
State DNA Scientist Faked Results NOW 3000 Cases In Jeopardy.


State DNA Scientist Faked Results NOW 3000 Cases In Jeopardy.

#State #DNA #Scientist #Faked #Results #Cases #Jeopardy

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46 thoughts on “State DNA Scientist Faked Results NOW 3000 Cases In Jeopardy.”

  1. 1. There needs to be two separate labs with evidence or through both of them and expect the same results from both.
    2. Fake case evidence needs to be randomly put through the labs for quality control.

  2. Hey, here's an idea. Instead of prosecutions focusing on convictions, why not act as officers of the court and focus on finding out who (if anyone) committed the crime. Yeah, I know, that's how it is suppose to work.

  3. Trust the science that can be easily manipulated. This is terrible. Ethical complaints and scrutiny coming right up.

  4. Watch them try and blame Trump for this lmao. Seriously though I hope those wrongly convicted sue the state into the ground.

  5. Evidence technician turns activist to tip the scales, everyone is outraged. Journalists do the same thing every day.

  6. She needs to be going to prison for max time, lose her pension.
    But no, no I'm betting they slap her wrist.

  7. It spotlights how, while imperfect, we still have the best overall system in the world. Evidence can be rechecked and mistakes corrected years later when anomalies are discovered. Kudos to those with integrity trying to do the right thing.

  8. All of her cases need thrown out, no retesting. She's not unbiased or trustworthy. She could have easily taken the suspects DNA and relabeled it as found at the crime scene. This is pure evil and inexcusable as there was no oversight for 29 years!

  9. Because DNA evidence is relied upon so heavily, almost certainly these 2000 criminal cases would have gone the opposite way when the results would have been negative instead

  10. In the military, we avoid these situations by a two person integrity standard. It's called checks and balances, to avoid crap like this. Not saying that the military doesn't have it's issues, but some considerations on how to handle sensitive situations seem pretty basic.

  11. I would agree in the case of where the DNA results were heavily leveraged by the prosecution. If there were eye witnesses or some other evidence to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt then that's another matter I think.

  12. This is HUGE! I believe those responsible need to be fired, of course. All benefits/pensions must be canceled and those funds redirected to offset what now must go toward retesting. I have been working on genetic genealogy projects since 2006. The way many 'so called experts' approach and deliver results have puzzled me for years. I have watched forensic DNA develop and become such a vital role to solving crimes – past and present. I never dreamed those who created and those who use this tool would not have built in safeguards into their standards. I am so saddened by this news. Such a wonderful tool but like all, integrity and skill is fundamental. Who has the reins matters. We must all use our common sense and use discernment to question what is delivered to us as facts – be it in the courts or through our computers and tvs. There MUST be checks and balances to ensure any and all forensic tools used are returning accurate results. The accused must be treated fairly. Being charged with a crime, especially a major crime, can blow up one's life AND send the blowback to their family and in some cases friends too. Now because WE the People trusted what was happening was being done right, there is an aftershock. I worry for the victims and for communities and for our Society. The people who manipulated and cut corners in my opinion committed crimes. Being able to test for some police departments has been a hardship because of costs. It has taken federal grants to get some testing done. I want to know if any case(S) involved those grant funds? Surely there are laws that can help hold those responsible for this nightmare accountable? The prices charged has been ridiculously high by the labs. Now we learn some have been short changing all of us and their actions has now put the very tool in the bullseye of those who have been working to remove the tool or limit it's ability to be used both by law enforcement and prosecutors. Whoever is responsible for NOT building a company/agency/department that can ensure legitimate forensic results needs to be fully disclosed and discredited. They have lost their integrity and reputation. God help us navigate the fallout.

  13. It's proven that NASA, NOAA and politically minded climatologists faked historical data to support human pollution causing global climate change.
    Politically minded doctors and scientists fakes COVID related data and puberty blockers in minors for trans treatment.
    Scientists fakes the photos of Neptune, coloring it blue for sensationalism, to maintain funding.
    The crisis of public confidence in science is well grounded in fact as politically minded scientists are tempted to "adjust" data for their own self interests.

  14. She needs long prison time to set an example. She not only hurt victims she damaged our already damaged justice system.

  15. Everything with her name on it needs to be over turned. She needs life in prison. And her boss does too.

  16. If found guilty, she should get years, a lot of them, in prison. Plus, perhaps we should quit trusting "professional scientist", like climate change, covid and other claims the government likes.

  17. Gotta make an example of her as a warning to others. This just cannot be happening. She probably ruined more innocent lives than Bernie Madhoff, Jeffrey Dahmer & Ted Bundy combined.

  18. Dont forget the lawsuits should convictions be overturned. And she should have to serve the sentences of any persons wrongfully imprisoned.

  19. There is another victim to this shameful, abhorrent behavior by this "technician": Science.

    Engineering is hitting new lows almost every month with bridges/ships/aircraft/computing hardware malfunctions or anomalies. Cutting corners and hiring practices are impacting all areas of Engineering.

    Science should be the one bastion to uphold the Scientific Method and Objective, Truthful reasoning. And now, a so-called "scientist" joins the ranks of those who have tainted evidence/statistics/observation results.

    This cannot be happening without a deeper reason, motivation or plan.

  20. It is corruption for anyone officer of the court to even consider keeping people in jail because it would be inconvenient to give people in jail a new, fair trial.

  21. so this kind of disgusts me how they're talking about the state that it's going to affect the state and how much it's going to cost how about the people that are sitting in prison that may have been convicted when they were innocent how about that how about the people that are being bent over by the justice system time and time again and are having precious years of their lives possibly wasted while they rot away in prison because of this travesty but oh don't worry it's oh it could do to the state and have all this evidence tested oh oh that makes me so sick these people screwing some people over in other people were not getting there claims completed or filed appropriately or denied incorrectly and we did years to have to go through but they kept say well look how much money we saved and fraud blah blah nobody give this s*** when they've lost everything how much you saved in fraud and how much you've done for everybody else whenever everybody that needs help is in a desire stop some fraud you stupid assholes just know type of empathy sympathy or even awareness of human devastation that these people cause it's unbelievable… Woohoo pass. sorry about the rant🙊…. now let me tell you how I really feel? lol lol

  22. I believe cases like this comes from a deep seated "need to please". Prosecutors want techs that give them the evidence to convict. Wrong results get penalized. Accuracy is just a detail.

  23. The irony is that the CSI effect brought this about in the first place. Colorado needs to survey other states to learn procedures being used to prevent cheating.

  24. The biggest barrier to genetic studies into diseases, is paternity fraud. They just keep hitting a barrier when trying to understand genetics.

    Kinda off topic, but kinda not

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