
State court vs


State court vs

#State #court

State court vs. federal court: What are the biggest differences? Here’s all you need to know about being indicted in a state vs. federal court. 🏛️⚖️ #frankwalkerlaw #criminaldefenselawyer #court #searchwarrant #policeofficer #personalinjury #duidefense #duilawyer
criminal lawyer , State court vs, court,criminaldefenselawyer,duidefense,duilawyer,frankwalkerlaw,personalinjury,policeofficer,searchwarrant

14 thoughts on “State court vs”

  1. As all lawyers should answer…it depends.
    If the State has a shaky case, let them try move it to Federal Court. You're more likely to have a favorable playing hand against the State by calling their bluff. And the Federal appeal process, though expensive, is more likely to properly administer the law and follow precedent.

  2. American justice system is so corrupy its frightning … the land of the jailed and suppressed speach…. your constitution barely exists!

  3. Not true. I'd rather do fed time than state time. The sentencing is about the same. It's the back up time the state use that makes it harder

  4. Well that depends on the state. Idaho is brutal. They have mandatory minimums and a parole board who think that they are gods. Don't get involved with the courts on Idaho!

  5. Ones run by local political criminals the other are national criminals. State/fed see the difference.

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