
South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case vs. Israel at World Court in The Hague


South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case vs. Israel at World Court in The Hague

#South #Africa #Lays #Genocide #Case #Israel #World #Court #Hague

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South Africa began to make its case Thursday at the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. In their opening statements, South Africa’s lawyers argued that the sheer scale of Israel’s violence, which has so far killed more than 23,000 people since October 7, is part of a political and military strategy aimed at the destruction of Palestinian life, using statements from top Israeli leaders to show genocidal intent. Israel and the United States have both vehemently rejected the charges. South Africa is seeking a provisional measure from the top U.N. court to stop Israel’s military campaign, though a final ruling could take years. We feature highlights from the first day of proceedings at The Hague.


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criminal lawyer , South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case vs. Israel at World Court in The Hague, Democracy Now,Amy Goodman,News,Politics,democracynow,Independent Media,Breaking News,World News

47 thoughts on “South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case vs. Israel at World Court in The Hague”

  1. Israel has lost decades in conflict with Palestine. Its leaders' lack of vision has led the country into a highly militarized state, hostile to its Palestinian neighbours, in the false belief that it will bring them security and prosperity. On the contrary, its disastrous policies have made more enemies than it previously had and degraded it to a state that uses an apartheid-like policy and genocide to justify its supremacy. Israel is, in fact, a poor but dangerous country, for there is no greater poverty and danger than the lack of vision combined with the lack of ethics, morals, and humanity!

  2. Does this woman understand why all this is happening in Gaza? Did she saw what and who made what’s made in southern Israel by October 7/2023 ???
    And besides… ¿why she is not going to same Court about killings in Kongo, in Siria, Ukraine and on top of all, the terror deploys all over the world by Iran ?

  3. The only Genocide going on here is what Hamas did in Israel and is doing to their own people using them as human shields. and stealing the aid the world is sending the Palestinians in Gaza. As soon as Hamas releases the Hostages and surrenders, the war is over! To make matters worse.

    The Arab radicals left their tyrannical countries for other countries to cause havoc and chaos.

  4. ❤south africa was the one and only country which supports palestine.

    Braves never hide and never get silent, but cowards do.

  5. South Africa is just as useless as any other country supporting this move. When a country like south African can support xenophobia if other Africans living in their country. They should clean up their acts first before trying to clean others up.

  6. ALLAHU AKBAR south Africa should add USA, UK, Natzi Germany, ALLAHU AKBAR no one is above the international laws inshallah and the laws should be respected ALLAHU AKBAR

  7. It amazes me to no end how people sit back and support Hamas and Jewish Hatred. And yes this is nothing but Jewish hatred. Arabas have no more right to have a country then Isreal does in the Lavant. Arabs had 20 years (1948-1967) to create a country while they where under Jordan occupation and Egypt Occupation. Pan-Arabs where too busy trying to kill Jews in Israel rather then create a home land for the so called Palestinians. 75 years you are still trying to Destroy Israel and then cry like little babies every time you lose a war that you start with Israel. Here is a suggestion, how about spend the money and Energy on building the next Singapore from Gaza instead of building Tunnels to harbor Terrorist. Choice is yours Palestinians. But know israel is not going anywhere and never will. You can keep trying to destroy it or you can become partners with Israel and prosper. Your choice.

  8. …then freeing the Hamas and another OCT 7 again?logic pls.Why not just directly say that you want to stop Israel for you are also muslims?

  9. Israel dont care any nation since the owned the most powerful nation USA and thats why they attacked the USSS Liberty in 1967 killed many US sailors nothing was done about it and still many Americans are ignorantly of it. Israel owned USA and its proofs me wrong if you have..even Biden is a servant of the israeli government and he cant do anthing about it

  10. It’s time to disperse this theater called the International Court of Justice in The Hague a long time ago – and stop paying money to this anti-semitic, nazi gathering that calls itself “judges.” And as it was in 1945 after the war with Nazi Germany, organize the new Judges' Trial -the trial of anti-semitic judges who play the role of the organizers of the new “Dreyfus Affair” in the 21st century and thus supporting the new muslim nazis. And they themselves, as well as the judges of Nazi Germany, should be sent to prison for fabricating , spreading anti-Semitic propaganda and thus supporting islam in it's vicious occupation of the world.

  11. ✨✨✨✨❤️Your showing this image is no longer effective in distorting the image of the court, or are you expressing that Israel’s criminals will escape punishment? As soon as Israel appears before the court, the world considers it a criminal state.

  12. Truth and Justice shall prevail! May Allah grant mercy on Palestine 🇵🇸 and Myanmar. Thank you South Africa and Gambia to stand up for justice and leadership.



