
Sick Monster sentenced by Judge Stevens


Sick Monster sentenced by Judge Stevens

#Sick #Monster #sentenced #Judge #Stevens

criminal law , Sick Monster sentenced by Judge Stevens, Court Watch,Educational,Jurisdiction,Sov Cit,Outrageous,Interesting,Court,Court Review,Legal Review,Law Profession,Law School

14 thoughts on “Sick Monster sentenced by Judge Stevens”

  1. Too bad the sentence wasn't longer but at least the child won't have to testify & be cross-examined.
    As an adult, i was a victim of a drunk driver hit-and- run. Being cross- examined brought up my own CSA trauma emotionally (through the defendant's lawyer trying to gaslight me). I know i couldn't have handled trial as a kid.

  2. My opinion the laws need to be more explicit in their labels. "Sexual Assault of a Child" covers everything from a violent attack – the guy in the bushes – to seduction. So it's hard to know exactly what happened. Given the 10 year sentence, I'd guess it was more the latter than the former.

    My guess is the complainant doesn't want to testify or, perhaps, would make a bad witness (perhaps the child has honest issues?). I'd also speculate there was no violence or threats involved. But we really don't know since no details were provided – age, circumstances, perp's relationship.

    Stevens will have read all the paperwork. And to be honestly, if he's comfortable with a 10 year sentences, it's probably appropriate, imo.

  3. The man who did this to me from 7-14 plead guilty to the same charge. He was facing more charged but plead down the day I was supposed to testify so the judge was lenient on him to spare me that.
    He received 4 years suspended after 18 months (ge spent 18 months in prison) but he slipped over in prison and sued the aus goverment for 300k.
    And i can't publicly name him because he was meant to be my gaurdian at the time.

  4. Imagine having to represent trash like this. I'm not particularly fond of defense attorneys but just reading the files and having to talk to the defendant about it is just…I dunno. I would want to cover myself in bleach after that. 😖

  5. Bottom of the correctional food chain ⛓️ The inmate system ranks this as the lowest felony. Lifers will enforce the criminal correctional code and have him for 10 long, long yearz. Justice will be served slowly and surely. 🙏✌️🤘🏴🇦🇺

  6. Doesn't it seem like Judge Steven's has an awful lot of cases with extraordinarily despicable defendants? It makes me wonder what's going on over in Beaumont!

  7. Stevens follows the plea agreement over 95% of the time. The prosecutors in this county are pretty liberal. It is insane how this animal can get just 10 years and probably only serve half of that for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14. Ends the sentence with "thank you". Disgusting.

  8. Often the evidence is weak, or contradictory, in these cases, which can explain the plea deal. The child may give different versions of what happened, or not be able to clearly tell what happened. Often there is no physical evidence. They would not have pled this so low if it was a strong case in terms of being able to prove to 12 people that he did it beyond any reasonable doubt. Life gets messy, and we do the best we can with what we have.

  9. How anyone charged with these type of crimes can take a plea deal is despicable. 10 years ?? The poor child has a life sentence. This low life gets to start fresh when he get out, his victim does not. The justice system is broken.

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