
Stepsister is getting married to my cheating ex fiance & invites me to their wedding demanding I be


#Stepsister #married #cheating #fiance #invites #wedding #demanding

Stepsister is getting married to my cheating ex fiance & invites me to their wedding demanding I be their maid of honour so I laugh in her face but now my mother threatens to do this if I don’t attend & tells me the real reason why they want me there…

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lawyers near me , Stepsister is getting married to my cheating ex fiance & invites me to their wedding demanding I be


28 thoughts on “Stepsister is getting married to my cheating ex fiance & invites me to their wedding demanding I be”

  1. Story 1: But OP broke up with her BF and months later he and the stepsis got together. And now she is dating the old crush of her stepsis. How is she not the AH? She just wants to be the victim.

  2. Why are ppl still doing this?
    Simple rule : Don't date your family's or friends exes EVER!

  3. Story 3- after listening to it the second time, it becomes clear that Op decided to drop out of community college to marry husband and work at a shit minimum wage job until she got pregnant and decided to stay home, pretty much earning no money and with her husband just starting off in the business world.
    Baby comes and husband gets promotion, increasing his hours, and she gets all shit-faced because he does not want to spend his time doing routine housework on the weekends and tells her to hire someone to clean the house and do the lawnwork, a luxury which most new mothers would kill for. This clashes with her Good Housekeeping dream of them doing everything together as a lower middle-class couple from 1950s Middle America. So what does she do? She certainly doesn't think about hiring that outside help and finishing her education. No, she picks fights with him because he wants to socialize without the baby, and let me guess- she doesn't want to hire a babysitter so they, as a couple, can go out with him and their friends. Divorce ensues, ex sends her lots of money to compensate for being now absent parent, and Op STILL takes no responsibility for improving her financial lot in life by finishing her education or getting new job training for something more than minimum wage.
    Meantime Ana has finished school and is advancing in her career. Husband decides to move across country to take much bigger job opportunity, and voilà, ex and Ana are married and enjoying life with their now much higher dual incomes and part time parenting. OF COURSE he was with their son for the entire Christmas vacation. He probably took the entire two weeks as vacation time.
    And of course he and Ana, alone, went to France on vacation. Can you imagine Op doing that with him? She would have been whining the entire time that they either couldn't go because she wouldn't leave the son with any babysitter, or they would have to cut the vacation short because of same.
    Op needs to get out of her 1950s mind think and be grateful for divorcing well with an ex who will always provide for their son. Then she needs to accept the fact that SHE is the one making her own future, and be happy she has the resources to make that happen.

  4. People like the OP’s wife in the last story will never be happy until they accept responsibility for their actions, behavior and the resulting consequences. Without some self reflection they are just going through the motions and they lash out at their loved ones until they ultimately end up alone because of said behavior.

  5. I definitely show up with bf as plus 1 and watch the entire marriage incinerate as it shows its to be husband that it doesn't love it but only wanted it because sister had it, but what sister has now is what it really wants and would leave it for if it could, and after all… they begged and insisted on it!

  6. Last Story, NTA, and it's time for that Grown Woman to get a Reality Check. They are Not Equals, she is a Dependent. Stop the Cap. NTA

  7. First story; NTA. Aww offer her your other broken sex toys and leftover food since she's so desperate for it.

  8. Last story: Can believe someone said give her more jobs. How many women would go off their rocker at this suggestion. If she can't convey her needs and wants clearly you will always be in the wrong. She could always start a garden, produce, preserve and harvest all your fruit and vegetables that way she is providing in an obvious way but it's a lot of work she would have to want to do herself.

  9. You divorced him, put him through the ringer in the divorce. He moved on from you, found happiness, and now you regret it & want the life you had. Grass is always greener. No, the grass is greener where you water it. Move on and remember the situation correctly and grow as a person and find your happiness instead of jealousy.

  10. I believe there's an update to the first story. OP is forced to go to the wedding, she shows up with her stepsister's childhood crush, and the sister goes nuclear destroying the wedding and her relationship with her groom.

  11. Story 4: It seems strange that Anna moved across country for a new job. Then OP's ex-husband moved for the same reason. Then they just happened to start dating and fell in love – bull. I think they had already cheated. OP needs to stop worrying about her ex and ex best friend. They are not worth it. OP needs to create her own life and happiness.

