
‘State-approved jokes’ – GB News comedians test Scotland’s hate crime law with provocative gig


‘State-approved jokes’ – GB News comedians test Scotland’s hate crime law with provocative gig

#Stateapproved #jokes #News #comedians #test #Scotlands #hate #crime #law #provocative #gig

Josh Howie says the intention with the gig was to see where the line was with this new legislation.

#scotland #snp #hatecrime #freespeech #humzayousaf #comedy

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criminal lawyer , ‘State-approved jokes’ – GB News comedians test Scotland’s hate crime law with provocative gig, GB news,politics,comedy,north korea,communism,socialism,control,scotland,SNP,humza yousaf,hate crime,hate speech,free speech

46 thoughts on “‘State-approved jokes’ – GB News comedians test Scotland’s hate crime law with provocative gig”

  1. Julian Assange is just the first of the WEFs political Prisoners, lets see where we are in 10 years time before we think this is just virtue signalling!

  2. The would need 1000 years of their budget to even think about charging JK with anything frivolous 🤣🤣🤣

  3. The hate monster in Scotland (Humza 'de@d' Useless) is actually the equivalent of O'Brien. Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them together in new shapes….
    Orwell 1984 – O'Brien about Power.wmv

  4. All the crap going-on in the world and this is how our politicians are spending their time? This country is a joke.

  5. This country is broken, however I will use Humza useless's own unlawful law against him.

    I take massive offence against what he says and does. He is anti british and racist. I'd like to report him to the police.
    The fact he said there are too many white people in Scotland proves he is a racist. Get this man out of his position of power.

  6. My five year old has asked if there is a breakfast cereal called 'hate monster' munchies with added vitamin e.

  7. When you have the same level of free speech laws in the UK as in China… I guess this is one way to try to lower migration rate to the UK. 😀

  8. We all know the police are cowards. They won't dare arrest a millionaire and popular celebrity. Scottish police are waiting for poor nobodies to pick on

  9. I would like to report Hamza Yousef for his offensive words said about White people, I find this disgusting and highly offensive to many white people…please pass this on. Thankyou

  10. Did you hear about the Englishman, the Welshman and the Irishman, No …and because of the Scotsman you probably never WILL. ho ho ho.

  11. The reason is hidden in plain sight, Its only there to protect Muslim Ideology from criticism.

  12. A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. – Saul Bellow

  13. This will be a lot like the Salem witch trials. which only stopped when they started accusing prominent people.

  14. How about go into religious establishments and ban the Bible and the Quran because those are both full of hate speech? Get. A grip. Hypocrites.

  15. It's madness that a part of Britain/the United Kingdom has the power (and the entitled arrogance) to be able to impose this sh**e…….I think you two were having a little bit of a dig at GB News re. Dan/Calvin/Lawrence……(which it fully deserves)?

  16. When someone of a different culture and race can gain the position of first minister with the intention of passing laws that go against fundamentals like freedom of speech, you know that the system is corrupt and democracy is broken.

  17. we must incite hatred against the laws and the political ideology creating them – leading us to fascism

  18. “I was only following orders” the old excuse by Nazi’s post WW2 when captured. Scottish Police will use similar lines in years to come.

  19. Future generations will look back at this time in history and conclude we must have had an easy life if we spent our time policing jokes. Jokes!
    Fkin embarrassing!

  20. Okay trans-women are men come on then police Scotland come to London and arrest me I dare you

  21. This law means people born female can now identify themselves as a woman and report all hate speech and harassment and abuse so any born female should now identify themselves as a women and start using the law and terms of I now identify as a woman then make the claim.

  22. Of course they're not going to arrest a high profile person like JK Rowling, they're going to arrest people like you and me

  23. Drug crime, knive crime ,muggings and House breakings and the plod are patrolling comedy clubs WTF has thius nation decended into

  24. The State embraces and celebrates all those who easily take offence and turn on their fellow citizens (the only reason this issue persists)

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