
Surveillance video shows senseless crimes at Adam Food Market


Surveillance video shows senseless crimes at Adam Food Market

#Surveillance #video #shows #senseless #crimes #Adam #Food #Market

In just a few days, there was a murder and a violent robbery at a notorious market in Albuquerque’s International District. Story:

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criminal law , Surveillance video shows senseless crimes at Adam Food Market, News,Albuquerque,New Mexico,local news,KOB,KOB 4,KOB4,Albuquerque New Mexico

41 thoughts on “Surveillance video shows senseless crimes at Adam Food Market”

  1. on any given dayis 1 or 2 police there is standing guard inside or outside of a Walmart..on Black Friday, I counted 12 cop cars outside… this is a multi billion dollar corporation that uses public resources to do their security for them for free… but a stop that has criminal element outside of their business, and they want the owner to shut down ? post a officer there all day like they do at Walmart,, I think that's more important , to prevent shootings, violence and muggings , the to protect Walmart from shoplifters

  2. The city knows all this violent crime is happening at this one location. The crimes are video recorded and yet no arrests are being made. This sounds like the perfect opportunity for trapping violent felons. Instead, the city wants to close the store. Apparently the mayor and his cohorts are so foolish that they think the criminals will all evaporate when the market is closed. Of course functioning adults know that the criminals will simply commit their violent attacks at other locations in Albuquerque. The criminals are not going to all move to North Korea, El Salvador, Alpha Centuri etc the day the market closes. APD, and our entire city is clearly very badly managed.

    We are paying very high taxes and getting very low quality government.

  3. Wait wait…so close the business that did nothing wrong? Take guns away from citizens who’ve done nothing wrong? NM is going to shit ever since democrats took over.

  4. Serious question: Have there been some kind of allegations leveled at the owners of criminal behavior? Are they providing some kind of goods or services that draw bad actors to the area?

  5. A complete cesspool of drugs & violence! I wouldn’t go there if I was literally starving or dying of thirst!!

  6. But the city did all they could to shut down Knockouts after one incident in a long time. This market has been the scene of multiple homicides in the past few years. The real problem is allowing living on the streets to be legal. How much better would we all feel if we knew our homeless population was safe and warm, and our streets belonged to the businesses and citizens again!

  7. When you vote overwhelmingly for politicians who are soft on crime, you shouldn't expect anything less. You voted for this

  8. Where will the criminals operate if you shut this store down? Seems like police could be more vigilant at this location.

  9. Police and KOB:
    Problem:"There's issues of problematic violence in this place"
    Solution: "lose it down"

    *no arrests
    *no other solutions provided?

  10. They're the only ones I have criminal things going on at the store I passed by Central every other weekend and every day to go to work on Wyoming at the hospital so yes I understand that his lawyers may think that but its necessary for them to shut them down that place has more crime than anybody and a records and history and trust me I did my records and I did my research and that place has more incidents in the last year than any business

  11. What they need to do is sign up a petition so all of them cuz f**** sign in and get them out of here if that place has been on the news so much time is it any other business that I know and Albuquerque New mexico.

  12. Why don't APD just POST units there?
    Oh yeah,that's right. They just want to "pretend" they're doing something.
    All the crime in the area, and yet you don't see any police anywhere, until they're obligated to go because of a 911 call.

  13. Someone mentioned a porn shop next door, but i don't see it on google. Google street view show you the issues perfectly, check pennsylvania street. There is 20 drugged out people there, some in the road way….

  14. The thing the news should be talking about is why the city and state of new mexico protects the people that run this place they are drug cartel related from REALKINGS it's ridiculous and they know it to

  15. Absolutele clown world. The Mayor and his inept police Force can't keep the streets clean so they try to pin street crime on someone's business??? Resign now.

  16. Why is Michelle Grisham not doing something. A firearms ban at this market.
    Why are citizens not arming themselves?
    What are the police not protecting its citizens?
    Keep voting Democrat

  17. Weird, I did not see a cop in ANY of these videos. No wonder America's sorriest is unable to control crime.

  18. And then will hear from the community leader saying that it’s just racist that they shut down the Walmarts the Walgreens and the food markets…

  19. The owners can't stop it. if they did something then they would be next. The owners called the cops more then anyone else in the city last year.. It's not the business, it's the area. That area is wild!! It's like mid 90's los angeles in that area.

  20. "City officials" are goint to take legal action against the owners??? Why dont the "city officials" have the cops arrest rhe BLMs doing the crimes?

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