  12. Story 1: who wants their step sister's sloppy seconds? I wouldn't go to that wedding either. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  13. BFF- she is NOT you friend, WTH! Keep it very basic, she is no dam good, is what she is. All these men in the world and she choose your dam Ex?

  14. I agree.She needs a fantastic hope he did nothing wrong.She wanted to be treated equal.This is a due for a fair press.The therapist will help explain on what being equal is better than you can.If you can explain it, then get a therapist in t.A

  15. It will be have a better life than they could ever. Have a better life to your ex-husband and your ex. Friend have a better life without them and cut off all the toxic people in your life. You're cutting them all out or do you better? You live in a happy life would show the bitter people that you don't need them have a grand life without them. Go have fun, go on vacation. Do whatever just don't let them show that they got to you. Nta

  16. Keep being a good parent to him and kick out those toxic people. If you could have gotten it, adopting him and get him far away from these people N t a

  17. Ex brother in law is greedy to demand you cater to his step kids and new wife’s kids with ex brother in law. He can’t make things equal unless the new wife dies as well. Those kids have a mom and dad and grandparents on both sides. They can make up the difference

  18. Yeah yeah whatever the narrator said but that's not really it you do all of it you give her money she lives a fabulous lifestyle all she has to do is pay for her child support and you see to it that the credit card is paid and she makes minimum wage and she doesn't want to better it you are walking ATM you're the best thing that ever happened to her so yeah now she has a problem she wants to be equal you're not equal and explain to her UB you be doing more than what you're doing!! You always compliment her ways that feel special!! You know the narrator is coming up with maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe but the truth is she spoiled no matter what you give her she's going to find out a complaint you compliment her on how beautiful she is how you couldn't do without her and how she does wonderful around the house does that the other yet you're doing everything!!! The narrative that needs to stop!!

  19. Mom wants you to be at stepsister’s wedding to validate the relationship to the rest of the friends and family. So as to make the family look good for the public

  20. OP, you may not want to hear this, but you need to start dealing with reality. You got divorced from your husband and his life got better.
    His relationship with his son improved.
    He got promoted at work.
    His income improved.
    He takes vacations now.
    He is madly in love now.
    He's happier than he's ever been.

    Do you know what else? None of this has anything to do with you. You need to find your own joy and stop worrying about him. Some men fall apart after a divorce. The bad ex wives take great joy in seeing him struggle. I have a feeling that you expected this to happen here. Well, it didn't. It is well past time for you to move on. Leave him alone. He is not even in the same part of the country. It should be easy for you. Let it go! Let him go. Stop thinking about him or his life. FIND YOUR OWN JOY.

  21. I would tell brother-in-law and his wife that is my deceased sister my blood that's her only child so yes I'm going to do for one I'm not obligated nor will I do anything for you your stepchildren or your children by your second wife you have the audacity to even suggest it lose my number and if it creates a wedge that's your problem those are your children take care of them don't try to get me to give them anything!!

  22. Story 4: YTA, so you are committing tax fraud? (well at least if you live in the USA). She is your equal because she is your wife…. And you and her agreed she would be a STHW.

  23. Story 3: NTA, Yeah your Ex-husband was definitely cheating on you….And it was most likely with Ana (or she was one of many), I am willing to bet they dated long distance for that year, to try and hide the affair.

    This woman is not and has never been your friend, drop her completely, and only communicate with your Ex if it is about your child.

  24. Story 2: NTA, you have no obligation to his new wife's children.

    My best advise would be to ask Chris if he wants to move in with you, since it sounds like he is being abused at his dad's house. Then go to court if his dad refuses to let him live with you (assuming it is what Chris wants).

  25. Story 1: NTA it is 100% your choice if you attend or not…Knowing your step-sister's (continued) crush on your current boyfriend, I would show up with him looking like a million bucks (just make sure it is an appropriate dress…not white or black), and watch the shit show while she destroys her wedding herself (assuming you boyfriend is on board).

    Oh and from the sound of it your step-sister was one of the people your Ex cheated on you with.

  26. Story 1 nta I heard this one before. Glad op decided to move away from those abusive people. Good riddance.

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