
Suing The Police | The Briefs (Criminal Law Documentary) | Real Stories


Suing The Police | The Briefs (Criminal Law Documentary) | Real Stories

#Suing #Police #Briefs #Criminal #Law #Documentary #Real #Stories

With unprecedented access to Britain’s busiest legal aid practice, The Briefs takes us into the cut-throat world of criminal law. The Briefs follows the skilful lawyers of Tuckers in Manchester, as they look after their clients on cases ranging from blackmail to murder. The lawyers cover everything from taking on a case where a 63 year old woman is accused of drug dealing to a poet accused of benefit fraud. This is how justice really works.

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Produced by Chameleon Television
criminal law , Suing The Police | The Briefs (Criminal Law Documentary) | Real Stories, real stories documentary,real stories full documentary,real stories legal documentary,real stories true crime documentary,Real Stories,Full Documentary,Documentaries,Full length Documentaries,Documentary,TV Shows – Topic,Documentary Movies – Topic,2018 documentary,BBC documentary,Channel 4 documentary,Extraordinary people,2018,true crime,legal documentary,law firm,legal system documentary,legal documentary uk,law and order,documentaries real stories

49 thoughts on “Suing The Police | The Briefs (Criminal Law Documentary) | Real Stories”

  1. The UK have one of the highest Prison population’s in Europe.So perhaps the UK Courts need to look at non prison sentencing for victim less crimes otherwise like America it’s a self perpetuating Industry not a deterrent.

  2. I notice most of the personnel are solicitors and clerks. They advise no comment because it reduces interview time, so the solicitor spends less time there. It's a dishonest method driven by lack of funding.

  3. Taxpayers spend more than a £billion ever year towards criminal aid.!. isn't it time to decriminalise cannabis, tax it and put that £ back into the economy!!

  4. UK is full of low lifes! Disgusting how they dress, what rubbish they live in, no manners, just yuck 🤮

  5. Will Jenkins is a fool,A burglary has taken place and in it wanders totally brainless destroying any forensic evidence and adding himself to the crime,And at the end gets "let off" but plays the "victim" waste of time,Waste of taxpayers money and the most important thing the waste of drunken p#ss artist time,So self important

  6. Gerard with his walking stick,And his laptop,I'm older than Gerard and worked 44 years to get my state pension and can't afford a laptop,Don't remember the stick while he was on stage

  7. Gerard butler as soon as he said sporadic work not a constant income i thought you would say that to claim your benefits,I know someone who was a children's entertainer who rub shoulders with the DWP, And treading a thin line

  8. I hope the monsters that pushed that elderly lady to the ground.Get a heavy sentence.All that poor lady had was her passed on husband's ashes.Shame on them how would they feel if it happened to their grandma.Poor lady my heart's crys for her 😓 and offers prays up 🙏 for her family.( family.(sometimes harsh to say I wish they would bring bk the (DEATH PENATE) they have it in Parts of America.They took that poor elderly ladies life in a horrid way.Life for Life.Bring bk the death PENATE (there would be less Murder and Crime.(sorry many may not agree.But this is how I feel.😓

  9. He nor both his parents have their 4 front teeth? Is that a British thing or just a sign of poverty?

  10. Tim eagle biggest issue is blowing his nose. Sound like everytime he opens his mouth he swallows a mouthful of mucus

  11. Am I the only person who thinks there should be a limit on how many times a person can claim legal aid? 22 times must have cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands and without putting too fine a point on it, is taking the piss. OK, we all might face a situation where legal aid is helpful and even necessary . . . maybe some of us might face it a few times in our lives, but 22??? When you've been arrested and charged that many times I would cut taxpayer assistance – there are more deserving cases where truly vulnerable people could benefit from that money.

  12. For smaller crimes I do actually believe that they should go hard on their community service and no criminal record to begin with that would be much better for society than paying to keep people in jail And actually give them a chance when they come out not to repeat out of desperation. Someone who goes in on something minor like drug crimes coming out with a criminal record and no extra qualifications plus having missed advancements in society like computers is just going to return to the same life purely out of desperation most likely.

  13. It’s a safe bet that nobody has ever accused Will Jenkins of being remotely bright, poor soul.

  14. Good mate don't let them get away with it. I had the same thing with a off Duty cop. He tried to over take me I got Angry with him he got really aggressive said he would knock me of my Scotter my daughter was a witness at the time he thought I was alone. Changed his attitude when she said I seen what you did to my mum and heard you Threaten her. Got in his car and drove a way

  15. Shame Gerard couldn't earn a few extra quid…or performs for free. Glad he gets out to do comedy, better than sitting at home watching tv

  16. @31:40 wth is wrong with these solicitors, how dare these cowardly police use violence to that extent for a routine car stop, no amount of money with cover their guilt. I would callin the newspapers and let them answer for it….its disgusting.

  17. I like your video. I need some help in my case about police has give false information that I attached one of my coworker instead it the opposite and the company and the police are not giving the video footage and body cam of the police. The 3 PC Police have taken taking bribe from the company. I called the police arrest.
    I have filed a complaint against the 3 PC Police and no action taken. I have a injury that I have lost control of my left leg ( leg drop ). My body socks me. Now I can not work for life and I'm unemployed for 7 months with no salary. Please help me to file a lawsuit against the police for giving false report. I have a video from another company which has recorded the incident and could be used in court showing that coworker attached me when I was driving the forklift

  18. What is up with all the cramp houses stacked on to of each other garbage on the streets everywhere molded housing that kids live in parents paint over the mold violance rising failing job opertunitys britins first family is German not British blood line each and everyone of them from the queen to her family and the rest of the Royals lives way to much above what they need and the British people lives like peasants not good at all

  19. "The truth always comes through"

    Solicitor literally starts shaking in panic thinking about all the money they might lose.

  20. 100% guaranteed that police officer forged that "notebook" evidence. Easy enough to do… why else would WYP pay out £12k to stop the case going to court to pay him off when even Junaid's own solicitor says it's hard to beat!?

  21. OMG the guy in the thumbnail looks so much like Rutger Hauer when he says "like tears in the rain…."

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