  15. According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the annual mean wage for a full-time wage or salary worker in the United States is $53,490 per year or $1,028 per week

    Just as an example of what Americans get for their taxes. I found that on average just to have a child which goes towards the future of a country it costs $40,000 dollars that leaves around 13,000 per year for additional expenditure through the year, this includes meds, education, medical treatments among others. How is it that Americans pay taxes yet don't get free healthcare or education alone. In Scotland where I am from when I had my child, I paid 0 for any medical visits, treatments etc my sons mother had. All the way to the moment we left the hospital, didn't even get charged for staying longer or being fed. We just needed to worry about what my child needed when he was born such as clothes, food/formula and so on. Any meds that my child or his mother needed was $0 in other words free prescriptions. He's 11 now, not paid for education as it's free until he is 18. This is all done via mine and his mother's taxes.

    It's a shame really America aren't even top 10 in the world for healthcare yet, if the taxes went towards that as most counties do, I wouldn't doubt America could have one of the best if not the best healthcare in the world.

    Granted America are no1 in education, but I still think free education for under 18s would help people financially in the long run.

    Note israel also have most, if not all of these benefits also which Americans pay for with the roughly 13 billion a year sent to israel.

  16. Congratulations South Africa for been a leader of humanity. I’m so proud of you. I’m English but South Africa is my spiritual home and have lived there over 3 years. It’s a country of incredible people.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 this is going to make you an important nation in the world

  17. I’m sure South Africa n like minded countries the ICJ is the forum staged to give n cover All white n western countries n actual terorist headed by 3:39 US ICJ judges are bribed by US n western countries, you must have good eye n do not allow them to lie n distort the truth, you must have your proof supported by videos etc. please

  18. This has to be a joke, has South Africa looked into it's own currently situation with the Islamists? Or it's own history of war crimes? Sit down South Africa. Why is noone worried about the genocide being committed by Islamic groups throughout the Middle East?

  19. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3.

  20. Love 😘 South Africa 🇵🇸🇵🇰 from Pakistan 🇵🇰 for their Humanity ❤️🇵🇰

  21. Woe to the Obstinate Nation

    30 “Woe to the obstinate children,”
    declares the Lord,
    “to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
    forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
    heaping sin upon sin;
    2 who go down to Egypt
    without consulting me;
    who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection,
    to Egypt’s shade for refuge.
    3 But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame,
    Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.
    4 Though they have officials in Zoan
    and their envoys have arrived in Hanes,
    5 everyone will be put to shame
    because of a people useless to them,
    who bring neither help nor advantage,
    but only shame and disgrace.”

  22. What a mess has mankind's governments made. Never learning from past history. Always full of ad hockery applications of a useless solution.
    The whole world is passing away and you all are invited to find redemption and salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Stop listening to these liars influenced by Satan's system of controlling you.
    God's Kingdom will replace all of this.

  23. So South Africa, a country CURRENTLY conducting an actual genocide of white farmers, accuses Israel of genocide!…You can't make this up.

  24. Don't believe this liar. Israel is defending itself from terrorists that rape, kill and burn people alive.

    Also, they use civilians as human shields to increase casualties and keep weapons everywhere such as schools, mosques, hospitals…

    Gaza beacame an amusement park for terrorists that have only one aim: to kill jews. The genocide is in the opposite way.

    If the Israeli army didn't fight back, jews would've faced the 2nd holocaust as the terrorists killed 1500 in a single day.

    This is a fight between good x evil. Make no mistake about it and don't let them brainwash you.

  25. Wow , has anyone looked at what's happing in Nigeria ? And still going on? Since the turn of the 21st century, 62,000 Nigerian Christians have been killed by the terrorist group Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen and other groups. The killings have been referred to as a silent genocide. How many people support this case against Israel and say nothing about what's happening in Africa ? Hypocrites Shame on everyone for not saying a word. You support what suits you and silence for Nigerian's

  26. ❣💔🧡💛💚💙💜🖤✌✌✌🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪💪💪🚶‍♂👨‍🦯👯🤸🚴⛹‍♀🏋💏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐕‍🦺🐕🐅🦙🐪🐫🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀

  27. Будь благодарен Богу и цени то ,что у тебя есть


  28. Not all in the Us support evil! We are against such acts of playing god by dooms done of innocent people.

    Palestinians we are grieving for your loss and also of those of you who are suffering beyond recovery but are still alive. To the others, may your hiding places be safe invisible from the eyes of your enemies. You’re not alone! WE SEE YOU. Remember your people are not gone but are spiritually stronger now and they are at your service. Call on them! Tell them what to do for you! Remember in times of adversity all isn’t lost! Cry out loud to those who you no longer are able to be seen but are still there and now they’re spiritually stronger than you! ANCESTRAL PEOPLE POWER! TALK YO THEM!

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