
South African Private Security Expand due to Rising Violent Crime


South African Private Security Expand  due to  Rising Violent Crime

#South #African #Private #Security #Expand #due #Rising #Violent #Crime

#crime #hijack #theft #southafricatoday

South African Private Security Expand due to Rising Violent Crime

In response to the escalating levels of violent crime in our communities, South African Private Security has expanded its efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. Contrary to common misconceptions, approximately 95% of the services showcased on our channel and carried out in the field are undertaken on a voluntary basis. It is important to clarify that our dedicated team members use their personal resources to serve the people and communities they are committed to protecting. We collaborate closely with other volunteer teams who share the same commitment to community safety.

Any private person (not law enforcement official) in South Africa may arrest someone for “any collaborating, enticing to commit a crime” [2|3|5], such as within the list schedule 1 offences as per the Criminal Procedure Act of 1977 , Law 51 [2|3], and Criminal law amendment of 2007, section 3 and 4.

42 Arrest by private person without warrant
(1) Any private person may without warrant arrest any person-
(a) who commits or attempts to commit in his presence or whom he reasonably suspects of having committed an offence referred to in Schedule 1;

Manner and effect of arrest
Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 Arrest — Art 39
(1) An arrest shall be effected with or without a warrant and, unless the person to be arrested submits to custody, by actually touching his body or, if the circumstances so require, by forcibly confining his body.
(2) The person effecting an arrest shall, at the time of effecting the arrest or immediately after effecting the arrest, inform the arrested person of the cause of the arrest or, in the case of an arrest effected by virtue of a warrant, upon demand of the person arrested hand him a copy of the warrant.
(3) The effect of an arrest shall be that the person arrested shall be in lawful custody and that he shall be detained in custody until he is lawfully discharged or released from custody.

National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000
176. Identification lamps
(7) A vehicle—
(a) owned by a body or person registered as a security officer in terms of the Security Officers Act, 1987 (Act No. 92 of 1987); and
(b) driven by a security officer as defined in section 1 of the said Act in the course of rendering a security service, also defined in section 1 of the said Act, may be fitted with a white lens bar containing a lamp or lamps emitting an intermittently-flashing diffused white light in any direction, and containing a notice illuminated by a white light containing the word “security” and the name of the owner of the vehicle in black letters: Provided that the said lamp or lamps shall not be capable of emitting a rotating or strobe light.
Find the definitions for the various words within the said act.
Meaning of “white light” – apparently colorless light, for example ordinary daylight.
Meaning of “lens” – a piece of glass or other transparent material with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays
Meaning of “Intermittent” – occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
Meaning of “diffused” – to (cause something – light – to) spread in many directions diffused.
Meaning of “Rotating” – move or cause to move in a circle round an axis or center.
Meaning of “Strobe light” – A flash that produces high intensity short duration light pulses by electric discharge in a gas”
Meaning of “LED” – a light-emitting diode (a semiconductor diode which glows when a voltage is applied).

Taking all the above into consideration with the various definition, I understand the said act to allow the use of the modern or new generation lights that uses the LED technology. These light bars are white lights and they are diffused as is required by the said act. These bars depending on the configuration are able to flash in any direction as is allowed by the said Act.

For More Information:
24/7 Call Centre: 0114201866
[email protected]
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25 thoughts on “South African Private Security Expand due to Rising Violent Crime”

  1. Every country with open borders or welcoming policies experiences an increase in crime. It's like people become dooses when they leave their home country.

  2. Why doesn't she mention that we don't have borders? Thanks to the ANC, EFF and the DA who all support open borders.

  3. yip, no wonder people think we are monkeys, 1 in four chimps are murdered by other chimps (DISCOVERY CHANNEL0, its so sad how lazy and fat our cops and security are, they rather chase KFC around than do there jobs, where do u think the criminals get the guns from, corrupt police!!!!!! and on top of it, they think they r doing us favours by doing there job, really!!!! they only do the job cause there aint better jobs for them, so they dont love wat they do, i love wat i do so i take pride in wat i do!!

  4. Don't let the ANC hear that the private security industry mostly favours those who are willing to pay for their safety. Next thing that will happen is a private security tax on those who are paying for private security services and they will funnel all of that money straight into mafia boss Cele's bottomless pockets.

    We are paying our taxes, but the police is disintegrating. We are paying our taxes, but the infrastructure is collapsing around us. We keep paying our taxes, but the economy is in shambles. The only thing the ANC has accomplished during their rule is to increase the amount we have to pay while decreasing the amount that we can earn. All while not doing their part to maintain or improve the country, but rather only to enrich themselves and their comrades. ANC is like an evil Robin Hood: harvest from the rich and give nothing but empty promises and disappointment to the poor.

  5. The thing people don’t understand why government won’t even incest that much into cops is because it’s a win win situation for government

    Currently private security companies in South Africa employ over 2 million people,

    Giving government less stress about job opportunities
    while also these companies pay taxes to the government

  6. Multiracialism and multiculturalism is the true societal failure. Proven time and time again. It's bad enough with African interethnic conflict

  7. You even be surprised how we still alive for so long in this country with so much violence, corruption, wars etc

  8. Problem in SA is SAP is under staffed & resourced which leads to the Metro Police attending to serious and violent crime in conjunction with Private Security Companies(which is normally very well trained and resourced). this leads to no traffic law enforcement in city and suburbia.

  9. South Africa hasn't had a decent minister of police for year's. Look into the history of those before the clown in charge now. All bad potatoes and useless

  10. Just FYI the murder rate in the Wild West those days was about 165 out of 100K people. we are almost half way there. THAT WAS THE WILD WEST!!!

  11. I don't go anywhere, I even have resorted to working from home. Huge Dogs, Huge Fence. More CCTV than a bank, And then last line of defence is the CZ

    Its bloody crazy.

  12. I was just commenting on this subject the other day on another of your videos @Anton. So glad private security is keeping a lid on the chaos, without you guys we will be doomed. Keep up the good work

  13. This has been an ongoing trend since the late 90's and continues unabated into 2024. The SAP are an embarrassment and a criminal entity to the SA government, what an joke for the SA community at large.

  14. I work with police officers in my area, the majority of them do try to do their jobs. But the are extremely understaffed and overworked. Plus our justice system keeps on releasing criminals.

  15. The SAPS works with the criminals. They don't have body camera, dash Cams. Makes it easy for them to take bribery.

  16. TRAGIC … and all thanks to a totally incompetent, lying, thieving, utterly corrupt ANC GOVERNMENT.
    Worse still, the poor people MOSTLY affected, will stupidly queue up in their droves to vote for the same Government time after time! 🤦‍♀😝

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