
Sir Keir Starmer ‘worked for free as a lawyer to defend horrific criminals’


Sir Keir Starmer ‘worked for free as a lawyer to defend horrific criminals’

#Sir #Keir #Starmer #worked #free #lawyer #defend #horrific #criminals

SIR Keir Starmer worked for free as a lawyer to help scores of twisted killers around the world — including a monster who buried his two-year-old stepchild alive.

The Labour leader boasted last week about his decades of international experience. The Sun’s Harry Cole explains more.

Read more:
Sir Keir Starmer worked for free as a lawyer to save baby killers and axe murderers

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criminal lawyer , Sir Keir Starmer ‘worked for free as a lawyer to defend horrific criminals’, The Sun,news,breaking news,starmer,sir keir,sir kier starmer,sir keir starmer,labour,labour party,young keir starmer,keir starmer young,labour leader,labour scandal,harry cole,politics,UK politics,politics scandal,westminster,lawyer,baby killers,axe murderers,death penalty,UK death penalty,horrific criminals,Sir Keir Starmer ‘worked for free as a lawyer to defend horrific criminals’,rishi sunak,parliament,angela raynor

20 thoughts on “Sir Keir Starmer ‘worked for free as a lawyer to defend horrific criminals’”

  1. The way Stamer speaks to your Prime Ministers I find absolutely amazing…
    Actually I was in the United States we could throw out prime ministers the way you do in the Great Britain..
    We talked about our presidents and the media does too but you don't say it to their face..
    For example if I were bars Johnson I would have slapped Starmer in the mouth many times over. I do enjoy watching the arguments that take place in your Parliament quite entertaining as opposed to the United States House and Senate hearings

  2. Campaigning against the death penalty DOES NOT (repeat 100 times for absolute clarity) mean you want all serious criminals to go free, FFS. what even is this story? beyond pathetic.
    Your own newspaper supports the eradication of the death penalty.
    Working pro bono is a good and important facet of the legal profession. it is a service offered by the majority of large firms. if a case comes along and you don't have a legitimate reason to refuse it, you have to take it and do your best for your client. this is really basic stuff.
    what is this video, other than a really pathetic attempt to mislead people about something at worst perfectly normal.

  3. Our system is based on equal access to justice. If the Sun doesn't like it perhaps they should rebrand to: 'Tot Solntse'.

  4. English law has a presumption of innocence until proven guilty on the EVIDENCE, not the knee jerk opinions of the reactionary right wing press. Every experienced criminal defence lawyer has defended defendants later convicted if terrible crimes. Moreover, barristers are bound by the cab rank principle and many do pro bono work.

  5. Keir Starmer, defending criminals within the restrictions of the law? As opposed to Tory's who are the law breakers! How about running that one Mr Cole?

  6. This show what a descent man he is ,, a lawyer it was is job. shame what lot of Tory’s get up too, greed and corruption

  7. where is the reporting about the tory click, and russian oligarch money, and our tax money going to their donors? no?! of course not…. and you call yourself a journalist 🙂 try harder 🙂

  8. Being defended by a lawyer in court and being found not guilty, is not "escaping Justice" by the way, it's justice in action. "Justice" does not mean "punishment without evidence".

  9. There is a lot of dirt to come out on Starmer. Teresa May couldn't get rid of the one arm bandit because of him

  10. Desperate, desperate attempt to smear Starmer. They can't do a "Corbyn" on him so are trying this. Dear me Sun is this really all you have got? Haven't the Sun newspaper heard of innocent until proven guilty? That's what a justice system is there for.

  11. Starmers lack of human values, To aid criminals in getting away with horrific crimes is no better than committing the crimes. someone who plots plans and deceives justice for their own self centred gain, should be locked up in prison for many years.

  12. I understand that this is the “system” but he could still pick, choose or refuse to defend people such as this could he not or am I missing something. I would have far more respect for him if he had been defending people like those poor sub post masters who had huge chunks taken out of their compensation by the lawyers

  13. Stupid reporting: not only don't get defense lawyers to pick and choose who they defend, also no conviction would have been possible of those criminals if they hadn't received a defense lawyer. So he was doing a service to enable them to be sentenced.

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