
Suspects in Jocelyn Nungaray killing unlikely to receive death penalty: Attorney | NewsNation Live


#Suspects #Jocelyn #Nungaray #killing #receive #death #penalty #Attorney #NewsNation #Live

Forensics tests have revealed Jocelyn Nungaray was sexually assaulted before her death, making the two suspects eligible for the death penalty. Trial attorney Karen Conti says if Nungaray’s family opposes the death penalty, prosecutors will honor their desire. Conti also discusses how these charges will affect the Venezuelan migrant’s deportation status.

#crime #JocelynNungaray #deathpenalty

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45 thoughts on “Suspects in Jocelyn Nungaray killing unlikely to receive death penalty: Attorney | NewsNation Live”

  1. Police have to investigate the mother, there is something wrong in her behaviour, you let your 12 years old daughter dye her hair ? WTF who knows maybe she didn't sneak out of the house…poor little girl.

  2. She was a child who was brutalized in a horrific way, and then thrown into that river like trash by TWO MEN !!! This should be a death penalty case.

  3. Weird how Texas and Florida are republican states with traditional Christian values but the highest in Death Penalties. Guess if it's not a fetus, they don't care about their life. The little girl is already gone, what will killing two other people do? Give them a plea for life in prison. There doesn't even need to be a trial.

  4. I bet my right ball That……..If that little child were the Judge grand child it would be a different story !!!

  5. To each their own yet the fear, pain & suffering that Jocelyn endured from these monsters should be enough for her mom to want justice full force for her daughter. Weird she doesn’t.

  6. Oh they will be get the death penalty if the courts don’t handle it the Texas inmates will

  7. These men are pure evil! The horror, pain, and fear that child went through for two hrs before they choked the life out of her is just unbelievable! They are animals with no hearts. God rest her soul 😢

  8. lol if this isn’t a death penalty case what is? Having weed on you? Come on man tssss…. 😂😂😂


  10. why would they get the death penalty?? for torture raping and brutalizing murder of a 12 year old girl – sarcasm Houston native and father of three beautiful daughters.

  11. It’s 100% a death penalty case but the families don’t want that so the DA is more than likely going to respect the families wishes even though many of us don’t agree or want a different outcome.

  12. Get use to!!!!You News people attack President Trump for want it too close the border and now citizens are paying

  13. If Death Penalty not being 😮 given. Next thing you know. Those Men would be in the Streets Again

  14. I was loved my mom so much I nvr snuck out when she told me no and I’m still alive today! Ry GOD for me loving my mommy!

  15. It's actually Oklahoma and Texas leading the number of executions, not the latter and Florida.

  16. This days people don’t want to give criminals DP so they care more about criminals than then victims 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

  17. That messed up these fools are going to enjoy tdc…I did 5 years back 05 til 2010 and we were tearing Connally unit up smoking weed having cellphones cigarettes all in medium custody

  18. This segment is omitting that the girl's parents were interviewed on the news and stated the reason they don't want the death penalty IS because they want the killers to live every single day remembering what they did. This news segment obfuscates impartial facts.

  19. Everyone here needs not worry about the "Death Sentence" in this case – Remember, they are both going to PRISON, the PEN, etc….. And those inmates HATE, they HATE child rapists, and CHILD murderers…… They will not be in there long, and won't be leaving standing on their own two feet… American jails, say what you want, but the inmates also conduct their selves upon a justice system. One that has no patience for child murderers or rapists.

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