumped. Or. Or KEVIN could use a rake & spread it out on the property NOT his property. But the Property where it was Dumped wrong & use it to repair the damage from the dump truck & backhoe filling in any low spots those heavy machines may have caused. Making him a good neighbor.
    The guy who ordered the Gravel chose to be a good neighbor until his Neighbor turned into a KAREN, she then realized hay thats a good amount of rock & i could probably use this now new to me free rock to make this other area look beter. The Fact is KEVIN , was DONE with that Rock. & now its Karens Rock. Because KEVIN said he was DONE with the rock he left & done means whatever he left on her property is now hers to either leave where Kevin left it , or its hers to move where Karen. Wants to move it to.
    This cop is an IDIOT.

  7. Anyone ever watched the show “Fear thy neighbor”, well this situation may be a future episode.

  8. This cop is inventing a problem that nobody says existed. The dispute on both sides seems to be about a property line. The cop is inventing an issue of ownership of the gravel but that neither side claimed ownership of the gravel possession of the gravel theft of the gravel. Cops are just bought out maybe write it up as a report and let the two property owners settle it in civil Court.

  9. This is very simple situation and waste of cops time. They have the same conversation over and over. Everyone in this video shouldn't be allowed to breed.

  10. 19:54 this interaction was at least 20- 25 mins too long.. how many times can everyone say the same thing.😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  11. So to this cop if a car brakes down in your driveway you can’t have it towed or move because is theft??

  12. it doesnt matter if material is dropped on disputed or undisputed property…

    if it was paid for as part of their project even if it was excess material than they do not have a right to it.

    Rick certainly bears some blame here, if it was paid for by his customer he should have consulted them as to what to do with the remainder or just refunded them for it.

  13. I really really want to see what Rick has to say. This is all so one sided. He's either nuts or believe he's just as right. Whatever it is, i wanna know!

  14. Im sorry but "well he dropped it on our property" finders keepers attitude regardless of the legality, is unethical and considering you have an ongoing dispute with them it certainly can be seen as retaliatory or instigating behavior.

    If you arent grown up enough to talk to them and say "hey your contractor dropped this material on our property, if you want it you will need to have him come back and move it" or while talking to the contractor maybe ask them to talk to their client and verify things first before you just lay claim to it?

  15. So often these cops are way over their heads and outside their area expertise, yet they proceed like a bull in china shop…and make huge messes negatively impacting the innocent. Just ask Sonya Massey. Whoops, sorry. Cops shot her for boiling water.

  16. This is the problem with small towns with limited resources and education. They produce cops with no knowledge of the world, a High school education at best and have chips on their shoulders when members of public prove them wrong.

  17. This highly biased and conflicted cop wants desperately to arrest this couple for something – ANYTHING, that’ll appease the other lying homeowners. The first video you posted (second in actual chronology…) is proof that this cop has an uncertain bias and WILL RETALIATE with intent to cause them legal harm and damage…

  18. The lady is being clear but repeating the same 10 lines over and over to an idiot cop and getting the same 10 responses back is PURE INSANITY.

  19. They really need to stop letting cops onto their property. It's bad enough normally, but these cops are advanced stupid.

  20. Had a DS that would say, "Hit your forward assist." Stat smacking the side of your head. This cop is dumb.

  21. They need to site the neighbor for a new lawn. And need to get that survey dispute finished and put up a fence on the survey lines.
    If that is a driveway easement(as has been hinted at) install a gate and fence and give them a key to the gate.

    Fence make good neighbors.

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