
Supreme Court HAS BIG DECISION in Trump CRIMINAL Case


Supreme Court HAS BIG DECISION in Trump CRIMINAL Case

#Supreme #Court #BIG #DECISION #Trump #CRIMINAL #Case

On the Legal AF podcast, trial attorneys Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok debate whether the US Supreme Court will even take up Trump’s appeal that he has NO IMMUNITY FROM CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, or will leave the DC Court of Appeals decision intact to allow the Trump DC criminal trial to happen in late Spring-Early Summer.

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criminal law , Supreme Court HAS BIG DECISION in Trump CRIMINAL Case, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

36 thoughts on “Supreme Court HAS BIG DECISION in Trump CRIMINAL Case”

  1. After watching the utter farce of what happened to Fanni Willis, anything is possible. And right now it’s sooooo f’ng believable that they will mess it up because corruption, lack of integrity, honor and morals are severely lacking in the justice system

  2. I still say the scotus will screw this up! I hope I’m wrong but I think the GOP and Trump have invested too much money from Russia into this

  3. I can’t believe the Scotus is even taking this long to think about it. If they don’t rule on the side of keeping democracy safe, the world is literally fubared

  4. Supreme Court will have to take it up for a local court has already been show not to have the right to impose local pinion on a national issue.

  5. Trump did not put in for the Supreme Court to hear his case, only for them to continue the stay while he petitions for an en banc then when he loses that, he'll bring it to them on appeal. That gives him a maximum delay.

  6. There is no question scotus will aid Trump in delaying trial. It's 100% gonna happen unfortunately. Clarence and fellow GOP justices are going to show their true colors.

  7. Does anyone else find it strange that Ben continually refers to hi co-creator/co-host as Michael Popok or Popok? You would think they were friends after all this time and Ben would refer to him as Michael. Kinda strange

  8. If SCOTUS taking this case, we should start praying. NOTHING our SCOTUS does now a day benefit our country and our people. I have ZERO hope now a day when it is comes to our SCOTUS.

  9. Dark Brandon needs to put out a cryptic message indicating he has plans if the supreme Court grants total immunity.

  10. This is my opinion, Yes, a decision to let Trump get away with his crimes over loyalty to him, and throw the American people and our democracy under the bus, or do what the Constitution says and protect our freedom and democracy. If they grant Trump immunity then our government's Supreme Court has been compromised by Trump and his Russian insurrectionist agents. Then Joe Biden will have no choice but to enact the insurrection act, because our government has then been compromised by Russian agents.

  11. Question: Were Amicus briefs, submitted to the Supreme Court similar to Lutwig & Co's brief submitted for Pres. Immunity appeal, for the Colorado Ballot appeal?

  12. It is our Democracy and the Constitution that is losing face with our Allies. He is pitting himself up against the backbone of who we are…and our Allies are looking to see how the Constitution holds up this Democracy.🔆

  13. How can the Supreme Court stall this nonsense? It should not take that long to make the right decision for the people in our country

  14. Traitor Trump must be sentenced to solitary confinement for the rest of his miserable Fascist life or a sentence incompatible with homeostasis.

  15. I hope D.Trump will just magically disappear from the political scene to finally stop this ongoing, dangerous malarky. People worldwide want to return to a state of inner and exterior peace to heal from all this Trump induced stress. His sick mind seems to be highly contagious; so it needs to be handled like a pandemic.

  16. Trump needs to go to prison, if not we'll get someone worse than him in the future. If Nixon had done prison time we probably don't have the current situation now.

  17. Why doesn’t the Supreme Court do their job and get rid of Trump it’s so ridiculous that they are waiting have they been bought one wonders

  18. Wow, you guys really are milking this for every penny… with and the vids and "merch"… what are you going to do when djt is gone? i mean hopefully (crosses fingers) he does not win again but if he does you guys will be high on the list for payback. Something he has said during one of his self obsessed streams of consciousness of Man, Woman, Camera… thats it.

  19. The SC is ripe for re-engineering. There are too many justices on it. Logjam. Break it up into two courts. Court A for national emergent issues, Court B for non-emergent. Eliminate bidding.

  20. Isn’t that Trump’s hole stick to Reverse Engineer every aspect of his life, business and political schemes to create the end result he wants with fraud, lies, corruption and criminal intent?

  21. my goodness, if a president doesn't have immunity in perpetuity, then whatever next? Supreme court judges must be accountable for their associations with billionaires? when will the madness stop? please SCOTUS, end this madness! Next we'll be thinking that democracy is just a charade!

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