
Should You Call the Cops For Self Defense? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts


Should You Call the Cops For Self Defense? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts

#Call #Cops #Defense #LawyerReacts

Should you call 911 if you’re defending yourself in an altercation? If you’ve seen my videos before, you know I don’t normally tell people to talk to the cops. But, in this case, call the cops every time!

If you defended yourself in a situation, it’s best to call the cops and get your story to them first. Cops tend to take the side of whoever called and talked to them first, so it’s best to be that person. If the aggressor in the situation calls and says a fake version of their story, you may end up getting arrested and charged for assault.

criminal lawyer , Should You Call the Cops For Self Defense? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts, assault,assault charges,attorney reacts,defend yourself,lawyer reacts,right to defend yourself,right to defense,self defense,self-defense,self-defense case,we the people

25 thoughts on “Should You Call the Cops For Self Defense? 👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts”

  1. Whoever called first, it doesn’t matter. The police always manage to screw up what really happened and plant their own fake version in the police report instead. Their story never males any sense, and the judge never reads it. So who cares. Our justice system is based on pure bullshit!!!

  2. I did not know cops R judge jury and executioner. But they all think they are , they think they are the end of the law and they have all control and all say , that's why people hate cops the way they do

  3. I had bullets fly over my head from neighbor shot in my property called police and they did nothing if I did that I would be in jail if they know the cops good luck you don't stand a chance good luck

  4. In your example is for this auditor who spent nine months in jail for domestic violence for strangling his ex-girlfriend with his bare hands nice choice for an example

  5. And think about the absurdity of this argument. Why is it that lawyers exist and yet they haven't successfully argued about the first person telling the story bias? The whole idea that the police get to automatically listen to and believe the first person that they speak to is so incredibly third grade recess that I can't believe that adults actually engage in it. I can't believe that the courts actually entertain it. I don't care what happens, I am never calling the police. I'll take care of the situation myself and have somebody call the police on me but I'm never going to call the police myself. The police never ever ever make any situation better. I have been the subject of violence and crimes numerous times and the only time I ever got any use out of the police was when something was stolen. I was required by My homeowners insurance to have a police report. Because I was able to obtain a police report, I was able to file a claim. Apart from that, the police are absolutely useless. No, wait, they're not absolutely useless. Useless would imply that they are neutral to a situation. The police are actually caustic to every situation. They actually make life worse.

  6. Also Jail is were Police puts you after an arrast and any1 can end up there at the whim of any Police in US..

  7. There is no statute, in any of the 50 states, that require you to call 911. The first to call is considered the innocent party is bullshit.

  8. This same thing happened to me, almost exactly. The first person to call the police wins, second person goes to jail.

  9. In ohio first one to call cops doesn't get charged for a crime. I wear body cameras when I have a gun on me

  10. Right and when you call the police on yourself and the aggressor, the police will arrest you for defending yourself! So what you’re telling us is that if you don’t call the police, you will likely be arrested, and if you do call the police, you will be arrested😅

  11. He's 100% right with that does de-escalated and the other person made up a fib and called the police and made a big problem for me.

  12. Yes I have seen some crazy examples of the opposite you said. I seen guys where they call the cops on the aggressor and they was put in handcuffs.

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