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This discussion is not intended to act as a means of proving or disproving anything related to the investigation or potential charges associated to the investigation. It is a conversation based on thoughts and research pertaining to the impact of a crime on the world, and is only representative of those opinions as of the time of this filming.
criminal law , Son of Sam Laws | CRIMINAL IMPACT, True Crime,Unsolved Mysteries,John Lordan,LordanArts,True Crime YouTubers,Mystery Recap,real stories,unsolved cases,crime,Searchlight,BrainScratch,Brainscratch Searchlight,missing person,Seriously Mysterious,David Berkowitz,Son of Sam,Son of Sam Laws,Victim Rights

32 thoughts on “Son of Sam Laws | CRIMINAL IMPACT”

  1. I absolutely LOVE this format and the well-researched, nuanced conversation it brings up! Can't wait for more of this! ✨

  2. I'm not American so my understanding is limited but I don't see how it infringes on their first amendment right; the laws aren't saying you can't tell your story, they're just saying you can't profit from doing so which sounds fair and reasonable to me.

    Please keep your comments kind, I do want to understand how these 'Son of Sam' Laws infringe on the first amendment right

  3. Well said! I have followed you since very early in your career, before you had even chosen your direction. You are an honest and sincere man, thoughtful and considerate. I have enjoyed watching you grow. Kudos, this is one your best efforts.

  4. Didn’t see this one coming but it’s first rate. Citizens who are casually aware of this law need to know the finer points. Thank you.

  5. This topic is timely as I was wondering how Gypsy Rose Blanchard could sign several deals with the media. Thank you for explaining!

  6. There's an easy way around the Son of Sam law: if you are convicted of a violent crime: you automatically must pay $100 million dollars to all affected parties with 10% going to the arresting police precinct. Until that amount is paid, you may not earn a single cent from any revenue source including the 25 cents an hour they earn for their prison jobs. Problem solved.

  7. Nice! This looks like it is going to be a very interesting and informative series. Great research on this!

  8. New show! Very excited to dive into the legacies that can be left when people refuse to let injustice thrive

  9. Congratulations to Fred & John. I've really been looking forward to this, as a historian & as a true crime follower. Love you both!

  10. I have heard it said that safety laws and aviation laws are written in blood but the more I look at it, it seems like many laws were written in blood. I watched a documentary on the Tylenol murders yesterday and those murders revolutionized packaging for medicine. It seems to be that we only learn from our mistakes, we don't preemptively think of them.

  11. Most journalism, broadcast news, true crime writing, commentary, tourism, crime gossip channels, etc. profit from crime.

    Preventing family who are also victims from participating in true crime commentary, speaking their own experiences, is an infringement.

    They could all be considered exploiting victims or on the other hand being important public beacons.

    Victims should receive restitution and criminals should not be rewarded and enriched from their criminal acts, especially while still serving incarceration time or owing civil penalties.

    Sometimes people who have done societal damage or who havent been caught are making money off the lesser criminal's adjudicated crime story who is locked up.

    It is not an easy landscape to treat with blanket law. That is why civil law has been deployed in some cases to address issues.

  12. This was very complex and morally challenging and the laws are nuanced. You did well in your presentation. I think freedom of speech should be absolute only for people who are not criminals.

  13. Also agree with other family members should not get any profit like BTK's daughter who is always selling her story.

  14. First, love the back story on the law. Do not like the noises when you cut to clips. I actually rewound since I thought it was my tv.

  15. I love your new show of criminal laws is so Interesting. I love to learn with you John!
    Have a great rest of your day!!

  16. i think the politican one difinitely should be enforced more cause look at the ….landscape right now on who is in office on varies levels of government

    and you know who (starts with a t)

    i think the laws are important i don't get why can't the family be involved to get the narrative away from the killer they should get the profits

    freedom of speech isn't you get to get paid for your life story or crimes
    it's ludicrous

  17. Love the new show. You have the best format with all the info minus the lengthy opinions as some of the other shows. I'm looking forward to more.

  18. I don't agree with this law. Once youre out of prison, you've served your time. This law is absolutely a violation of the First Amendment. You can write about whatever you want and make money from it. At least, that's how it is supposed to be.

  19. Love the new channel look, Mr Lordon. In my opinion any monies made from book/film/tv deals should go to the victim's family in cases of murder. Fraud cases, monies should go back to those directly affected, especially if the victims are private citizens. But what if the person who commits murder because they were suffering from a life of abuse from the victim? That gets a bit tricky.

  20. Wow, great new set to match the new series! It's a shame we need laws like this in the first place – anyone with a shred of moral decency would not consider paying for some murderer's story.

  21. Well one good thing that came out of the Son of Sam.
    You’re looking very sharp, John. Love your compassion ❤

  22. I honestly think the LordanARTSis is the greatest true crime biographies channel on YouTube – the level of detail and quality of script outclasses everything else out there. Lordan is the most empathetic True Crime host I’ve seen.

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